Miss Dale Elliott To Tour France, England, Italy ' Dale Elliott, 3340 White Oak Road, Raleigh, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott * of Edenton, will leave Friday from the John F. Kennedy International Airport, Ai r France Terminal on a three week fashion seminar. She will tour England, France r and Italy. This .Nancy Taylor Euro pean Seminar Program fea tures jet transportation every where, one major meal each day at a different restaurant to experience the full variety that each city has to offer, licensed government guides every day, licensed couriers from the time the students arrive in Europe until they leave, also classroom sem inars. The fashion group will be taken to certain major fash ion houses in each of the key fashion cities, London, Some, Florence and Paris, for spe cial fashion shows. They will be taken “behind the scenes” at some of Europe’s > great department stores and will tour some of the larger fashion manufacturing opera tions in those cities. Miss Elliott’s itinerary while in iLondon includes London’s i West End, London’s East Memorial Resolution For Judge W. S. Privott Upon motion of C. A. Phil lips, seconded by C. M. Ev ans, and unanimously carried, the Board of Commissioners of Chowan County, in meet ing duly assembled on March 35, 1970, do resolve as fol lows: Resolved that the members of the Board are saddened and distressed to be informed of the sudden death of .Judge William Scott Privott, Dis trict Judge of the First Dis trict, and a native and resi Ralph E Parrish j Clerk of Court I CHOWAN COUNTY jt I DEPENDABLE Your Support and Vote Will Be Appreciated — Thank* For Voqr Vote and J [ TTianks I! ! Support In Tatt Election* f I Q j Earn the top rate ■ U /« on insured-safe j M investment savings per annum here. 24 months/$15.000 min. Edenton Savings & loan Association A Safe Place To Save Since 1905 322 S. Broad St - Edenton, N. C. Melissa Amburr; sth Grade Swain Elementary School Jrifi iyr£) My Amourri /# Seeking Your Support and Vote VW Merton - Chowan Board of M-Bw Pint Township ~ * / DfmMntic Mbmtv "*- ■ti, Ptmu *nd End, Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, an il luminated tour of London, Tower of London which con tains the crown jewels, St. Paul’s Cathedral and Dickens Old Curiosity Shop a lecture at Oxford University in Ox ford and on to Windsor for a tour of Windsor Castle be fore arriving in Stratford-on- Avon, where she will attend' a performance of the Shakespeare Theater, War wick Castle. Enroute to Lon don Airport on the way to Paris, she will visit Church ill’s grave. They will fly to Paris on the seventh day. While in Paris she will take a boat ride on the Seine, tour Ver sailles, hear lecture on Paris fashions at Sorbonne, visit the Louvre, tour Paris at night. On the 12th day she and the 16 other students and chaperone will transfer to Orly Airport for flight to Rome and proceed by private motorcoach to Florence, where she will tour the prin cipal art museums. There will be a tour to Pisa for a visit to the Leaning Tower, Baptistery and Cathedral, and illuminated tour of Florence. dent of Chowan County. Judge Privott had spent most of his life in Edenton except the years when he erved with the United States Navy during World War HI and the Korean War. In the U. S. Naval Service he at tained the rank of Com mander. For more than thirty years he carried on an active gen eral practice of law in Eden ton and was regarded by the people in the community and THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1*76 Before going to Rome they will hear a lecture on Anci ent and Modem Rome. In Rome they will visit Vil lad’Este, have a night at the opera, visit the Vatican and St. Peter’s Square, drive out side Rome to Tivoli, take private motorcoach to the Catacombs via the Appian Chowan Golf Club News By LEW DEXTER Please don’t forget, if you haven’t signed up for the Roanoke Golf Association tournament to be played in Plymouth this coming Sun day, please call the pro and get your name on the list by Friday evening. As of right now there are only 21 men out of 34 signed up. We need more players than that, so let’s all pitch in and make our first away from home match a good one. The ladies’ clinics are go ing along rather smoothly and we are having a good turn out. We are half way through this clinic and all the ladies seem rather pleas ed. Only thing is, I haven’t seen any of them practicing what they are learning in the clinics. I mean on the prac- the members of the legal pro fession as an able and ethical practitioner of law. He was active in the affairs and business of the Edenton Baptist Church where, among other activities he was a teacher of a men’s Sunday School class. Before attaining the office of District Judge he had pre viously served as Prosecuting Attorney of Recorder’s Court and Recorders’ Judge for many years in Chowan Coun ty. As a Judge he was al ways courteous and fair to all parties, including those accused of crime and temp ered his judgments and sen tences with mercy. His ad ministration of the office of Judge was without adverse criticism. He was highly re garded by members of the legal profession throughout the district. We do further resolve to j record our feeling of loss i upon the occasion of the death of Judge William Scott Priv ott and to extend our sincere sympathy to his wife and son and to order a copy of this Resolution be incorporated in the minutes of this meeting and that a copy be sent to his family. This 25th day of March, 1970. Board of Commissioners of Chowan County By J. Clarence Leary, Chairman. Attest: Bertha B. Bunch, Clerk. ON DEAN’S LIST King’s Business College of Raleigh has just released news that Gary B. Hardison has been listed on the Dean’s | List for the winter quarter. ! Hardison is the son cif Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hardison of Edenton. ■More than 10,000 persons participated in extension courses and continuing edu cation programs offered by the Extension Division of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during the aca demic year 1906-69. A limited “pass/not pass” grading system has been in augurated at the University of North Carolina at Greens boro. Under the system, a student may elect to be evalu ated on a “pass/not pass” scale in one course each semester. Way. On the 20th day she will depart Rome for New York and home. Miss Elliott is a student at Hardbarger’s School of Fash ion and attended the one week New York Fashion Seminar in February. She will graduate in June. tke tee, not on the course. Remember, you should always practice what you learn in order to get better. 1 have some ladies’ starter sets in stock now for the new ladies that don't want to put a lot of money into a full set of clubs. Also, I have junior sets. Pro Tip Os The Week If you are having trouble hitting your 2 or 3 iron, or even your 3 wood, why don’t you try a 5 wood? This club is one of the most im portant clubs you can put in your bag. This club has the loft to get the ball up with less effort and you can hit it as far as a 2 or 3 iron in most cases. As we get older we have a feeling that we can’t hit the long irons like we used to. Os course, we know this is all in your head but just the same we feel that we can’t hit them and of course if you feel you can’t hit the long irons you are not going to. So, put a 5 wood in your bag and practice with it and I’m sure you will find that you will wonder how you ever got along with out it after using it a while. Social Security Questions-Answers Q. I will be 63 In a few months, but I will continue to work. My earnings will be about SIO,OOO a year. Can 1 , I get Medicare? A. Yes, you do not have to retire to get Medicare pro tection. Just be sure to sign up for it at your social se curity office. Q. If I should become too disabled to work, when should I let my social secur ity office know? A. As soon as it appears that your condition is going to last at least 12 months. , Q. If I rent out my entire farm or a portion of it for cash rent, can I report this income as social security earnings? | A. If you do not partici pate in the farming opera-: tion, the cash rent is not con- 1 sidered "income” for social security purposes. I Q. I am 66 years old and have never signed up for the supplemental medical insur ance under Medicare. I’ve now decided I want this in surance. When can I sign up? < A. You may sign up any time during the period of January 1 through March 31, 1970. Although you may sign up during this period, your medical insurance will not be effective until July 1, i 1970. Q. My first child was ■ born nine years ago and I • haven’t worked since that time. I had worked under social security for about seven years when I quit. My husband says that if I should die, the children would re ceive nothing from my social security. Is this right? A. No. Each child would be eligible for a monthly payment from social security. A change in the law last year made this possible. Be fore the change, a woman must have worked until shortly before her death in order for her children to be eligible for social security payments. Students Slated For Tyner Revival Rev. H. C. Leake, pastor of Happy Home Holiness Church, announces special services this weekend with college students from Franklin Springs, Ga., in charge. Students from Emmanv i College, including the E. 0. Trio, will be at the Tyner Church Friday, Saturday ard Sunday. Services will be at 7:30 P. M. Friday and Sat urday night and 11 A. M. on Sunday. David Wiggins, a student at the college, will be the guest speaker. The public is invited to participate in these services. LEGION MEETS APRIL 7 The Ed. G. Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will hold its monthly meet ing Tuesday, April 7, at 6 P. M. at the Legion Hut. A “dutch” steak supper will be held at 7 P. M. for members. For reservations, call or see Troy Toppin or Bill Stallings. BIRTH ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles Davenport of Cres well announce the birth of a baby boy, bom at 3:45 P. M. March 27, at Chowan Hos pital. The mother is the former Donna Thomas, daugh ter of Mr. and iMrs. Donald Thomas of Edenton. CARD OF THANKS The family of Walter By rum wish to express their appreciation ifor the prayers, kindness, cards, flowers, food and all the good deeds which were shown to us dur ing the illness and death of our loved one. c THE FAMILY. TRY a HERALD CLASSIFIED AD not on our 1c Sale plan, but GREAT VALUES! of rexall products H»ndy (or VALUE ■ »IJI»I il 111 ll<3ll r'M 111 >ll HlWTll'l Nil * I %Vj 11 1 8,l * i I JI household use, *)A m a S.QJ el m ■M^llLMtp] | J.lil»llijlT i «lllllMjJAliU-T > lilJJtiillliHiß or iust 98c saccnarin -2 nr 99c fej) care Home Glycerin V MJ HAND CREAM 4 2 lor 1.25 53cSuppositories r 2mrs4c ra aspirin IWa«n »Wfe|lM £ 2>r» ,-1 ~ BONuißuvs™r;B(>Nu$buys 169<= Bubble Bam - urn mmmmmmmmmmissmm: • . »/\lillid* 131 ivi' '"" S* Hf i■ * Westclox Round-the-Neck I30NU?? IJIJY?> I3()NUJ> BUYS ©“* v l (iMRMI SHAVER .-*»■ ALARM! lcro ' 5.4.99 r rs9c |4)] 7^o fSossues MoSSISs J Hi :sro r oop « bonus riivsWl w iv - I aaaaßSßSt oral Zfor JJ'' ■ '—* :""' 1 "J " I b'S»>e 'asa: Bii^^ AntipnspirantDEODOßANT i|jj TOOTH jHMIIIKIGiTiI biirriliiP M. , o _2forlis Rm BRUSH «, p«i ai h rexau. TOOTHPASTE Q QQ ALCOHOL JH Rw “S? ort ?«»l 4Brushes vw HLSOiTOS ™ IK 6 y. .,™ 2 fir 1.00 111 1J HOLLOWELLS "{f^' 1 Two Registered Pharmacists On Duty To Serve You Phone 482-2127 Prompt Delivery Edenton, N. C. Around The By HARRY VENTERS Agricultural! Extension Agent The Chowan and Hyland Ruritan Clubs will sponsor ' e 16th annual Junior Live stock Show and Sale on April 15. The event this year will take place at Valhalla Pro duce instead of the peanut warehouse at C ross Roads, where it has been held for the past few years. The Ruritan Club members hope that Chowan County farmers and other interested persons will attend and help support this event. 'Last year’s grand champion steer was sold to Byrum Hardware Company for 36c per pound, while Home Feed A Fertilizer Company bought the reserve champion steer. They were shown by Joe SCOTTISH RITE CLUB HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING The Chowan Scottish Rite Club held its monthly meet ing at the club house on Granville Street Friday night at 7:30 o’clock. There were a large number cf members and their wives present. A covered dish supper was the menu. 'President Clarence White welcomed everyone. The spring reunion and possible candidates was discussed. The first fish fry of the year for the club was dis cussed, which will be held April 25 from 11 A. M. to 7 P. M. Tile next meeting of the club is to be held on April 24 at 7.30 P. M. President White urges all members who can to attend the spring reunion in New Bern in April. Never pay any attention to the person who knows what he says is right. Farms In Chowan County Carroll and Jane Par rish respectively. Cindy Ward showed last year’s grand champion indivi dual pig and her brother Harry showed the grand champion pen of three. M. D. Baker Hog Market bought both entries. In this year’s show and sale champions will be se lected in two classes of hogs. Class I consists of hogs weighing 180-220 pounds and Class II from 221 to 240 pounds. There will be both individual and pen of three entries in both classes. TIDEWATER TRAILER SALES “The Home of Better Buys” IT ’ S WHERE THE finest SfeStSpjS- THE BEST! MOBILE HOMES To Suit Your Terms and Budget North Carolina's Largest Mobile Home Dealer 70 Mobile Homes To Choose from . . . 8-10 & 12-ft. Wide 1,2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms See Peck for a Better Pick . . . The Man With The Plans TIDEWATER TRAILER SALES Telephone 946-5155 Washington, N. C. After 9, Telephone 946-4969 PAGE FIVE-A Steers will be shown in one class and prizes will be awarded according to grade. In order to receive prize money, the steers must be shown at halter. Judging of swine will be gin at 9:30 A. M. on the 15th and steers will be judged immediately after the swine. Steer fitting and showman ship will be at 11 A. M. Af ter a lunch break, trophies and ribbons will be awarded at 2 P. M. and the sale of animals will be held immedi ately after this short presen tation.