PAGE EIGHT-B THE HOLY GHOST By DALTON WABD, RyUnd, N. C When the Holy Ghost does witness Through the ones who have stood true, There is a blessing to all who will accept it, And their strength (He will renew. There comes a day of transformation For the lone despised few; ■lt will be a time of great rejoicing, I want to be ready so that I can ascend up, too. The Holy Ghost He is a great teacher And in our Hves there lies a great need; TO know more about my Master, And through His Word only can we succeed. So in our lives we should be more prayerful, ■Lifting up the Saviour from day unto day; And when He calls us we should always answer, Then whatever He says we must always obey. We are living in a day of lots of adultery. When people ere committing all kinds c.f sin; Needing the Holy Ghost to come in and to conquer In their lives and put these evils to an end. It is not those who start who are successful. But it is the ones who endure until the end; So may we not stop short of all of His glory, For He is ever near and our dearest friend. So may we use our talents to please Him Who has saved us by His love and power; Teaching us the way of full salvation, For it’s greatly needed this very hour. May our lives become more humble As we press forward from day to day; Telling to those who need this great Saviour, More about the straight and the narrow way. And as I study His Word it affords the light That keeps me in His constant care; By leading me into deeper thoughts of the Master, And has gone up to Heaven and his glory we may share. My heart is yearning to be drawn a little closer, For I want to never try to grieve His heart; But I want to live and to be more like Him, So that the Holy Ghost from me will not depart. Buy And Sell With Want Ads Phone 482-2221 MAICIKISI WEEK-END SPECIALS Mtft I LdlllCMlO jr.n 5p.99 SA4.BS BRIGGS & STRATTON $9.99 - $13.99 ctJ L \. Lawn Mowers 3-PIECE Lighter 38c Regular $52.95 ■ A i Thurs, Fri. and Sat I QUfn vote HOBNAIL $1144 -flu Bedspreads mm ASSORTED COLORS ft 'AV\ II A I FULL AND THIN SIZES Lar * e plastic Assorted Paint Roller Set ANY two for Bucket, Trash Cans roller and pan Only (HI Clothes Basket (Inly QQp m 1 ** ONLY ~ UIIIJ UUU Cu. Campers - factor Has QQ p QOn h Fold-Awayßeds Wall Paint wm MAraKS «-«» *3.99 ASSORTED COLORS a j »« m FOLDING only- llfliy La W n Chaise $727 $5.47 gal . I COLEMAN ItaBLE AND 4 CHAIRS— Station SleCpHlg BagS Uwßet-m* Waaron mm sim $4 mm red and blue Only $4.99 8 lu H cHnj,BENs ■a- value? c ™‘ Tennis Shoes 18 ROLLS V HIK 561 ASSORTED SIZES Bathroom Tissue $1.19 pr. ASSORTED COLORS (JlllY 31.// Only 99c ~ one rack I MACKS HAS i üßjii'?iiniic~ Ladles’Dresses v -\rzO m ‘ Lacßes Shells Life Jackets Assorted Sixes and Colon A . M SIJ9 - $2.99 $134 each 3.8 H. P. 28-GALLON OUTSIDE I-Cycle 2B-Inch Trash Cans Ladfes’Btatsas Hastie Metal Ldlfll ITIUfTCI 5 Assorted Sixes and Colon SIJIO SIJ7 Only $39.95 SU)Q, $1.99, $199 ■ Stwe Hours: F to (-88 M—day 1 M 8 to 8:88 Toeaday 9:38 to (.88 Wednesday 8:38 to IJB Thoraday I|?;M(rf 9:38 to M 8 Friday ■■■■■■■EM PLAN V— re la Northside Shopping: Center ii i - —— m CHOWAN HEBALD, HOTON, WOW CAROLINA. THUMDAT, JUNE 4, lIN. New Books At Local Library New books received at the Shcpard-Pruden Memorial Library include the follow ing: Adult Fiction The Doctor’s Two Lives by Seifert. A Time to Prey by Kenz- Gerson. ley. Grave Journey by Hebden. Losing Battles by Welty. Fiona by Gaskin. The Bay of Noon by Haz zard. Mr. Fairlie’s Final Journey by Derleth. . The Flowers of Adcnis by Sutcliff. And Not .to Yield by Un man. No Time For Love by Lor ing. The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax by Gilman. The Face of Innocence by Ogilvie. Divide By Seven by Cham- , bers. All Grass Isn’t Green by A. A. Fair. Adult Non-Fiction Knitting Made Easy by Atyes. ■An Accounting Primer by ■ Midgett. ( Handbook of Denomina- « tions by Mead. , •The Edict of Nantes by ( If you make mistakes every ' day, don’t feel discouraged. ] There is no one who doesn't, j An idea is one thing; put- ' ting it into words so that everybody wiU understand it, , is another. IT NEVER FAILS wpf# BOY ISA I Ary* A MM4UTBS LAT* I . CCTUQB OM Many Agencies Involved In Housing By GLADYS B. WHITE Home Economics Extension Agent Housing has received quite a bit of ihterest from all gov ernment agencies for the past several months. We have heard discussion on low-in come housing, sub - standard housing, HUD, Turnkey HI and other programs that are supposed to encourage better housing and in some cases help to finance new homes, Tne town of Edenton has appointed a Housing Author ity and they have applied and are in the process of getting approval for federal housing. This is a project that is well worth while but it can be complimented with other pro grams that are also sponsored by local, state and federal agencies. For txample, FHA has available loans for home construction or the purchase of homes for those families •that do not have an in come exceeding approximate ly $9,000 per year. The in terest on these homes ran be adjusted according to the in come of the family and the length of time for the loan can go as high as 33 years. Anyone that does not live in a town that does not have over 5,500 population can, if Aim ComfaM StnlPiptfor Mpttai I Draingi IPi Raay to M 4 Shoaa Vaaa include rood culverts, ditch cronovera, stock wa ter supply lino* and turn outs. Durable zinc-coated Armco Corrugated Steel Pipe is available In diame ters 8 to 88 inch—. We maintain stock for your needs. Call pa for prices coMnwucnoii V PRODUCTS Coastal Concrete Company, Ine. Windsor, M. C. 784-8138 TBmrta. >. C. 483-3388 Qfl oftcuy&t to F/iemembei By MARVIN BARHAM •‘Don’t destroy your ideals! Don’t tear down your dreams!” These are words of advice that we have all heard throughout our lives. They are still excellent bits of wisdom that could well be passed on to our young people today. We read of sit-ins, demonstrations, walk outs and many other forms of revolt and rebellion. “We fight for our ideals,” they say. It is a noble thing to have ideals. But, if in our haste to cbtain our own rights, we over-lap and take away the rights of others, we can easily be tearing down, rather than building up. We all have dreams and ideals, and they were not easily obtained. Usually when we destroy these ideals and dreams, we end up breaking our own hearts. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Only your attitude builds your dreams and ideals. Only you can destroy them. Colonial Funeral Home j Bur WHO MUD! JHSHHH a tccTuQc on W wom*tm*m jrai—Pl wmsm co*. utc-noM SKJStt ufi fAIMj - : TUahx T> Bod lowAV, 3D. 1 PHH.AP6IPHIA j they meet the other qualifica tions be eligible for FHA loans. As it was stated before, many agencies are becoming involved in housing and pro grams that are available. North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service has as its objective to bring .together the necessary resources to ait tack the problem in housing and to try to encourage those people to improve their home where it is considered sub standard. in the Chowan County Extension office there are available for those who are interested, regardless of income, blueprints that are tree to anyone who would like to build a new home and someone available to plan the remodeling of an already con- TE.'CHERS, 62, ELIGIBLE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY School teachers age 62 or over should consider applying for social security benefits. Teachers can receive a social security chock for the sum mer months when they do net teach. Most teachers re ceive a salary tor 12 months in a year. This is net the deciding factor. The point is that they can get a social se curity check for any month they do not work. If you are u schcol teacher of retire ment age, and haven’t con sidered the possibility of supplementing your summer budget with social security, you should. To find out more about this, get in touch with your social security of fice at 401 South Dyer Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. The people there will be glad to help you. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Continued from Pago 8 together by a common striv ing, a common conviction, all subjugated to the will of the Almighty, sharing its faith and its life with those who had yet to be gathered into the fold of God’s mighty car ing. The church is a body of believers, redeemed through faith in Christ Nebulous? No—concrete. on autttnaa of the Interna tional Snatey School Lemons, copyrighted fey the Interna tional Courtl of Religions Freedom of speech is not valuable unless somebody will listen. structed building. These ser vices are available to anyone that is planning additions or new construction and it in volves helping with color schemes, plumbing, heating and cooling, lighting, kitch ens, bathrooms, storage, home furnishings and even to the extent of suggestions for ter mite control. We think that the plans plus the assistance of the personnel should be used wherever it is .felt that as sistance is needed, regardless of income. If you are inter ested in building a new home or remodeling your present home, we will be glad to talk with you. You should also contact the FHA office. Edenton Native Gets Duke Degree Rev. Michael T. Malone, son of Mrs. Wilmer Malone of Edenton and the late Mr. Ma lone, received the degree of doctor of philosophy at grad uation exercises at Duke Uni versity Monday. Dr. Alalone did his gradu ate work in the department of religion, majoring in the history of American Chris tianity. He is married to the former .Ann Gardner of Ar lington, Va., and they have two children. mmmrn >3f|A ALLSTATE .a. J/\ / PAN j* jfefc I AND 1 ——l— _1 ROLLER SEr .25 |l t TOP QUALITY \ With th. purchase of 4 M I or mor. gallons of our J *** PAINT... paint PRICES! SCREEN ■ mx paint m f j| pn «■ popular rZ-Sy • Ho luting odors in your room rt J t *“** j - Us. with brush or roikr W. tarry a large seUcfen oI • Clean up with soap and water g ( screen door styles plus a big - Pries quickly and smoothly ■, SOtocNoa ot datorabx grills lo . * Rt tiso. Wo also carry scraan Now is the time to buy that paint you door hardware including pnau nood around tho house. We have a m»«e door closures, complete selection to all typos of paint A FRAMI SCRIINS I „■ >1 ill INEXPENSIVE! |l'6ht fixturesß ■ PLYWOOD PANELING y 4 4xß birch $5.95 « IcKUCTMHI BUM Vs 4xß walnut 13.95 liffirffiirl Iwrmmr v * 4xß pecAN 1L 95 8 W ifcPafl % 4xß oak 11-95 Iwf'fnlhl mBSW' ECONOMY PANELING AVAILABLE K’rjjfffe).' ) |;|,4 MlBPi AS LOW AS 3.25 PER 4x 8 SHEET. -Hr! tto IroWliP do a9x 12 ro ° m for fBMIM AS UHLE AS $26. 00 *l-25 TO *69.95 | m. ' a ■uV»WV| II *' 11 s f fl 6 iHf ill up ii|P(fe m piiii mpip SliPfl -1 ■II I DIAL 315-5010 ■ ,;W DIAL 335-MSB I mil inLi ■ PEOPLES PAYS THE HIGHEST GUARANTEED BANk INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS. * M j 4 Vi% Regular Passbook Earn 4V4% guaranteed daily interest from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Interest is com pounded quarterly and automatically added to your account. ■ 5% Peoples Premium passbook j This passbook account pays 5% guaranteed daily interest which is added to your account quarterly. I Make an initial deposit of SSOO. Make additional deposits in any amount at any time. After the first 90 days, withdrawal may be made at the end of each calendar quarter or upon 90 days notice. 5%% one year Certificate of Deposit Available in amounts of SI,OOO or more. Certifi cates with a maturity of one year earn 5&% guar anteed interest compounded quarterly. If you prefer, we will mail your interest check quarterly or credit your checking account or Regular Passbook Savings Account. 5%% two year Certificate of Deposit Available in amounts of SI,OOO or more. Certifi cates with a maturity of two years earn 5%% guar anteed interest compounded quarterly. We will mail your interest check quarterly or credit your check ing account or Regular Passbook Savings account. Peoples Bank MEMBER F. D. I. C. FOR QUICK RESULTS, TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED AW -