y This Is The Law Ur bobebt b. ub / —■ Mod.! AP-12MP Frig Maire PRESTIGE jfr cowditimfr it Pin-Drop Qaiet Hamll^lnc. having the same blood group cannot be in one of the other blood groups, but if the two 1 parents have different blood i grouping, then a different situation arises. Blood grouping tests can be used scientifically to prove only nonpaternity; they can never be used scientifically to affirmatively prove parent age. For instance, if the child has blood O, and both the mother and the putative fath er have blood O, there is no evidence that the putative father is really the father, because 45 per cent of the WE ARE Jumpers I JANE PARKER DELICIOUS PACKERS LABEL | - , AWSI HI!” A foodp^39c wh|p W 45cfree st °ne 27c \ vMfamm Wm L— 1 11— 1 [cake uu topping Breaches \ 2 C TRIM TIP MODERN MARKERS 35c II if MAR . VEL cS BLUE HORSE CANVAS BINDER onlv 89c IVIIBIm A&P LEGAL PADS-TWIN PACK om v 29c ON ~ y r y MORTON FROZEN CREAM PlES s B ok E I S 2 '<& 45c FROZEN SUNNYFIELD WAFFLES 219 c ERASABLE typ,ng‘ p pap E r 39c Fruit Cocktail ’£■ 33c £ * - WH ' NG PAPtR -L 49c s U O BfIS 33c ANN PAGE TOMATO KETCHUP 2 B3c A&P lo p° 9 ° 29c SHELLIE BEANS 29c ANN PAGE SALAD MUSTARD 3 %’ 39c CRAYOLA CRAYONS 29c GUT GREEN BEANS _ _ SULTANA SALAD DRESSING £ 39c Campus Mates Starter Set o „. y $1.79 WHOLE KERNEL CORN )M, Lb $1 VAN CAMP PORK and BEANS 5 SI.OO SHOP FOR QUENCHING BEVERAGES I I—.1 —. y ■’ I GREAT FOR SANDWICH FAVORITES BUY JANE PARKER ■on rniiiT shop -tIMK variety bread 2^49c 111 | AHEAD • wheat Sandwich • Plain or Sour Rye • Whole Wheat • Poppy Seed Rye ■ ■ FOR SAVINGS foJr\\\ ’"'a ~~ SHOP A&f> FOR KEEBLER cookie products ■% IUII# _ -v ■'V--V.AL ' \rv/ \ \ ' [£•'9 keebler keebler old fashioned ll HI NK Q A&P A4 \ %4i FIS BARS •«- . BAT MEAL BOOKIES ‘lff- . Q _ U!■l!■ |m ■■ •> 1\ keebler old fashioned keebler I tl w WILL BE Mi* SUGAR COOKIES pt VANILLA WAFERS 'k? ( FOR 3_ CLOSED cheeri-aid m S'. I MI CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES— PLg 1 )<| flO Ca ° : 89 C LABOR DAY ♦Ms 31. *W \ PEAKUT BUTTER COOKIES S? M .UU to- FRANKS =s9* .ft, star "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY FRESH __ ■ AT; -rs/ HOT DOGS HHK QUALITY FRYER PARTS ■§ more in BREAST quarter ■ Bm ■ SPLIT WITHOUT GIBLETS I "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY SMOKED l3 TO 19 LB. AVG. _- "super-right-' quality smoked hams wm _ >■ _ BUTT HALF ____ LB. 53c SHOP AGP FOR oookout VALUEV WHOLE £ SHANK PORTION LB. 39c A&P Charcoal Briquets B ag 59c shank half center portion lb 89c . P _ A CENTER SLICES A&P Charcoal Briquets $1.09 butt portion Lb one-fifth ham sliced WONOERFOIL HB BB UB WU ALUMINUM WRAP 18 ~ri.? 5 39r ALLGOOD BRAND "SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY CORN-FED BEEF "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESHLY GROUND "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY CORN-FED BEEF STOKIJY only SLICED WHOLE 2 J r. 35 U 3 Lbs or _ CUBED CHUCK GATQRADE beverage Hg- 38c BACON 69c • RIB ».::. c .r,L". u 75c * BEEF ts 53c * STEAKS Lb 99c GRApIs -29 c • APPLES 4 59c • ONIONS 3 -33 c POTAT OES •10 - 69 c r . . -. i ' ' ' *' ‘ r TKB CHOWAN HERALD, EDBNTON, NORIB CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1979. population have the same blood. But if the child has blood A and both the mother and the putative father have blood O, then this is evidence sufficient to exclude the par enthood of the alleged father, because a combination of two persons with blood O cannot produce a child with group A Stated differently, one can not prove affirmatively by a blood grouping test that a man is the father of a par ticular child, but in certain instances it is possible to prove that a man is not the father of the child. Local Students At Peace College : RALEIGH Two students 5 from Chowan County r>re : among the record enrollment iof approximately 480 young 5 women at Peace College this - fall. > Susan Shearin, daughter of 5 W. R. Shearin, Sr., tope Co!- 1 ony, is a sophomore while - 'Miriam Bissette, daughter of - Mrs. Betty A. Bissette, 217 i East Queen Street, Edenton, i is a freshman. They are both . graduates of John A. Holme, i High School. ; TRY A CLASSIFIED AD FOR QUICK RESULTS VETERANS’ CORNER (Editor's Note: Below are thoritmtive answers by the Veterans Administration to some es tke many current questions from for mer servicemen and tkeir families. Further information on the veter ans’ benefits may be obtained at may VA office). Q. How much compensa tion does the VA give for a helpless child over 18 Where there is no widow? A. Compensation, is $lO9 per month. Q. Is a woman who draws VA benefits as a widow of a veteran entitled to an extra SSO allowance if she becomes a patient in a nursing home? A. Yes. Q. My husband was killed during the Korean conflict, and I receive Dependency and ,1 nd e m-n it y Compensation ODIC) from the VA. 'Does recent legislation increase payments for our children? A. Legislation effective as of January 1, 1970, provides an increase in payments to •many widows with children, but the increase is payable only to widows whose hus bands lost their lives in, or as a result of military ser vice. You may request this increased benefit at the near est VA office. NOTICE TO HUNTERS GREENFIELD FARM hunting will be restricted to a limited number of card membership only Contact Frank L. Williams FOR MEMBERSHIP Indian Trail Road, Edenton, N. C. Telephone 482-3085 Buy And Sell With Want Ads Phone 482-2221 PAGE THREE-B