m CHOWAN RERAUD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA BROAD STREET BULLETIN... By Kate My treasure lies in Spring itself, In all the flowers that bloom, With all the cheerful song of birds To penetrate the gloom. My pleasures come from children Here at home and far away, I can almost hear their voices As they chatter at their play. God gives me all these treasures To share with those I love, I’m blessed beyond all measure By He who reigns above. To watch children is like finding a new, uncluttered page in a book. So clean, pure and ready for adven tures in life. By the way, let me remind you c £ the local library’s “open house" Sunday, April 12 from 3 to 5 P. M. This marks the beginning of Na tional Library Week April 12 to 18. Mark this on your calendar and enjoy your li brary. Edenton is very for tunate in having such a very nice library and more people should take advantage of its wonderful services. We’re getting company from Maryland this coming week end and I’m already very ex cited. My only sister and a very old friend and her hus band will be here—but they are “home folk,’’ which will make them more enjoyable. Carolyn Sadler 'Nixon’s mother tells me that Carolyn still misses home (Edenton) as much as ever. Not long ago she saw something about Edenton on television, so you can imagine what a thrill it gave her. Recently she was asked to give a talk to the Woman’s Club of Lawton, Okla. (her home away from home) on Edenton which she did with great vivacity. She is truly a good emissary and a walking Chamber of Commerce from Edenton. Be sides, Carolyn’s sunny per sonality will win her many friend*. One of our favorite rela tives, Mrs. Naomi Buser of York, Pa., sent me some of her recipes so I’ll share -some with ypu. ’She is an extrfc-.good took,' so I know this will be good. Lemon Sponge Pie 2 eggs. ( . > full Zenith quality makes this your best buy! TIM BELLINI ■ Model A3906J-3 Perfect lor patio, den, kitchen and bedroom! Handsomely styled Decorator-Compact table model Vinyl clod metal cabinet in Brown color HANDCRAFTED CHASSIS combines famous Zenith handcrafted dependability with Zenith solid-state advances lor unrivaled dependability years longer. CHROMATIC BRAIN demodulator delivers the sharpest, clearest, truest colors in color TV. The first integrated circuitry ever used to produce a color TV picture! SUPER VIDEO RANGE TUNER features exceptional high gain lor super sensitive reception, even in weak signal areas. Ihe quality goes in&qforc the name goes on lacksoifs Ratio & TV Senrice . W. Eden Street —— Pfcooo 482-3319 1 cup sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon butter. Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Beat eggs, add sugar and remaining ingredients. Bake in medium oven. Take a glance at Shopping With Y 2sc Regular 79c j! 7 ~ I I VV I MI ■■ ■■ :' Ijß. /I FREE FREE FREE .|! USTcRINc !| 50extrastamps ii APPLES ;11 WITH THIS COUPON AND ! " " " " “ ™ W rpi • II J 1 I PURCHASE OF SIO.OO OR MORE I ■■ 1 HIS W C6K J ~f| UMIT —1 PER FAMILY EXPIREB APRIL 11, 1910 a| > J ** " I P& Q Super Market, Inc. I:j J IDS* aMAMWMMMUMOMWVWMMWMAMMMVMMWMUWWVW , ___ _____ _____ ____ ___ __ J \ W ■■wW* w W V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 uw*wwawMwa)wiwia>wayw)wnaaawwwwww)MiwwwMWiwMwa«aawaawwwaw>» awmwww Thrift Brand If F MILK 1 ■ ■ |WB ■" :;c ||.££ j |E ...frozen Foods |MJLI Potatoes 15 Ibs-99t 0 on 8 303 Blue Hen Pie Shells 3i51.00 green S = peas SNAP BEANS Z/t U*lkAlf DllMil v J■ J| W < Tfft WMWMMMMMWMMMWMMMWMMWWIMMMMMIWWAfW- AWWMWUVWWWMIWWWaWW noney Duns« zdc 5 ? /Vt mmG ctn tl n io f ;ir M tomatoes 29c I Urkey UinnOfS / ( nJ 1C CC Iw MMMMW»MUMUWMMWMMMMMMM>