The Chowan Herald box Mr. cdoitoii. x. c. mu PmkUihad mrr Ttmirtii tt Edenton toy The Chowan HaraML Inc., L. F. Atobura, Jr., president ' and general manager. 431-425 South Broad Street. Bdentoa. North Carolina 2T832. Bawred aa eeeond-daaa matter Auguat 30, 1034. at the Poet Office at Edenton. North Carolina, under the act of March 3, 1879. L. F AMBURN. JR President and Gen Mgr. J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertlalng Manager ' E. N. MANNING Mechanical Superintendent SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . One Year (Outside North Carolina)— 54.50 One Year (In North Carolina)— ——54.13 Six Months— 52.35 Cards of thanks, resolutions of respect, etc., will £ be charged for at regular advertising rates. > THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1970 I' A LIFT FOR TODAY | With Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy | light shall we see light.—Psalm 36:9. I Nations that accept God as their guide | need no iron curtain to conceal their pov ? erty and wretchedness. ;* Wa thank Thee, O Lord, for the assur •i a nee of Thy loving kindness unto them that f, knew Thee, and Thy righteouenean to the ,« upright in heart. f Open House Here £ A highlight of National Library Week £ in Chowan. County will be a showing sos drawings and paintings by ;• Betsy Ross of Edenton who will be re | ceiving with members of the Chowan | Committee on Sunday afternoon from | 3 - 5 o’clock at the Shepard-Pruden Me s morial Library. ;* Citizens of Chowan and the Albemarle £ Area are invited to the open house to i meet the artist and visit the library. 5 Miss Ross, the daughter of Mrs. J. J. Ross, graduated from Holmes High School, from East Carolina University ij with a major in painting, received her < masters degree in 1965 and is now in ;• structing in the Art Department of tha* university. She has had two one-man shows in the Greenville Art Center, one in the ECU Hallway Gallery, and one in the Union County Library in Monroe. The show in Edenton will remain throughout the month. Named Inspector Jacob A. Stafford, Route 5, Elizabeth City, has been appointed as a construc tion inspector for the Farmers Home Administration with headquarters at Hertford, according to an announce ment made by James T. Johnson. State FHA director. Johnson stated that “construction in spector positions have recently been au thorized to assist with the agency’s ac celerated Rural Housing Program where by loans are made for the construction, purchase or repair of homes in rural areas. Construction inspectors are be ing employed to make inspections dur ing construction, assist families in plan ning fo> new homes, repairing existing homes, advise borrowers on construction problems, recommend construction changes and maintain a close liaison with builders and contractors in the area.” Stafford will perform inspection work in Perquimans, Chowan, Pasquotank, Camden, Currituck, Hertford and Gates counties. i The Farmers Home Administration is an agency of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture serving farmers and rural residents with credit and super vision. Ferry Operating CAPE CHARLES, Va.—Here’s good news for winters residents and visitors who will soon start the long drive north: The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, which spans the wide mouth of the bay on the coastal highway, is back in com plete operation. (The Bridge-Tunnel was closed for several weeks during the winter after being rammed by a drifting Navy cargo ship). A complex structure of bridges, tun nels, man-made islands and trestled road way, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel goes over and under the mouth of the Say. Its 17.6 miles take just 23 minutes to drive across. The ferry it replaced took 90 minutes to two hours to make the crossing. The Bridge-Tunnel joins U. S. 13, __ EVANS TO CHAIR Continned from Page 1 j He is active in community develop ment and served as Rocky Hock. Com munity chairman for several years.* He now is Chowan’s representative on the AADA committee. The son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Evans, Route 3, Edenton, he is a graduate of Chowan High School. He js married to the former Linda Kirby and they have one son. The Evans’ are members of r Rocky Hock Baptist Church where he - has taught Sunday School for “ 12 years. ttea rd&Seen ■ Buff ■■M 4WWM4WWW4MW******** My friend Jack Williams over at Eliza beth City, tells me he recently became daddy of a new son. “I’m glad it’s all over,” wrote Jack, ‘‘for I went through a terrible pregnancy. Lynda did better. The baby is the only good thing that has hap pened since Christmas Day. I don’t know why friends keep digging holes in my yard. It is not true that I buried a bottle of Scotch in my yard when the baby was born. But I have wondered why the dog got drunk one night when he went out to bury a bone. Give my best to Kate. I have to go out now and get a motor skooter for our new son.” ■ o Again April 4 will be the first Saturday in the month, which means that the Metho dist Men’s Club will serve a pickled her ring breakfast at the church Saturday morning from 7 to 9 o’clock. 1 understand the herring gave out at last month’s break fast, so that the “boys” will be sure to have enough cm hand this Saturday to feed all who turn out o Those who were tuned in to WNCT-TV station at Greenville on Sunday must have been delighted to hear Herbert Hollowell, Jr., saluted as “Today’s Outstanding North Carolina Citizen.” He was recently elected second vice president of the North Carolina Association for the Blind. So here’s a tardy congratulation. And speaking about his activities, he’s a virtual dynamo when it comes to getting things done around the local Methodist Church. He’s put in many an hour in connection with what’s been done recently at the church. —o Members of the Chowan Scottish Rite Club are planning to sponsor another dish fry Saturday, April 25. They’ll be serving fish from 11 A. M. to 7 P. M. in front of the Scottish Rite club house on North Granville Street. The boys (and girls) are hoping that a lot of people will be working up an appetite for a fish meal so that they can sell a lot of plates. Latest from the Buff lap Sick Room: The Missus as of Wednesday afternoon is get ting a bit stronger and has been able to get out once in a while—which she enjoys very much. Keep on, and we’ll be going fishing one of these days. ■ o Though I’ve not gotten around to clean up the top of my desk, still another old newspaper clipping was ifound in the junk taken from one of my desk drawers. The heading is: “Ask Citizens to Rally to Cupola House Aid,” and appeared in the old Eden ton Daily News on May 12, 1932. In that it has to do with one of our most prized historical gems, it might be interesting to some readers, so here ’tis: An Edenton institution that has been a beacon in the long history of the city and county is in danger of going out of exist ence as a public landmark uqjess. citizens of the town and county rally to its support. It is the Cupola House. For many years, since 1758, when it was built by Francis Corbin, agent for the Lords Proprietors, the old house has reflected the traditions and history of Edenton, Chowan County and the Albemarle. Originally built for a residence, it was not occupied until 1777 when it was bought by Dr. Samuel Dickinson, Edenton physician of other years, and lived in for many dec ades by his descendants. It was purchased in 1918 by the Cupola House Association for the purpose of pre serving the old house as an essential part of Edenton. The original members of the Cupola House Association ware: Frank Wood, W. D. Pruden, Sr., C. S. Vann, J. G. Wood, Mrs. Anne Shepard Graham, Mrs. Annie Wood Pruden, Rev. Robert B. Drane, J. (H. McMullan, Jr., Dr. Richard Dillard and J. N. Pruden. The sole support of the Cupola House now—the Shepard-Pruden Library is separ ate from the Cupola House as preserved by the association—are the funds derived each summer from the operation of a tea room by ladies of the association. The tea room will open for the summer Friday afternoon, May 19, and the Cupola House officials urge the citizens to rally to the support of the house so that it may be maintained throughout the years as it has been in the past. Present officers of the association are W. D. Pruden, president; Mrs. W. S. Sum merell, secretary, and H. G. Wood, treas urer. The committee in charge of the tea room is composed of Mrs. S. iM. McMullan, Miss Mary Pruden and Mrs. W. 6. Sum merell. COURTHOUSE AGAIN Can tinned from fife 1 during the morning session he stopped the proceedings to call for order from those milling around the back of the room. The late Judge Rudolph Mintz of Wilmington, who held court here for six months recently, commented on every occasion of the inadequacy of the build ing for court purposes. Other judges and Grand Juries have also called this to. the attention of county officials. There are no plans on the drawing board or-in the works for such a county building. The Grand Jury also inspected the historic Chowan County jail and found it “to be in good condition” as was the retention cell at Edenton Police Depart ment in the Municipal Building. In addition to Hare an Padgett, mem bers of the panel include: Nell Snowden, Mrs. Walter Adams, Ernest A. Ward, Sidward Boyce, Dorothy W. Campen, A. M. Spivey, Earl McCoy Valentine, and Kirby A. Wright. Also, Carol Ann Espo, Miriam Loftis Motts, Jasper Copeland, Christine Bonds Snith, Walter Oakey Lane, Emma Bow ens Harris, Kenneth Jordan Worrell and Haywood Lee Perry. 'Parade Continned frwn Page 1 Then came the crippler—Abbie Hoff man, a member of the Chicago seven who is introuced as “ a self-proclaimed revolutionist.” Even Tony Dolan, an articulate conservative undergraduate from Yale (yes, conservative from Y-A-L-E). Hoffman wore a shirt made from the American flag when the show was taped Friday for showing in this area Sunday. Through electronic blot ting Hoffman wasn’t shown after he be gan to take off his coat. The blotting was so fascinating it kept us around to 1 A. M. Hoffman’s sense less talk probably would have put even Karl Marx to sleep. Monday was a holiday for most but the mails came and in it was a “news release” from R. Frank Everett, the GOP candidate for the First Congress ional District seat. As if Hoffman hadn’t been bad enough, Switch Everett went a bit further. He claimed credit for about everything good which has gone on in this district in recent years. The joker was that he would pass on who would be the third Eastern District Judge. The fact that Chowan County Court house came under strong attack from the Superior Court bench later in the morning didn’t phase us. Everything was so out of focus by then it really didn’t matter too much. And by the way, the 1970 Census of Population and Housing began this week. The boob tube, with video, rather than audio blotting, “Switch”, that census form, bombardment of the courthouse ... too much! Thank goodness for the chef and her crew and people like Don Evans to give something worthwhile on which to hitch the future. JURY HALTS TRIAT Continued from Pare 1 15 was the same as in 1922 when the defendant was admitted to a sanatorium. The attorney argued that Leary was not mentally able to answer to the bills of indictment nor cooperate with de fense attorneys in preparation and trial of the cases. Solicitor Small introduced a report from Cherry Hospital, dated January 23, in which doctors agreed that Leary was mentally competent to stand trial. Veteran court officials here could not recall a similar hearing in Chowan County. " J'J , Judge Hubbard took the following ac tion in cases disposed of during the first two days of the March session of crimi nal court; Robert Donald Stallings, speeding 115 miles per hour in a 60 mile zone, con victed by a jury and sentenced to 60 days, suspended for two years upon pay ment of slls and costs; reckless driving, 60 days, to run concurrently with the other sentence and suspended. Dennie Lee Hall, drunk driving. 60 days, suspended upon payment of SIOO fine and costs. Oscar Elliott, drunk driving, 60 days, suspended upon payment of SIOO fine and costs. Edward Leroy Watson, drunk driving, 60 days, suspended two years upon pay ment of $250 fine and costs; second count reduced to reckless driving. SIOO fine and costs. Daniel Louis Morring, drunk driving 60 days, suspended two years upon pay ment of SIOO fine and costs: second count reduced to reckless driving. SIOO fine and costs. Mrs. Wheeler M. Harris, two counts of worthless checks totaling $864.52, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of costs. Franklin Dellano McCrackin. drunk driving, 60 days, suspended for two years upon payment of SIOO fine and costs. Solicitor Small, realizing the lengthy docket could not be completed this week, announced a special criminal term had been set for June 22. MITCHENER NAMED Continued from Pin 1 nected with the General Assembly, will serve without compensation. The Marine Science Council was re organized and established within the Department of Administration by the 1969 assembly. It is charged with the responsibility of fostering education and training in ocean science technology in the state, of maintaining a liaison with corresponding authorities of nearby coas tal states, and of encouraging the use and study of the ocean, estuarine, and coastal waters by citizens and industries of the state. In addition to his contribution to mu nicipal government in Edenton and the state, Mitchener also served as chair man of the Planning Committee of the Albemarle Area Development Associa tion. That committee’s overall plan for Northeastern North Carolina is now be ing used by the federal Coastal Plains Regional Development Council as a guide in a master plan for the coastal areas of North and South Carolina and Georgia. Census Now Under Way Enumerators fanned out across Cho wan County Wednesday to launch the 1970 Census of Population and Hous ing. They are under local crew leader, Robert P. Dail. Jerry Scott, manager of the Census Bureau’s temporary office in Greenville, said each crew leader will supervise 15 to 20 enumerators in the big nationwide census. Dail has 15 workers covering Chowan and a portion of Gates coun ties. The crew leader is one of the key people in the field operations of the 1970 census, Scott relates. He refcruits and trains the enumerators; assigns each one to an enumeration district; reviews the work of each and sees that it is correct; and handles problems of difficult enum eration. Wednesday was Census Day for the United States of America. From Aroo stock County, Maine, to Niihau, the westernmost island of Hawaii; from Point Barrow, Alaska, on the Artie Ocean to Key West, Fla., it was the day for all Americans to be counted. Scott said 298 census takers, after being sworn in the morning, started visit ing households throughout 17 counties in the Greenville area. Census questionnaires were distribut ed to households in these places by the post office a few days ago. They are to be filled out and held for the census taker to pick up. The district manager t USE ff. IfISSIFIEDjtOS "SKT 1 FV.. KENT Six room house with bath. Two miles from Winfall. Phone 426-7185. 1 t p FOR RENT—Two bedroom mobile home. Excellent condition. Ideal for couple. Call 482-4733 after 5 P. M. tfc FOR SALE—Squirrel dog puppies. If interested con tact Claude Small, 111. Phone 482-3277. Mar 26 Apr 2c FOR SALE—Hancock Ser vice Station and dwelling. Also stock in store. Deep well water. See at any time or call 482-2033. t f c ~ NEED TIRES? Sears has a tire guaran teed for 40,000 miles. Also 4+2 Dynglass. A new tire. One that has four full plies of Polyester cord and two fiber glass belts. 40-month guarantee. Call SEARS today—4B2-2186. t f c WANTED Hardwood and cypress logs. Tracts of hardwood and pine tim ber. Top market prices. Williams Lumber Co., Inc., Mackeys, N. C. tfc FOR SALE 1969 Chev. pickup V-8. Good condi tion. Priced to sell. Call 482-4431 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. or 482-3942 after 5 P. M. tfc FOR DIRT HAULING Call ELMER OVERTON 482-4326 ERIE JONES 482-4322 Route 3, Edenton, N. C. tfc FOR RENT—Two bedroom Mobile home. Call 482- 4680. tfc SPARE TIME INCOME Distributor For This Area Becomi a distributor in ont of America’s largest and fastest grow mg industries. You will be.distn butmg national brand products. No experience required All ecc ounts are contracted for end set up by our company. You merely restock locations with our nation a! brand products. You Can Earn SBOO A Month Or More Based On Your Effort Inventory of 1820 58 to 3441 M cash required for inventory and aquipment. You must have a good car and be able to devote at least 4 to 12 hours per week, if you are interested, have the desire, drive, determination, end went to be successful in a growing business of your own, write us today- Please enclose name, address, an/ telephone number. ’«■ WCLCOMB mVtITIOATIOtf NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING 00. 1342 South Glen,tone. Springfield, Mo. SPSQ4 says it will probably take from three to five weeks for the census takers to get around to all the households. Scott pointed out that information about individuals and their homes furn ished to the Census Bureau is kept con fidential under federal law. Only statis tical totals and averages are published. No individual person can be identified in published reports and census infor- s mation cannot be given to any other government agency, local officials, tax collectors, police, health, welfare, or school officials, nor to anyone else. Council To Meet Edenton Town Council will meet at 8 P. M., Tuesday, one week ahead of the regular scheduled meeting, in order that local officials can join others from 36 area towns in a regional meeting of N. C. League of Municipalities on April 14. W. B. Gardner, town administrator and a director of the state group, said routine business will be conducted at Tuesday’s meeting. At the league meeting the next week, Leigh Wilson, executive director, will lead a discussion on current municipal problems, municipal legislation for 1971 and the affairs of the organization. > This is one of seven regional meet ings scheduled across the state. SALES PERSONNEL—Men or women to represent well known insurance company. No collecting or debits. In come unlimited. Write Barry Hoggard, P. O. Box 526, Ahoskie, N. C. tfc FOR RENT Duplex. Five rooms. 200 West Church Street. Call 482-4880. t f c FOR SALE 1969 Ford pickup truck. Excellent condition. 5.000 actual mileage. Call 482-2474. t f c FOR RENT Four room apartment. Modem conveniences. Close in. Call 482-3344. Mar 26 Apr 2c If yon want to drink, that*, roar baslneoo. If jron want to atop drinking, tfcat’o oar bmelneee. AA moot* Mon day at 8 r. M. at the Kdan ton Methodlot Charch. MARRIED MAN No age limit, who is interested in earning $l5O per week to service our equipment and learn other work. For personal interview, call Williamston 792-4164, or write P. O. Box 847, Wil tiamston, N. C. 1 t c Female Help Wanted YOUR OWN BUSINESS— Full or part time distribut ing famous high quality Rawleigh Products. For interview write: E. A. WALTON A6OO, P. O. Box 7555, Richmond, Va. 23231. Please give directions to your home. 1 t c MOBILE HOME SALE Lowest prices to be found anywhere. 41x12 two bed rooms, $3,295 value. Sale price, $2,795. 52x12 three bed rooms. $4,695 value. Sale price, $4,296. 60x12 three bed rooms. 1 and % baths. $5,495 value. Sale price, $4,996. Terms as low as $295 down and $59 monthly. Monthly pay •nents .less than rent. Open daily from 8:30 un til 6:30 and Sunday 2 un til 6:30. Dealer No. 5296. F. t H. MOBILE HOMES Highway No. 64 Roberson ville, N. C. Exp Apr 23 LOANS TO FARMERS For purchase of cars, trucks, tractors, combines, any kind of machinery. Fertilizer, labor, gas, repair buildings, dear land (Etching, purchase land, or any farmers’ needs ... A cooperative owned and operated by its 1000 farm members for farmers. If you need money contact: ALBEMARLE iBDB PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION 207 E. Church St. Elizabeth City m wSLteV&Tu W2 l °* , ■—■ FOR BULLDOZER and motor grader work of all types, call Earl M. Rea. Phone 482-2698. tfc PART TIME Increase your income S2OO to S4OO monthly show ing a safety film. Married, 21 years, have car. Call J. H. Weeks 482-4729 be- ■< tween 4 and 6 P. M. Mar 26 Apr 2p FOR SALE Three bed room brick home. Two baths, central heat and air conditioning, carport and } utility room. Landscaped one acre plot. On Route 17, 13 miles south of Edenton. Call Bunch, 482- 4624. t f c* COMPLETE LINE OF Wedding Invitations. In formals and Reception Cards to choose from. See our samples. The Chcwan Herald. In Memorial Those wishing to make donations in memory of a departed friend in which a card will be sent in your name may send donations to the following: - Y EYE WILLS Any Member of Edenton Lions Club or t W. H. Hollowell, Jr., Box 209 Edenton, N. C. 27932 Telephone 482-2127 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt 208 North Granville Street Edenton, N. C. 27932 HEART FUND Mrs. Fred Keeter P. O. Box 327 Edenton, N. C. 27932 CHOWAN HOSPITAL MEMORIAL FUND P. O. Box 69 Edenton, N. C. 27932 CUPOLA HOUSE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Mrs. W. B. Rosevear, f Treasurer, 121 West King Street EDENTON-CHOWAN RESCUE SQUAT)

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