. SECTION B From The Yellowed Pages Os The Chowan Herald M TEARS AGO The opening gun of the political campaign was fired when the Chowan County Democratic Execu tive Committee met. Eden ton Parent - Teacher Association named John A. Holmes, Mrs. Lloyd Griffin and Mrs. J. A. Mitchener as a committee to approach the Chowan County Commission ers in regard to calling a special school vote. Renovation of the T. C. Two Students Are Pagettes RALEIGH—AII of the pag ettes for the 33rd annual N. C. State Student Legisla ture meeting this week are students at Peace College and include two local girls. Faye Parrish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Yates Par rish, Jr., Route 2, Edenton, end Susan Shearin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rog er Shearin, Sr., also of Route 2, Edenton, are among the 29 pagettes for the student leg islature, the oldest continuing assembly of its kind in the United States. B. A. TALLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR AMERICAN CLASSIC . . . HOMES * * * Builder of New Homes from $9,000.00 up TOTAL FINANCING AVAILABLE CALL AFTER 6:04 P. M. Phone 426-7981 Hertford , N. C. 10 resounding reasons why you should buy a new Chevrolet instead of a new something else: 1 Higher resale value. Year after year. No other car in Chevrolet’s field gives you as much back on your initial investment. 4b Deep down value. Exclusives like flush-and-dry rocker panels and an extra set of fenders keep Chevrolet looking good longer. 3 Smooth, smooth ride. Because of Chevrolet’s computer selected springs, Full Coil suspension and advanced body mounting system. ImpreSSlVe styling. The impression is that it’s an expensive car, if you want to make an impression. 5 Massive interiors. Result? Room to stretch out or to sit tall. Chevrolet has more front leg room than any other car in its field. Skle-gUaid beams. Chevrolet puts more' between you and the outside. Steel beams built into every door. A finish that lasts. It’s unfortunate other cars in Chevy’s field don’t have a Magic-Mirror finish because it sure keeps its shine. 8 Exceptional engines. Chevrolet’s standard 350-cubic-inch V 8 runs on regular fuel Plus there are five more engines available. 9 Hemendous selection. Os colors. Os accessories. Os engines. Os trans missions. Os fabrics. And of models. There are nine big Chevrolet, alone. 10 Americans favorite. Something a new “something else” can’t claim. If actions speak louder than words, doesn’t this say something to you? ■•I ,'6r-Vv* • ' Impaia Custom Coupe Puttlngvou first, keeps us first. ABflhDß THE CHOWAN HERALD White residence on West Al bemarle Street was rapidly being completed to be used as a funeral home by Quinn Furniture Company, Miss Louise Coke’s office was the scene of right much commotion when some con sumers of electricity discov ered that the service had been disconnected and that an ex tra charge of 50 cents had to be made for reconnection. Reason for this action fol lowed a recent ruling by the Board of Public Works that if electric bills were not paid by the 10th of the month, service would be discon tinued. Resuming a custom for many years carried out by her husband, who died in 1938, Mrs. F. F. Muth served a sauerkraut supper for members of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M. Edenton Lions Club observ ed its third anniversary ban quet which was held at Hotel Joseph Hewes, when Edmund Harding of Washington, N. C., was the principal speaker. So close had been an at tendance contest conducted by the Edenton Rotary Club that no winner was declared when the contest ended. John W. , Graham and Carroll Kramer, captains, reported the same standing at 100 per cent. A letter was written to Representative Lindsay War ren requesting a commemora tive postage stamp for Eden ton. Mr. Warren was asked to see Postmaster General Farley in the hope that either the old Court House or St. Paul’s Church would be selected by the Post Office Department. However, Post master General Farley in formed Mr. Warren that the department would not think of entering the general his toric field throughout the nation. Interest in Edenton Boy Scouts took an upward trend when Wade Leary was chos >:n scoutmaster to succeed Kermit Layton. Superintendent John A. Holmes took exception to a rating given the Edenton school in a sanitation, clean liness and neatness survey by the Health Department which placed the local school fourth Sgt. Johnson Presented Medal CU CHI, Vietnam Army | Sgt. Joe G. Johnson, 22, sor. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson . Route 3, Edenton, N. C., re ceived the Bronze Star Medal near Cu Chi, Vietnam. Sgt. Johnson was presented the award for meritorious service in connection with military operations against | hostile forces in Vietnam while assigned as a convoy 'commander in Company A. 2nd Battalion of the 25th In fantry Division’s 14th In- I fantry. The sergeant entered the ■Army in March, 1964, com ; pleted basic training at Ft. Gordon, Ga., and was sta tioned at Ft. Bragg, N. C. prior to his arrival in Viet nam last February. The sergeant is a 1964 graduate of D. F. Walker High School. The ceremony was held January 29. Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, March fr 1970 from the bottom of the list of all white and colored schools. He said the com parison in the survey was ridiculous. At one of the most inter esting and best attended business meetings in many months of the Edenton-Cho wan Chamber of Commerce, members vigorously opposed tampering with U'. S. Route 17. A report had been cir culated that there was a de sire to reroute 17 from about five miles from Edenton over the Albemarle Sound bridge into Plymouth. A report relative to an alternate route of 17-A to appease Edenton also met with strong opposi tion. Thirteen prisoners in the Chowan County jail were horrified when Johnny Shaw, on two separate occasions, set fire to bed clothing, causing the building to be filled with smoke and requiring the ser vices of the fire department. Mrs. William Badham was in a serious condition in Al bemarle Hospital following an unfortunate accident at the - M iyl ikaMj Ever have one of those moments when you inadvertently write a check for more money than you actually have in your checking account? Ever have one of those moments when you wish you had put a few more dollars in your checking account because you just found a pair of antique book ends on sale and the store doesn’t accept credit cards? Ever have one of those moments when an home of her daughter, Mrs. < Richard D. Dixon when she I fell down an entire flight of steps at Beverly Hall. At a meeting of Chowan , County Democratic Executive 1 Committee, Lloyd C. Burton ] and Philip S. McMullan were chosen as Democratic mem- , bers of the County Board of Elections. Edenton’s newest enter prise was a Ford agency to be located in the old knitting mill on West Hicks Street, known as Edenton Motors. The owners were Tom By rum of Center Hill, E. Q. White of Winfall and J. Ah vin White of Hertford. With 60 merchants gather ed in Hotel Joseph Hewes, the Edenton Merchants As sociation was organized. Fol lowing a report of a nom inating committee, the direc tors elected J. G. Campen as president, William P. Jones aj vice president and W. M Wilkins as treasurer. At a meeting of the Eden ton Garden Club, Charles M. Greggs of Elizabeth City sent a present, a gavel made of zebra wood, to the Eden ton club. ] 24 YEARS AGO In anticipation of awarding a contract for a new white high school, members of the Edenton school trustees ap peared before Town Council to straighten out any doubt as to the authority of the town to furnish a site on; Hicks Field. Superintendent John A. Holmes was spokes man for the group and pre sented typewritten copies of, a deed made in 1723 from Robert Hicks to the Commis sioners of Edenton. He also presented copies of an in- j strument executed in 1914 in i which Hicks Field, in accord ance with an act of the Gen eral Assembly, donated the land for the erection of a farm life school, which never ] materialized. It was agreed that the school should be erected on Hicks Field. At a meeting of the Junior | Woman’s Club, Mrs. David Holton was elected president. Mrs. Wilmer Malone also re ported that plans had been ; drawn and contracts let for emergency pops up and you can’t remember exactly how much is left in your checking account? These are the reasons why we invented Stretch-A-Checks. So you won’t have to worry about how close your checking account balance is to zero. With a Peoples Bank Stretch-A-Check Checking Account, it’s like having constant financial backstop. It’s always there . . . and you only have to beautification of the Cupola House grounds. | W. S. Summerell was a pa-j tient in Chowan Hospital as ■ the result of an accident when he fell in a bath room, striking his head against the, tub. Mrs. Josie Ruth (Wheeler) I Carr announced that she ! would be a candidate for the NOW OPEN - Come in and Browse Around ... IT’S TIME TO PLANT: EVERGREENS BOXWOOD HOLLIES CAMELLIAS DOGWOOD TREES AZALEAS JUNIPERS CANDYTUFT Call For Free Estimate On Landscaping Chappell's Nursery I Mile Off Highway 17, Snug Harbor Road PHONE 426-7261 HERTFORD, N. C. pay for it when you use it. Let us add Stretch-A-Check to your Peoples Bank Checking Account. That way when you write a check for more money than you have on deposit . . . the deficiency will be automatically covered by funds transferred from your Peoples Bank Master Charge Account. Peoples Bank Stretch-A-Check Checking Accounts tLI SECTION B State Legislature in the forthcoming election. Mrs. Continued on Page 8 c®B