PAGE EIGHT-B Senator Sam J. Ervin Says WASHINGTON— Uu» session of the Congress has witnessed a continuing controversy over : our Federal Judfcary. The [Senate has considered three • nominees to fill a single va ' cancy on the Supreme Court. The House has taken prelim ! inary steps to consider a poe ; sible impeachment of one of i the Justices of that Court These controversies, to gether with a general public ; criticism of the administra | tkm of justice by the federal : courts, have apparently caus [ed many members of the Congress to introduce no less Ijthan 27 bills to discipline federal judges. Some of these bills would require judges to disclose their personal fi nances, while other measures would establish sweeping controls over the power of judges to try cases and in terpret the laws. Some of these legislative proposals seek to establish inquisition like commissions which could purge unpopular judges in violation of constitutional re quirements for impeachments. As the readers of this column know, I have con sistently urged that we have the best possible judiciary, and that we appoint federal judges who interpret the Constitution in accordance i DHtlftforik funeral home i edenton. n. c. Dear friends, Benefits may be lost to the family for lack of know ledge. If the deceased was covered by Social Security, his beneficiary is eligible’ for a benefit - likewise the family of a war veteran with active service. Some trade unions and fraternal organ izations provide survivor benefits. Your funeral director cari assist you to learn of and apply for various benefits to which the survivors may be entitled. Respectfully, •Ts! ! *5- /'J. %UJ . /-J Weeds and grasses in peanuts cant stand this combination. Balan T »/Vernam® combination equals more effective weed con trol for peanuts. A tank mix of this compatible combination gets Balan’s 20 weeds and grasses plus Vernam’s favorite target, nutgrass. Your peanutsgeta bet ter start, stay ahead of weeds all season long. See your Balan dealer. (Balenr- —benefin, Banco) (Vernamß—regiatered trademark of Stauffer Chemical), (jig) lUMewMOTCMMer . an with its true intent and mean ing. At the same time, 1 am concerned about many of the proposals now being offered which would undermine the independence of the federal judiciary in an unwise and unconstitutional manner. For this reason, as chair man of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, I have been con ducting hearings to deter mine how we can best re solve the difficult questions involved in judicial reform so that we may preserve the fundamental need for an in dependent judiciary. The principal issue at stake before the subcommittee re lates to the future role of the Judicial Conference of the United States and the judi cial circuit councils which have been in existence for many years. Congress creat ed the Judicial Conference in 1902 to clear up a backlog of cases and to improve the functioning of the federal courts. For many years, ju dicial councils confined their activities to “housekeeping” duties which involved the making of plans for the best use of judges in clearing crowded court dockets and in preparing suggested rules of practice and procedure for THE CHOWAN HERALD, ■HCHTOW, NOW CAROLINA. THURERAT, MAT I*. IWt. the efficient administration of the courts. In recent years, however, due to the national concern about judicial ethics, these councils have begun to as sume disciplinary duties. The assumption of this authority has been questioned by many judges, and has raised the questions of how far such councils should be permitted to go in supervising the op eration of the courts. As with any issue of this nature, there are widely di verse views on how these councils have functioned with in their statutory authoriza tion. The function of the subcommittee’s study is to try to ascertain how we can best protect the public, the courts, and assure the fair and impartial administration of the laws in accordance with constitutional prin ciples. Since the performance and integrity of the federal courts is at stake, I believe that the testimony given at these hear ings will be most helpful as the Congress undertakes to weigh the consequences of the various legislative proposals on this subject Guard Position i To Maj. Harrell Hanover Street, Williamston, has been named battalion executive officer of Ist Bn. 119th Infantry, N. C. Army National Guard, with head quarters in Ahoskie. Maj. Harrell enlisted in the Guard in Edenton 21 years ago. He received his com mission from ROTC at N. C. State University in 1954, where he was designated a Distinguished Military Gradu ate. He served on active duty as company executive officer with the 6th Armored Calvary Regiment in Straub ing, Germany. In the Guard he has been a company commander, Brig ade S-3 (operations and train ing officer), and Battalion S-3. The Ist Bn. 119th Infantry has units in Wilson, Nash ville, Tarboro, Scotland Neck, Woodland, Roanoke Rapids, Windsor, Edenton, Elizabeth City and Williamston. Maj. Harrell is the Ameri can Oil distributor for Mar tin, Washington and Bertie counties. TK A HERALD FOR QUICK RESULTS Make Going To Church A Habi HOW IS ONE SAVED? International Sunday School Lesson for May 17 Memory Selection: “A man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ”—Galatians 2:16. Lesson Text: Acts 15:1-35; Galatians 2. In our lesson today wc will endeavor to show that Salvation is the true gift of God —a gift given freely and willingly through the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. And the only “price tag” that salvation bears is that of an unflinching and trusting faith. For, contrary to somewhat popular beliefs, it is not necessarily “earned” by good deeds alone. In these passages today we will alsd see a fa miliar battle waged—the battle between what the “law” proclaimed as right —and what was truly right (We are reminded of the many times Jesus was confronted with the law, as op posed to His interpretations; for which He waa often regarded as a radical). But Jesus felt that in a strict and fanatical observance of rules and regulations (laid down, no doubt with the best intentions in the world) the larger and more meaningful issues were oftentimes overlooked completely. The church, at the time of our studies, was having “growing pains.” The church at Antioch, the forerunner of the concept of Christianity for alt was free-thinking in its concepts, dedicated and enthusiastic about spreading God's word to all men, while the church at Jerusalem clung even more tenaciously to its history in the life of the Jewish people, determined to preserve the old customs and the accepted ways of Jewish life. It is not surprising, therefore, that circum stances forced the church, as a body, to delineate the requirements for salvation and church mem bership. The concept that merely a dedicated observance of time-honored rituals and a meet ing of the obligations of rules and regulations met head-on with Paul’s interpretations. For he constantly maintained that Christ was one who came in man’s behalf, a Being who could reactivate and re-direct the life of any man who believed in Him and that for which He stood. Identification with Christ, maintained Paul, en abled the weakest of men to duplicate His prin ciples. For Paul the Christian, faith was not only a religion—it was a practical and rewarding way of life. It was a sharing in Christ Salvation and fellowship, to him, went hand in hand. This is reiterated throughout all his writings. Controversy still rages, throughout many of our churches today, on many diverse topics. We should not let it be said, be necessarily dis mayed—although we need to be wary of un healthy dissension. For dissension can become away of life—a habit which accomplishes noth ing—and which even destroys. But healthy, ac tive controversy can be an enriching and en livening experience for the church membership. For it could very aptly mean that progress is CoaUaaed ea Page 12 BELK TYLER j Your Happy Shopping Store W. E. SMITH GENERAL MERCHANDISE ”Roeky Hock” PHONE 221-4011 EDENTON M. G. BROWN CO., INC. Lumber MiUwork Building Material Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 4M-SIM EDENTON This Space Sponsored By a Friend of the Churches In Chowan County EDENTON TRACTOR ft EQUIPMENT COMPANY YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER Agents For Eviarude Outboards u. a. IT SOOTH EDENTON, N. C. BRIDGE-TURN ESSO SERVICENTER “Your Friendly ESSO Dealer” ESSO PRODUCTS ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES Western Gas ft Jljjgf§L Fuel oil Se^ce sis a broad at 9 |bhh|^, Sunday Acts Hp 4.-5-2 I K Monday : J0 v ' Acts i -' 4 **swaLL' ■ ■ 4-23-31 WMKKSmm-.j. ? Acts ;v, ' : 7 i-2, si-do - jL > \ Wednesday taPiSSF ' II Santual mBEKtm&mMwmSmHHHKi 9:1-13 ' • Eddie and Jake have been buddies since they could toddle. To- T hursday gather they hiked, fished, argued and leap-frogged the years away, 10:2j!l7 ,f ,h * y weren,t at our house, they were at Eddie's. Sundays, Eddie came along to church with us. Th*/ did everything together, dated, played football, went to college. When they joined the Army, they went together. V-Ufr [7 Jake I* coming home next week, but not Eddie. His mother brought .ill hi * ,#tter OVer ,odt, y- We cried together. Friday "Dear Mom," Eddie wrote, "Things are pretty bad. I'm glad Jake John I* here. We talk about home, about God, too. I know you and Dad 13:1-17 never cared about church and all, but I think you'll be glad to know • *' v * learned a lot about God from Jake. Whatever happens, I feel Saturday close to Him. I'm not scared." Romans 12:9-21 Faith j n God is your child's heritage. Take him to church today. Scriptures selected by the American Bible Society Copyright 1970 Keister Ailvertising Service, Inc., Slmsburg, Vs. . • Vvj ***** 1 till” . M. > *'■- *- % 1 -2i■' • ' t* • 1 •••*•■-.* (|M Theae Religion* Menage* Are Published tn The Herald Under The Sponeorehip Os The Following Bu*nie*s Establishments: COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME Hiehwajr 33 North Kdetnon, N. C. PHONE 482-4486 EDENTON RESTAURANT Good Food - Pleasant Surroundings” >IXB. W. L. BOSWXLL, Prop. Phono 433-3733 GENE’S 6c & 10c STORE SELF-SERVICE EDENTON SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Where You Save DOES Hake a Differencel SDBITOH, N. C HUGHES-PARKER HARDWARE COMPANY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS rami in-lit xdxmton BYRUM IMPLEMENT ft TRUCK COMPANY, INC. International Harvester Dealer HOBBS IMPLEMENT CO., INC. "YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER ” Your Farm Equipment “ V Needs Are a Life n Time Job With Us! BCIZISf EDENTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONK 483-3319 N. BROAD ST. V MITCHENER’S PHARMACY Prescription Pharmacists raONI 483-3711 KDXNTON EDENTON OFFICE SUPPLY Everything For The Offke Phono 483-3837 BOl S. Brood St. QUINN FURNITURE \ COMPANY HOME OF FINE FURNITURE KDBNTON. N. C LEARY BROS. STORAGE CO. Buyers 08 —— Peanuts, Soybeans and Country Produce Seller* Os Fertilizers and Seeds PHONIS 483-3141 AND 483-3143 ALBEMARLE MOTOR COMPANY "Your Friendly FORD Deal** w. macs ST. _ spurn, w. c