The Chowan Herald BOX M7, EDENTON, N. C. STMS Published every Thursday at Bdentoa by The . Chowan Herald, Inc., L. F. Am bum, Jr.. president and teneral manager, 421-435 South Broad Street, ■denton. North Carolina 21553. CnXered as second-class matter AuguM SO, 1934, at the Poet Office at'Edenton. North Carolina, nn4£ the act ol March X ITT. U F. AMBURN. JR. President and Gen. Mgr. J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager 'E. N. MANNING— .Mechanical Superintendent SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear (Outside North Carolina) .54.50 One Tear (In North Carolina) .54.15 Six Snaths 52.35 Cards of thanks, resolutions of respect, etc., will be cfchrged tor at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1970 11 " 1 " |3itblir |Jaradi' Continued from ftfe 1 this wjek in our favorite afternoon daily of general circulation in Northeastern North Carolina, quotes the jurist as say ing he is “just getting tired of all that mess” caused by surfers. He will im pose maximum fines of SSO and seizure of surfboards for illegal surfing at Nags Head. He carried through on nis threat last week when three Norfolk Va., teenagers were brought before him. They were fined SSO, plus sls costs of court and $3 jail fees. This they probably were able to obtain from their parents, there fore not have to go to jail for 30 days. The Jhing, however, that will appar ently hurt the most is being relieved of their surfboards for 30 days. This their parents can’t help them with. Judge Horner not only hit them squarely jn the pocketbook he gave them a healthy judicial blow in the surfboard. And in so doing, the judge struck a lick for safety and decency; relieved the trio not only of a considerable amount of cash but Jheir status symbol as well. CHtfGS RIGHT ALONG Continued fram Page 1 verted , piiffing steam engine to a rumbling 6$Q horsepower diesel to swing her six-foot propeller. . The same con version allowed the tall stack required for her boiler to be replaced with a stub by, modern stack carrying off the diesel exhaust^ She is 75 feet long including a five foot bustle added to her stern to provide more work space aft and to protect her rudder. She draws eight feet and has a 16-foot, Inine-inch beam on her wrought iron hult From her waterline to the top of her mast she is 33 feet tall. With a black hull and red deckhouse she looks like wha* she is, a busy and h&rd work ing tugboat. Captain Harry Ward of Winton was her skipper from 1937 until his death in 1955 when she was pulling up to three wooden barges holding 90 cords each of logs for Union Camp’s lumber and paper operation at Franklin. More modern steel barges can be made up into a tow of six and are hauling two hundred cords each. Union Camp now has a fleet of 24 barges.. Captain Ward’s son, Harry B. Ward, Jr., who lives in Winton, is carrying on the famijy tradition and is Supervisor of River Operations for Union Camp as well as captain of the Corinthia. When Captain Ward is not on board, Walter Evans, also of Winton, is skipper. Union'Camp maintains barge yards, landings where wood is collected and loaded on barges, at Columbia on the south side of the Albemarle Sound, near the Edenton Municipal Airport on the north si. K. at «m Mm toa Mtotettel Ghana. NEED USES? Sears has a tire guaran far WW > TO BUY, SELL,SWAP I RENT OR HIRE - H FOR RENT—-Two bedroom Mobilehome. Completely furnished. Couples only. No pets. Call 482-4546 af ter 6:30 P. M. 1 t P BOAT FOR SALE l4-foot White boat, 18 HP 1964 , Johnson motor. Fleet Cap tain trailer. Call 482-2475. Exp Aug 20p FOR - RENT —"Furnished i apartment Ideal location ‘ for persons reporting to the area for work in the public school system. Near convenient Northside Shop ping area. Desire two ladies but will consider married couple provided both are, employed in the school system. Call 482- 3731. exp Aug 27p FOR SALE ANTIQUES. Marble top washstands and dressers, love seats, round oak tables, round front china cabinets, setees and V drop-leaf tables, marble top commodes, art glas? lamps, cut and pressed glass, round top trunks, clocks, sets of 4, 6 and 8 , matching oak chairs. Hours r week days, 11 to 6. Sun; days 2 to 6. We honor all interbank credit cards. Hank’s Antiques, Highway 17 north, Route 2, Edenton, N. C. tfc FOR DIRT HAULING Call ELMER OVERTON 482-4326 ERIE JONES 482-4222 Route 2, Edenton, N. C- tfc In Memorial Those wishing to make donation* in memory of a departed friend in a card will be sent in your 5 name may send donations to the following: , EYE WILLS Any Member of Edenton y Lions Club ' —or W. H. HolloweH, Jr., Box 200 Edenton, N. C. 27832 - Telephone 482-3127 > AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY M». W. J. P. Earnhardt 208 North Granville Street Edenton, N. C. 27982 HEART FUND Mrs. Fred fceater P. O. Box 227 Edenton, N. C 27982 CHOWAN HOSPITAL memorial FUND . I Edeuto* N P C. fl r9B2 TOoS” I i 121 M^g’stiMl SS&A&S H RESCUE SQUAD »