PAGE TWO -B Herald Yellowed Pages Centiaaed from Page 1 the purpose of organizing the Edenton Sea Scouts, which were sponsored by the Eden ton Junior Chamber of Com merce. The Jaycee commit tee in charge of the Sea Scout organization included Charles Wales, Jt., J. M. Boyce, Thomas Francis, Gra ham White and J. J. O’Rourke. A campaign was started in the West Albemarle District to raise a quota of $2,500 for the Boy Scouts. The district included Boy Scout troops at Sunbury, Gatesville, Hert ford, Rocky Hock and Eden ton. Scott Harrell was dis trict chairman dor the drive. Rev. Harold W. Gilmer, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, tendered his resigna tion to go into effect October 1. The resignation, based on the fact that he had reached the age of retirement, was ac cepted. 'Mike Malone, a member of the Edenton Junior Music Club, received a superior rat ing at the Northeastern Dis trict contest at Greenville for his baritone horn sok> and was scheduled to compete for the Transylvania scholarship offered by the State Federa tion of Music Clubs. J. W. Davis, chairman of the Chowan Hospital board of trustees, announced that a contract had been awarded for construction of a nurses’ home. The low bidder was Wrenn-Wilson with a figure of $58,000. J. Clarence Leary, Jr., and Gilliam Wood appeared before VOTE FOR N. J. GEORGE County Commissioner First Township SATURDAY, MAY 2nd Your Support and Vote Will Be Appreciated! FOR SOIL SAMPLES ami BULK SPREADER f SERVICE I Lime - Lime and Potash Mixed - Fertilizer SEE OR CALL Home Feed & Fertilizer Co. W. Carteret St. Edenton, N. C. I Phone 482-2313 or 482-2308 The ( Just fold the handle down, and the new 1 v Introducing the new Pow-R-Boy 200 ... Hahn-Ecllpse Deluxe 8-6 Rotaries store with more designed-in convenience fee almost anywhere. 21* self-propelled or I II ff 11 tures than any other rider. Five speeds hand-propelled with Pull 'n' Go or I7lff 11 P forward, and a neutral brake that holds fingertip electric key-starting ... rear- IV ff V V Pow-R-Boy in place even on hills. In wheel drive makes lawn care easy again m stant height adjustment from the driv ... and patented Pow-R-Vac* housing 11* A 111 er * s seat > separate brake and clutch means a perfect cut, first time, every 11 Ulll pedals, anti-scalp skids, and patented Ume. Pow-R-Vac mower housing; too. HAHNECLIPSE pr — VJ At low prices Hahn-Ecllpse l J m—i———— ■■ S gives you the most quality. V S By rum Hardware Co., Inc 314 & Broad St Edenton, N. C. Town Council to call atten tion to needed repairs to the Boy Scout cabin. Due to a letter received by Town Attorney J. N. Pruden from Attorney General Harry McMullan, more confusion developed as to held title to Hicks Field, Town Council or Edenton school trustees. It was the opinion of Mr. Pru den and other Edenton attor neys that title was vested in the town, but Mr. McMullan’s opinion was opposite in that because no time limit was set for use of the property as a Farm Life school, the orig inal transfer to the school trustees still held. CARD OF THANKS The family of Cliff Keeter wishes to express their ap preciation for the prayers, kindness, cards, flowers and food, and all the good deeds which were shown to us dur ing the illness and death of our loved one. THE FAMILY. SOLVE CROSSWORDS FOR CASH The prize is never less than SSOO and could be a lot more. For correctly solving The Baltimore News Ameri can Jackpot Crossword Puzzle you can take home big cash. You have an opportunity every week. See entry, clues, word list in THE BALTIMORE NEWS AMERICAN ON SALE AT YOt'B LOCAL NEWSDEALER THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NO)Uf CAROUNAI JCH9RSDAT, APRIL 9, 1979. IN MEMORIAM 'ln loving -memory of our husband and father, George O. Chappell, who left us on April 12, 1909. You are not forgotten, loved one, 'Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. We miss you now with all our hearts, And as time goes by we’U miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can ever fill your place. Wife and Children. The Venerable Old House At Long Beach By MURRELL SMITH An old plantation built long ago by hard labor and toil; Today it shouts to retain its grace and dignity; it appeals with strong emotions for restoration and its rightful place in Chowan history; In its great past fishing boats lined the wharfs, its structure was used to unload timber, fish and to bring passengers to and from town; In its hurried day it was a beautiful retreat and refuge from the difficult times of the Civil War, yet it paid its taxes and did its duty. On a restful bulge overlooking the sound it heard a shot that reverberated around the world—it was World War One and its sons went. I In its old wood intoxicated with memories, a little girl pat ters across fine rugs imported from England. Out back an old fish house decorated with herrings hanging from the ceiling caught from the sound. Inside a pot-belly stove to rest from the weariness of the day. Its little girl grew up and went to North Carolina University, and it 9 owners feU from the ranks of life one by one. Today it sits in the growing grass where sheep and cattle graze about, but the simplicity of its soul is to be restored to its former grandeur with its original paintings hanging in a vast hall; and to feel the warmth, enthusiasm, and affection of lovely people delightfully hurrying about in their daily duties. Long Beach once more pines for resurrection of its unhurried retreat and to bask in the radiant rays of the sunlight resting peacefully along the Albemarle Sound shore—its furrows are smooth and in disarrangement but when rays of light fall upon it I can still see collards as large as cart wheels and so glossy that the moon would reflect from every leaf. You can still smell the aroma of sweet potatoes glazed with sugar and the canned preserves encrusted with flavor. Close your eyes and you can still hear the sound of little children through the air of long ago. The old plantation crumbles into decay and wavers like a wind blown flame across the Sound as its shadows slowly | flicker out one by one—a slight gust and the events of , long ago blown away in a puff. The faint sounds of reunions mixed with love and cheer for ' each other weakly passes in the surrounding air and is 1 blown away in a puff forever ... 1 Mr. Martin, 48, Dies Suddenly i Alexander Martin, 301 East Queen Street, died suddenly l at his home Friday after suf fering a heart attack. He was 48. r Mr. Martin was owner and operator of Colonial Uphols tery Shop. He was born in Alamance l County, January 13, 1922, son of John L. and Lottie M. Har -1 rell, who survive. He was married to ■ Mrs. Verna Mae ■ Martin, who also survives. Other survivors include two • daughters, Misses Cbarmaine and Kim Kawn Martin, both of the home; three brothers: Chowan Native Dies In Virginia Miss Sarah Elizabeth Jor dan, 70, of Portsmouth, Va., died in the General Hospital there Wednesday. She .waa a native of Cho - Ceuftty and the daughter of the late James Thomas and Ollie Elizabeth Byrum Jor dan. Surviving are two brothers: James G. Jordan of Chesa peake, Va., and Thomas F, Jordan of Portsmouth, Va., and three sisters: Mrs. Cor nelia Spivey and Mrs. Lillie Mae Lane, both of Hertford, and Mrs. Ethel Collins of Tetersville, Fla. Funeral services were held in Portsmouth early Friday afternoon with graveside rites in Beaver Hill Cemetery at 4 P. M., with Williford Funeral Home in charge of arrange ments. Roy L., Haywood B. and John L. Harrell, Jr., all of Eden ton, and two sisters: Mrs. Hazel Rogeison and Mrs. Florence Lassiter, both of Edenton. He was a member of First Christian Church. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock in Williford Memorial Chapel with Rev. E. C. Alexander and Rev. E. L. Earnhardt in charge. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Williford Funeral Home was in charge of arrange ments. Herald Legals EXECUTOR’S NOTICE In the General Court ©t Justice Superior Court (Division Having qualified as Exe cutrix of the estate of W. T. Byrum, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of October, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said .es tate will please make im mediate payment. This 6th day of April, 1970. PASTORIA W. BYRUM, Executrix c£ the Estate of W. T. Byrum, Deceased. Exp Apr 30 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Alonzo V. Slade, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the Ist day of Oc tober, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any re covery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This Ist day of April, 1970. ALINE B. SLADE, Executrix of the Estate of Alonzo V. Slade, Deceased. Thos. Chears, Jr., Attorney. Exp Apr 30c EXECUTOR’ S~ NOTICE In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of James Earl Jones, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of March, 1970. ORA P. JONES, Executrix of the Estate of Jame 3 Earl Jones, De ceased. Exp Apr 23c EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Graham M. Byrum, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of October, ,1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immei’iate payment This Ist day of April, 1970. HAZEL TAYLOR BYBUM, Executrix of the Estate of ' Graham M. Byrum, De- . ceased. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., , Attorney. Exp Apr 30 ; Notice Os Administration Having this day qualified as Administrator CTA of the estate of W. E. Bond, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the under signed on or before December 4, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recov ery thereon. All persons in debted to the estate will please make immediate settle ment This the 24th day of March, 1970. W. E. BOND, JR., Administrator CTA, 915 Chestnutt Street ■den, N. C. 27388 Pritchett, Cooke St Burch Attorneys Windsor, N. C. 27983 Exp Apr 22c RE-SALE North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk es Su perior Court of Chowan County made in the Special ■" Proceeding entitled "John W. Graham, Administrator of Annie Asbell Jordan, Peti tioner, vs. Charity Jordan Boyce, Clement Jordan and others, Defendants," to resell the real property described in the Petition upon an ad vanced bid. The under signed Commissioner will on the 14th day of April, 1970, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash, but subject to the confirmation of the Court, that certain tract or parcel of land in Chowan County, State of North Caro lina, bounded as follows: That certain tract or parcel of land whereon the late James Jordan lived and died bounded as follows: Begin ning on the Sandy Ridge Road leading from Center Hill to Ryland at a stake Sam Byrum's corner and running Westwardly along his line to D. W. Byrum’s line a comer; thence Eastwardly J. M. Boyce line to the “Can non” comer; thence Boyce's line a Southerly course to a branch; thence down the run of the branch various courses along J. M. Boyce to Mary Boyce line; thence her line to Main Road; thence up Main Road a North course to place of beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less, and be ing same land deeded to D. E. Jordan by J. T. Jordan and others, recorded in Book K No. 3, page 510, Register's office, Chowan County. The present bid on said property is $7,715.00 and bid ding will start at that figure. The highest bidder will be required to make a deposit of flva per cent (5%) of any bid in excels of tha present bid. This sale ahall stand open for ten days for advsneed bid. This sale is subject to County Taxes for the year 1070 and following years. This 31st day of March, 1970. JOHN W. GRAHAM, Apr 2 9c Commlsstonsr. NOTICE OF RE-SAe.2 By virtue of an upset bid and the power contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. B. Hollo well, Jr., and wife, Linds C. Hollowell, to J. A. Prit chett, Trustee, dated No vember 9, 1966, recorded In Book 84, pages 363 gnd 364, Chowan County Public Reg istry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, I will, at the request of the holder of said deed of trust, on April 17, 1970, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, re-sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit: Those two (2) certain tracts or parcels of land, to gether with buildings thereon, in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, con veyed to Wilbur J. Privott and wife, Selma Privott, and Garland H. Asbell and wife, Ann Asbell, by deed of Carolyn B. White, et vir, dated June 11, 1957, and ttiore particularly described therein as follows: 1. Beginning at an iron pipe on the East sida of N. C. Highway No. 32 at the line of W. T. Eason, which pipe is North 16 degrees East 841 feet from the Northern edge of the right of way of the road leading from Small’s Cross Roads to Tyner, and running thence along the edge of said N. C. Highway No. 32, North 14 degrees East 7.7 feet to the center of a ditch; thence South 80 de grees, 30 minutes East along the center of said ditch 350 feet; thence South 16 degrees West 10 feet to an iron pipe at the line of W. T. Eason; thence North 80 degrees West 350 feet along the said Eason line to the point of begin ning. 2. Beginning at the center of the ditch above referred to, which point is North 16 degrees East 846.7 feet from the Northern edge of said road leading from Small’s Cross Roads to Tyner, and running thence along the Eastern edge of the right of way of N. C. Highway No. 32, North 16 degrees East 282.7 feet to a post; thence along the line of other prop erty of said Carolyn B. White, South 74 degrees East 348 feet to an iron pipe; thence along the line of other property of. said Carolyn B. White, South 16 degrees West 250 feet to the center of ditch above referred to; thence aloqg the center of said ditch, North 80 degrees 30 minutes West 350 feet to the point of beginning. Both of said tracts con taining 22 acres in the ag gregate and beinj a part of : the same land conveyed to : the said Carolyn B. White by - No. 9 of deed duly re- j corded in the office of the i 1 I . Register of Deeds for Chowan ! County in Book of Deeds No. 10, page 289; and being de i scribed as per plat of W. I Leslie Morgan, Surveyor, dat -1 ed June 10, 1957; also see I Deed of Partial Release from the Prudential Insurance Company of America to said i Carolyn B. White, dated May 24. 1957, and duly filed for ; registration in said office of Register of Deeds for Chowan County on June 7, 1957, said plat and deeds and those in struments mentioned therein made part hereof for further description and chain of title. The bid will start to J. B. Hollowell, Jr., at $22,152.60. A ten per cent cash deposit will be required of the suc cessful bidder on the day of sale to guarantee compliance tvith the bid. This April 2, 1970. J. A. PRITCHETT, Trustee. Pritchett, Cooke St Burch, Attorneys, Windsor, N. C. Apr 9 16 NOTICE OF RE-SALE R. O. Blanchard Estate Farm Third Township, Chowan County, N. C. Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale of the Su perior Court of Chowan County, N. C., made in the special proceedings entitled “Julian D. Blanchard, et als, Petition Ex Parte,” the un dersigned commissioners will at NOON ON FRIDAY, APRIL io, 1970, at the Court House door in Chowan Coun ty, Edenton, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the R. O. Blanchard Estate Farm, con taining 163 acres by survey lituate in Third Township, Chowan County, N. C., and more particularly set forth on an attachment to and made part of thle Notice of Re-salel The Opening Bid on This Farm IWIU Be 147,300.00 This gala will be made subject to a timber deed dat ed January 5, 1970, now duly recorded in the office of the Registei of Deeds of Chowan County from W. J. P. Earn \«rdt, Jr., and Russell E. Twiford, Commissioners, to