mm CSpWAN BBALO. ■mCNTON, NOBTI CUOUNA BROAD STREET BULLETIN... Br Kate I love the sound of laughter, It brightens up my day; Or even a smile that someone gives As I pass along the way. So go forth with a sunny outlook, Laugh at life .. you own the world. Be happy .. for laughter lifts you up, And waves like a flag unfurled. laughter is contagious and just like a chain letter, it spreads. It costs nothing, yet it gives so much and spreads so much happiness. I’ve heard laughter afar off at times, yet it changed my thoughts from blue to the happy yel low of sunshine. The sun is shining again after a few days of gloomy weather. Now the earth is all green and white, especi ally such a beautiful shade of green. Are you too busy to notice it? Congratulations to all win ners in Saturday’s important election, but we women espe cially congratulate Emily Asm * "bum, who won the important seat on the (Board of Educa tion. Although Emily is a * vf'ery busy person, she usually can be depended upon to do * a good job in whatever pro ject she is involved, as was just proven by the success of '*lhe recent Garden Club Flow er Show. In my opinion , there should be more women interested in what goes on in "the government of our town. Here is a recipe for a sugar cake, sent to me by .Party Honors Miss Rountree HOBBSVILLE Miss Betty Jo Rountree was honored at a Cake Hour Saturday at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Elton Morris, aunt of the bride and her daughter, .Wanda, the bride's cousin, ' were hostesses. A color scheme of deep purple and lilac was used : with spring flowers decorat ing the Morris home. Refreshments of chicken salad tarts, date balls, pea nuts,' .lifa»ge-~btes9oms, rib bon sandwiches, cocoanut ■ &3>ineapple chunks and Cokes i _3_ were served to 21 guests. ---- The bride-to-be was pre sented with a gift and a red rose corsage by the hostesses. (ignf! ! Custom Long Hrier ! I 4-PLY NYION CORD I Big Edge Tread for increasea mileage and traction l | i 3gt 4**66 ! 3 7.35 —ls riu» tr*o» -u"d rie«ii c.ot« t« ««mo a 1 2- £1 " ' _ -- $2 08 depending on %n StockwaH. S? ® 4*84 j m ta ~ ls lUUUir4flMlsi.lß4eUk t-55 —ls B ■ YWmUhAi in itow ««s $3-00 »»trt MOUNTING jflwoilabte Jl : &RGoodrich lias iti \ SEE US FOR ALL YOUR RECAPPING NEEDS! ST. $4400 HnuMiiHsann IF. Water Si. Wi’-nl***. v C. 1 Mrs. Naomi Buser of York, : Pa. It seems easy to make t and is very delicious: 1 3 eggs. 2 cups sugar. % cup shortening. 1 tsp. soda. 3 cups flour. 1 cup buttermilk. 1 tsp. vanilla. Cream shortening and sug ar. Add .well beaten eggs Sift together flour and soda. Add alternately buttermilk and flour to creamed mixture. Bake in shallow pan and sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar. Frances Morgan sent me this recipe for Kraut Salad, which she says is delicious: 2 cups chopped celery. 1 small pimento cut up. 1 bell pepper, chopped fine. 1 onion, chopped. 1 tsp. salt. 1 tsp. celery seed. Mix together, then add 11 can of sauerkraut (drained) i and 1 cup sugar. Let stand several hours or overnight. Stir again and put in covered I dish. Let stand in juice and drain when served. i A (British doctor states that anger can be a cause of bald-1 ness because tense scalp muscles and a furrowed brow interfere with blood flow to' the hair roots. The teenagers are calling the wedding ring a ‘’one-man band.” I A Few Hints Gals: To make a scarf weather-proof, iron it be tween • two sheets of wax paper. It will then protect your hair against rain. (If a pan of grease catches fire on the stove, you can smother it with a large sheet of aluminum foil. Flowers with hard, woody stems like chrysanthemums and roses will last longer af ter they are cut, if placed in about two inches of hot wa ter about two minutes and then placed in cold water. I CUT-UP FRYERS Rl29c l m BREASTS .M * FRESH 4TO 6-LB. AVERAGE mm ' ■ i W% 4" • I Hr i| c Mother s Day Specials ■■ ** [HARRELL’S WHOLE LB. lb, 39c Pnnnlru Uoifto DEL bacon 16 9t ibOU nir V nams ou RMWAWMMMWMMWMMMMWWMMMMMMR —I JHALF . . . Jb. 89t sAusAGE49.nnni/ nimno on FRANKS lb. 59(IrUnK uHUru Ua\ S DOUBU STAMPS ON TUESDAYS! WE TRV TO GIVE YOU HONEST VALUES WITHOUT GIMMICKS ' I Beulah Privott i Keeb,er ’ s i GIBBSS2OZ \ giant i i6.oz. Says:- jC.C.Drops PORK and; | |i HAL L'S — | CHECK OU 1 ?. COOKIES BEANS n n E A n K .„ !I_ _ SUDS DKE AII _=l|4 7 ci4P 49« 69d fIACAaiUo NEW! | I I | 2-lb. o. 000 Can Tooth Nabisco's ! TISSUE jj Dukes QUAKER ,Hi a PASTE Toastettes! UJ F^^iGRITS RegPriCe6sC i| PEACH OR 70r !; BOX i;D t ANS j 31c 21 c 4 =59< WAWWSAWWMWWWWW ~ VI I ft I# f* W ® I 3 9 cPotatoes 10 ; 59c Basket ;jr Uj !mu«u»auuuuuKauuu*uuu»' Q s q““ T Cool Whip [LEMONS Joz. 593 4# w j: 29c green C~~~ “™ ™ ' “■ ■ ““ —v WARRRAWAWWWIMWWWU ■ MM ■ ■ I | ■ ! ■■ IS' “; tZirZ: c JIIL.. CABBAGE 2 lbs. 15( 1 m TBH COUPON AND I riCTMI r I .. [ ! lbs. 29c! W Save 1