PAGE TWO —B t? I i . ft - R | J | i L f|| i - , IT I EJyi ftsf :LmXmlmlJiPl 11 'TARBORO TOUR PLANNED Shown here is an interior view of Pender Mu seum, headquarters for the October 17 Historic Tour of Tarboro and Edgecombe Gi&uy. Historic Tour Slated In Tarboro The EdgeeOmb County His torical Society will sponsor a tour of early homes and pub lic buildings October 17 with hotirs from 9:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. and 2 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. Included in the tour are three privately owned homes which have never been open ed to the public before. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 3,1970 10:00 A. M. Used Furniture, Antiques, Odds and Ends, Contents of House and Old Store. Location: Bethel, N. C 5 Miles South of Hertford, N. C. At Old Farmer House Mrs. Mary Barber “ Z Owner Harold Winslow Auctioneer Phone 426-5307 1968 Chevrolet Impala 2-door 1966 Chevrolet Belair 4-door 1965 Chevelle 4-door V-8 1965 Rambler Wagon 1964 Ford Thunderbird 1964 Falcon 2-door 6-Cylinder 1963 Chevrolet Belair 4-door 1962 Comet 4-door 1961 Rambler 2-door USED TRUCKS 1967 Ford Ranger 1963 Ford 3 / 4 -Ton 1963 Ford 1/2-Ton 1963 Chevrolet 2-Ton Stake Body 1962 International 2-Ton Geom Chevrolet Co., Inc I IWO North Brood Street EDENTON, N. C. 4 Dealer No. 616 Headquarters for the tour will be the Pender Museum, St. Andrew Street, where tickets may be purchased (block tickets, $2.50 and single admissions, $1.00). A barbecue lunch will be serv ed from 12:30 P. M. to 2 P. M. on the Pender Museum grounds with tickets avail able at the museum. A map THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NOBXH CAROLINA, THURSfeAY, OCTOBER B, Iff*. of historical places in Tar boro and Edgecombe County will be furnished each visitor along with a brief history of the Pender Museum. Also planned for the day is a flea market sale to be held at 404 Main Street, next door to NON®, where many “good ies” from attic and basement are already gathering. In addition, there will be an ex hibition of paintings at the Edgecombe Memorial Library by Judith Ann Schiff and Carcle Stein of New York. Some of the private homes to be opened include the Dancy - Battle - Clark House owned by D. Russell Clark; the Coats-Walston House own ed by Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Keehln; the "Barracks” own ed by Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Jenkins; the Howell-King- Harrell House owned by Mrs. A. S. Deßerry and Coolmore Plantation, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Powell and Miss Mary Collins Powell. In addition, the Thomas Blount House, known as the Community House, Calvary Episcopal Church and church yard, and the Taylor-'Brinson- Aycock law office will be open. Proceeds from the tour and flea sale will go toward res toration of the Cotton Press on the Town Common and for the maintenance of the Pend er Museum. For tickets and j additional information, please | write the Edgecombe Histor- I ical Society, Box 636, Tar boro, N. C. t Fight Cancer % f with a checkup 1 and a Check I I <5 ? AMERICAN I \ 'rfe, CANCER I \ § SOCIETY J FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A HERALD STATEMENT United States Brandi Os The Confederation Life Aanoriation » Mmtcasa Laaa* m Ami Estate 1 WY? jUx flft «. Baal Ealat. A Mte, Imam 1D.460.744.00 A framlum Na*aa T. CaUataral La—a A Cart an* Bank D.p—U 2,374,643.00 IT Lift Inmate. Pm.,* -4 A—*, CmaMk. D.fmra* Uamilmte* 3.»».868.00 UAAMJOAS. AUWt.UA ANO OTMKM FUNDS 1. Aamcate rmsrm fm W. mllnm tel matemte a 54.974.236.00 1 Aaaraaaw raaarm fm aadfaat aa* haakb matracta 1.490.468.00 * ““«**• >«• -N— h28.7tt.f10 A WFjWArt fafal t Fwmm. to. mftera-am. w* .o-i. *. . -famte, _m t^aßy?,Qo A Pramiuam mmd —rmtemE te aA— Tla^gaflfl »A Cl— fa W— tea - aw U2.ftQ.flO I*. Gaaarai «m-m 4_ . mmf 663.50g.00 u. rTj *■" *" " (r,ri, ‘ > " r-,t- lmmm Uam) 432.561.00 K thrltoafa m wfak.lfai. faUamS tef aapafa ‘■ 3 ’7°>7l k Tafal UaUMfaa lafal CfaMl I 6haVflfl.667.flQ » S*mml SarWm fa-to I g71.fi98.Q0 * •‘•‘T Dnaw | 9BQ.fIBQ.fIQ *». A- 17Mafil7.0Q I—a MflUUfOp Twi . 69.021.782.00 RU4A— m itm mrmim or hoktm canoowa twu IRRR - . omotart 040 OT nmnnui total !»?*-■- S——CNN. «—Wfa . 2RJ«6 ya 1 SfJtm 7 MflQ *L ajrn - ■ 91.916 flafiw , I mjM wuct ixurt H44IRABT otaot . awwut nui.j il »'» . —» eg —MS- B.A7.CT J 1.71J1 t - -w. _ _(W t, \ | 4 ' w ' vttLPl ' * - F—-—* —J- L ZZ j ■_ ~ 1 ua ' ~ \ i T~' 1 z—u Z—l .i _ i I tZaZ '■■■■— 1 urn ~ j urn _• • ±J/B_ ZcH C ' ' ■ i-ps - "■ i I II MMtete MOTH riAAAH —ll9lf AOTARVBWT. jaecm uumjatiOLmtiamtnuListutaߣim , * m,m ** mm * ~‘—****■' MAwfUms Walker Gives Two Active Sentences. Two defendants were given j active jail sentences and sev en jail terms were suspended by Judge Wilton F. Walker, , Jr., September 29 during Chowan County District Court Two defendants gave ' notice of appeal Thomas Lloyd Forehand , was sentenced to six months in the Chowan County jail to | work under the supervision , of the N. C. Department of Correction for driving drunk ( and six additional months for | carrying a concealed weapon. , George Edward Harris was , sentenced to 90 days in the Chowan County jail to work , under the supervision of the N. C. Department of Correc tion for failure to comply with payments of court costs. Jimmy (Ray Braxton appeal ed a four-month term sus pended upon payment of $125 fine and costs for speeding 100-plus miles per hour in a 55-mile per hour zone. Kenneth Nelson Hughes ap pealed a 90-day term suspend ed upon payment of $125 fine and costs for driving drunk. Other defendants, charges and dispositions by Judge Walker were: John Robert Lawson, fail ure to comply with support, order of dismissal regarding support. William Perry, speeding 90 miles per hour in a 60 mph zone, not guilty. William Irvin Ayers, drunk driving, 90 days, suspended upon payment of $125 fine and costs and limited driving privileges. Pete Moore, failure to re duce speed to avoid an acci dent, 30 days, suspended up on payment of $lO fine and costs. James Ray Cartwright, speeding 42 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone, sls fine and costs. Booker Thomas Leary, Jr., speeding competition, 60 days, suspended upon payment of SSO fine and costs. Charles Eugene Spruill, reckless driving, nol pros with leave. Thomas Edward Wilson, speeding 43 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone, sls fine and costs. Larry Vincent Davis, speed ing 44 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone, sls fine and costs. Wayne Burke Terry, drunk driving, 90 days, suspended upon payment of $125 fine and costs with limited driv ing privileges. Tilford Hunter Williams, speeding 69 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone, prayer for judgment continued upon pay ment of costs. Jesse Williams Morris, op erating a motor vehicle while privilege to drive was sus pended or revoked, six months suspended upon payment of S2OO fine and costs. Jeff Edward King, failure to comply with the limitations noted on the face of opera tor’s license, to wit, glasses, $25 fine and costs. Thelma Davis Hales, dis obeying stop signal, costs. Rodney William Jernigan, traffic violation, $lO fine and costs. Quentin Leßoy Liverman, traffic violation, S2O fine and costs. CfMiwan County Lunch Room Menus Menu* in the lunch rooms of Chowan County Schools for October 12-16 will be as follows: John A. Hoimes High School , Monday Country steak ! with gravy, whipped potato, peas and carrots, rolls, butter, i apple sauce and cookies, : milk. i Tuesday— Spaghetti with meat sauce, cole slaw, string beans, corn bread, butter, ' block cake with lemon king, I milk. Wednesday Roast turkey and dressing, giblet gravy, I buttered rice, succotash, or- i ange juke, rolls, butter, 1 chocolate pudding, milk. Thursday—Veal Cutlet with i tomato sauce, candied yams, 1 buttered greens, rolls, butter, jello, milk. Friday Cheeseburger on bun, potato chips, field peas, strawberry shortcake, milk. White Oak Elementary Monday—Spiced ham, green lima beans, cheese wedge, buttered com, strawberry shortcake, rolls with butter, milk. Tuesday— Breaded veal steaks, whipped potatoes, green beans, jdllo or pudding, rolls with butter, milk. Wednesday —FYied chicken, potato salad, buttered greens, STATEMENT Eastern Life lamin Oaapaa, Naa Yarfc SOTt HTnim Si mmrpim an —mm a* CAam fa IA. Sanaa! Sin Mai ml far Birwnhe Aaatfaa i inaSa t 23.868,287 05 A Mi a,<Hl,l4*.tt A l u*mm Uses an Amd ban . — TL. =il-its- UMAim ano othb« pumo* _____. «*'♦■» s __ a. -mm... u un 4, ___ “Sjffcil k *•“ A MatiMirt A rtfcili *m m* msaM " ~—. — --i M— a-14. Gaaaaal ax*aw Am nr aaaraad 70.75* 75 IA Taaaa, Unman. aa4 tarn «aa nr ninmni - ‘~| FaAaral Inmma Turn) Hi" 0 ? 0 ? l*a Patoral baa Tim Daa ar Aaamt 4 Sm.HU. Vatamfa. tt4.U1.1l All Wm HaUlMtm <m 4atnAa4 In aananl mnnarnnat) flSiMitl Tatnl UaMMm (aam** CapUai) I—AtWalCLfl it. SpsHai Saw. rna. | MfijaLS tACHMNtO A IA- r - [*- . 1.116.614 93 Tn*ai . 42,174,366.16 ■USlll—■ M THE STATE Os MONTH CANOOMA BUAMIA IMA _ OAOIMABT OMOVT IKDOTAIAL. TOTAL 4 ymjsmasx.:—.: ■ U.W W I ».M g ~ iljgll 4 : J 13.141.91 H.WV I*l • n.UI W ~ WUCT KERMtT 4E4PIAET MOOT MROTTRUL 1 7 ag}7 u ' ~ - 1... rn _g [ T* TmiT [tff - ’ T ■ _g> *9Ol SSStj SSStt fe_, *=S EtJ i—! , »L»"ts*P~*gJjdg«»9» *-? « !■ ZJ. tA laaarmS Aartas Sanaa* ,nar 1_ 1.500.Q0 _0 _0 1 1.560.00 IT. SmtM dunna aamat mar: R ■ zzs^lr»... r~z: ~ ~ ~« — » t i— r. ’■■ daba I .... 1 _1 • | ' - a. Aamaart jiml . . . . . . ■ ' I t TnSU a—> I I IA Una* Da lis mnmmmi ..111 lnfflO.OO ■ ' II 1 1 1 I.SOO OO a__a_ a 66.27 -„ ■ , |( f 67-25 Pratfal liSV>t Ikltshom - Ihoodoro 1. Ricsosln - . osml4 J. roll— k ICC Ininrtm Hr* f- Jmtk 0)01? NORTH CARBAIWA aMHUJIM^POTARTHRIIT, Ihi lMalknhW.AubgAiammgwllO—iwtimhfdD—lS.llA-L. > inai srtis; AHwrifM Qtit U6—ity Owp—y 1— I ■ IT.W.Wt.M » 14.194.411.00 A Anal mbk A OmHaral laaa A OmS aa4 lase n _ s , * «A —h Mil A— hr mala »T.0RA,44 »r mm, ■ iim. —.mma—4 - m3SSZ in BBjjjiS . Ummmtm a IsIH.IftJI . 2n.n2.00 mm—. i>.ay>n a—» —uiaMioi » l. Uamraad m-u_ ■ II BMIIIII daUnand ad flag—: (M Mlt iHi" ■AIM Uilra—oMi—Mala— Ihl MHaaMHrMok dM. »4 Ida TMd .. .\ 9 tA tal——bath— ■■hi—m— HI ■■■■■■■ I 2 - UlnT—a"ls-Mhullr —~ —— M— m. MiudM. 9 9A -| - tag— *am. T TT1.92R.99 r , *- t 22.9iytt.90 _ M.w.mai A9M - V * * h-ot-m-mMp* * ” TZ~"ZZ » ~~ ZHZZZZZ u. •—9 m*rn md MR ' — liM—l—>■ RMIMAU - " ■ MAMMMRTIRao RMM6M - 1 —— A—RMTt—> - ■' ———— a HOT mr* '»—*—**•• ———————— ■ m .... ■ t r , ' anmmimmm*amn*ii fruit, rolls with but ter, milk. Thursday Fish portions, cole slaw, mixed vegetables, glared block cake, corn bre&d, w*Mlr. Friday Hamburger on bun, mustard and catsup, French fries, green peas, devil food cake, milk. Chowan High School Monday Beef and vege table soup, franks in bun, block cake with chocolate king, crackers, butter, milk. Tuesday—Pizza with ham burger and cheese, tossed sal ad, tomato wedges, fruit cup, bread, butter, milk. Wednesday—Chuck wagon steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, peach halves, rolls, butter, milk. Thursday Roast turkey and gravy, green peas and carrots, sweet potato puff, strawberry jello, rolls, butter, milk. Friday Spaghetti with meat balls, cabbage and car rot salad, beet pickles, pea nut butter cookies, rolls, but ter, milk. Ernest A. Swain Elementary Monday Chuck wagon , steak, dried beans, candied yams, rolls, butter, apple pie, , milk. Continued on Page 5 B. A. TALLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR AMERICAN CLASSIC ... HOMES * . * Sfmff tt-dfSO-Af-SZir Builder of New Homes from $9,000.00 up TOTAL FINANCING AVAILABLE CALL AFTER 2:22 9. M. Phone 426-7081 Hertford , N. C. Buy And Sell With Want Ads Phone 482-2221 STATEMENT . i- n j *• ■— i y 2IM 4.904.492,96 * A ROT lan aamal —ate ULW.H > tokMiMbM . U. R*o— ■—M -hw MM M.KI.TI V KA4d.M.MMknM HaWtfsM * j-. LUmmemaM A 3,HT.9>9.T9 n I tUm ■M.iiwsM ’■ . >—, -* —i — ; A Turn. Mmaam aa4 «m* li.4.Q»a fUad Maw M 21T,246.66 INnUwH 1 f | 6.046.044. M (M ~ - j* “ 3H.0T3.M IA NtMth aa4m mlaiaii tmUrn M.364.0T IA ■MI ill m rnWak b ant 2w a—« «f Rai L. 204.12 -pu, f «1.*4».T0 ■■■■■m % 14, a li Uml—4»lwMm rmniiArawsaar lm inimnf awfc aa*inirtiilawp—iai 2 1 sa?6s«o> | »4T.b01.1T ' 2A TMWU.JL f 2A 4MM am#- faa4i: 2 ■ tOO.aOO.M RMIkaU in*fßim« 2f. Biia»d lead, (n uln) i.C'/thti IA lm,lm .. nmrt, ." / - >,W.TU.«I 4 2A Twr , 2»,0t0.41e.47 W MWHwai m nowtm canouwA nwarn 144 R Lfh. a 104.44T.60 a 26.1H.44 • A OOa aMW Haas 2.3T5.5T \ A ■— l Ml m 4 »I*AMT t 24 I AICMMIpI UM.M A | • 14.80 ». m* imM wm «Rr» A «• IL r - (li RMi.l> IA UakAAr Mar Bm m 4» (Rk L) 420,00 190,00 IA llilAAr Ida Aw as* <r. HI 22*. 60 * * «A AW fclAMi (A LI IA AW AaMUr IF. R.» n aw w 4mm*. - 212.24 RAWAMAwii »»444 Mow* 26.00 zznzz: 21. Mb aai ——l IA _____________ m - : _ T ~V tI .4P,H hwm j1.. 1 ! fi.ii.i, 2. I. j»«r R— ORm T« lorth Frank!u Itraet. Blw-hrm m.. ■ORTR CABOUHA IWAIIIII A MTAimiT, MM »A \r*i SPMBL LAdWALW- . - *-v‘ *“lin «»mi i—o——-" 8. f—iim ■MaWWifWMMnl.WWAWM.WarwiOwAfW»laldw^H.iMdii.WLjL_ WWw. W MM aad OWM mal. W dm aM dW akaa. mow. 1 STATEMENT Grtttcr New York Mataal Imothhot OMHpHHy 1 • f 80.U0.J16.64 A , AMWMi.wIW f6.SMaM A Baal mAh __________ ICMMMIdAW 690.70,iS ~ ** 4g*aß.6i_ nuww.ddMkMw 120.461.41 u— urnum. _4u. _ <mm mm. . , fIJMjnA »■— i.iw.aß.oo 4o__.. . . 4___,—______ U».«M7 4 T_4 __ _ •_ <_ _ _ 1.1M.M5.7* u.mlSlp— wm— 1.W1.0H.87 a I— * Mi. _mm m__ _■ 1— .1 . _ _ .1.111.11—a._Mi_ ■ .a.a.11 . a.m.M m mm I H.m.11 a I— _m. = . Ah,. a I—ll la I 7.4M.7M..1 . ■ aamui . 1.7J1.Q00.00 *— IMb.rnamm B*l .w.. —l—.. ASMBJ . - i TIWIWIW 'iZLZ.'Z — - - i i» « 1 — i ::=L2r£.u zziEEBEE - .yg. lima— - - lai _________—. .. - - ■ ' raarr^ m—mi. 1 n .mamaaMamaimuMia t S Cs , a>rv V astir—r »

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