Judge Hears Assault Cases I Simple assault and battery lpfaes dominated the calendar fir last week's Chowan Coun ty District Court with Judge Wilton F. Walker presiding. Canes heard and disposed of by the court included:. David Gilliam, Sr., assault and battery and assault with a .deadly weapon, six months, 30 days, suspended upon pay ment of SIOO fine and costs. The knife was confiscated. Earl Gilliam, assault by pointing a gun and assault and battery, six months, 30 days, suspended upon pay ment of SIOO fine and costs. The gun was confiscated. iJCarl Williams, simple as sault and battery, not guilty. donel Williams, simple as sault, not guilty. Alfred lee Holley, assault css a female, not guilty. ijMtoy Byrum, assault on a female, $25 fine and costs. James W ayne Harrell, speeding 55 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone, S2O fine and WILLIFORD FUNERAL HOME Announces A New JSA ft Modem Funeral Protection Plan Wfm Ages OTo 75... ~J^ $250 to $2,000 Non Medical j fjtmm For Further Information Call 482-2518 or Mail Coupon > Without Obligation To hoy j. long Representative WILLIFORD FUNERAL HOME Box K, Edenton, N. C. I would like information about your plan. Name Address City : State Zip the new little carefree car. Only at your Ford Dealer’s. Only $1919? Yeah, and only at your Ford oil change. The steering gear Is lubricated Dealer's. Ask him. He'll give you all the for life. You get power aplenty ... 75 reasons why a new Pinto's easy to own. Pinto horses. If you demand more, 100, ' $1919 says a lot But more, Pinto averaged optional. There’s a wider tread for road over 25 miles on a gallon in simulated stability. Inside, 6 inches more shoulder city/suburban driving. You’ll drive across room than the leading import. So go care- America (and back!) free in a Pinto. Go to your without Ford Dealer's. ‘Manufacturer's ouggoomd fatal price. White •Mewafte. S3O; accent option, SBO. Dealer preparation charges, If any, transportation charges, stale and local taxes not Included. SB YOUR LOCAL FORD DIALER * ■ costs. Kenneth Wayne Bowen, drunk driving and speeding 00 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone, 90 days, suspended upon payment of $129 fine and costs. Willie Gray Ferebee, non support of children, s1 x months, suspended upon pay ment of costs. INCREASE NOTED Sales obtained by the Or dinary, Group and Combina tion Divisions of Pilot Life Insurance Company during the first nine months of 1970 totaled $530,613,848 an in crease of $12828800 over the corresponding period of 1969, it was reported today by Edenton Staff Manager R. E. Saunders. Never be too anxious to make money too easily and too quickly; there may be somebody else in on the deal. tbs caoWAN wamfftm, worts CAROLINA. Thursday, October 22,1979 COLLEGE BOUND By PATRICIA FOtOLLI Patricia Pirolli, graduate of Monmouth College, Monmouth, HI., and now an admissions counselor for the college, answers same typical ques tions by high school students about college. Q. If I have a very de tailed question about a col lege, who should I see? A. Your high school coun selor will be able to help. Or you can ask your high school counselor how to contact the college’s counselor. If you have a question about Mon mouth College, I would be glad to help. Talk to your high school counselor and he will tell you how to reach me. Q. When is the best time to begin looking for a col lege? A. The best time is during your junior year in high school. This way, you and your parents can look at many schools before narrow ing the decision down to three or four. Concentrate on these schools during.your remain ing year in high school, and then make your final deci sion. Q. Who should make the decision of what college f am to attend? A. Ultimately, the student should. After talking it over with your parents, your high school counselor, and a rep resentative of the college, and carefully considering all oth er factors, you make the de cision. Q. My family’s income is average. Will this keep me from attending my first choice college which is expen sive? A. No. Many families can not afford to pay college costs from savings or income. Therefore, most colleges have excellent financial aid pro grants offering scholarships, grants, loans and jobs. To day, the amount of financial aid awarded by a college is closely related to a student’s need to attend that college. Contact the financial aid of ficer at the college of your choice for complete informa tion. Q. Before I make up tny mind, should 1 visit the cam pus? A. Definitely. Every cam pus has a different atmo sphere, and you may not like it. The time to find out is before you arrive on campus to begin studies. At (Mon mouth, we encourage prospec tive students to come to the campus for a day or so dur ing the week so they , can sit in on classes, visit the stu dents on campus, and see the dormitories and general life of the school. 'We set up ap pointments to talk to profes sors and students during your visit. In this way, you are exposed to all factors of stu dent life. I would encourage you to do this with any col lege you are seriously con sidering. TRY A Senator Sam J. Ervin Reports WASHINGGTON Congress will return to this city on November 16th in the first lameduck session in 20 years. Members elected on Novem ber 3rd will not be sworn in until January 3rd. The post - election session will deal with a massive work load. The Senate re cessed with the women’s equal rights amendment still the pending business, after adopting a modification which I introduced that guarantees the amendment does not re quire drafting of women into the armed forces if Congress chooses not to draft them. According to the leadership schedule, the Senate will con tinue dual daily sessions, and consider the equal rights amendment until 5 P. M. until action is completed on that resolution, and then go into a night session for the trans action of other pending busi ness. The farm bill conference report and the occupational This Is The Law By ROBERT E. LEE far the N. C. Bar AmocUUoh Continued from Page 2 purpose doctrine.” Tennes see, South Carolina and Geor gia, on the other hand, are among the jurisdictions that have adopted the doctrine. The liability of automobile owners is determined by the law of the state in which the accident occurs. • a a Henry Blue had permitted his minor daughter to drive the family car in and about the city, but he had expressly forbidden her to drive it to distant cities. One day the daughter, without the knowl edge of her father, drove the car to a distant city and neg ligently damaged there an automobile belonging to Tim othy Red. May Red recover a judgment for damages from Henry Blue? No. The very genesis of the family purpose care doc trine is agency. The daugh ter was not driving the car as the agent of her father at the time the accident occur red. She was without auth ority to drive the car in the particular locality. In driv ing the car to a distant city the daughter was acting be yond the scope of her agency. This may sound old-fash ioned but it still pays to buy at home. We have often observed that the people who have nothing much to do are usu ally very impatient. You’re a | long way from ! retiring. Just long enough to do something about it. Talk to the Listener. LCLOeyton P. O. Box 2 Edenton, N. C. 27932 Phone 482-3624 ASSOCIATED WITH JAMES O. PERRY, JR. GENERAL AGENT Putting together all the pieces of a sound retirement program takes professional help. A good reason to talk to the* Listener —your Integon repre sentative. He’ll help you plan for tomorrow, while there’s still time. 1$ INTEGON’ FINANCIAL SERVICES health and safety bill con stitute the first order of busi ness at the extra session. Af ter that, it is likely that the Senate will take up a social security trade welfare reform package proposal. On October 13th the Senate Finance Committee voted ten tatively to attach the trade bill to the social security amendments which are al most ready for a report by the committee. Earlier on October Bth, Committee Chair man Russell Long announced the results of certain tenta tive votes on the administra tion’s welfare plan, and in dicated that the committee had agreed to reject HR 16311, the House-passed Fam ily Assistance Act of 1970 which would assure an an nual income to certain low income families whether in dividual members worked or not. The family assistance plan was first proposed by the President some 15 months ago, and has been the subject of much controversy since that time because it is ex pected to cost $4 billion more than existing federal welfare benefits in the first year at a time when budget estimates are already predicting a fed eral deficit of between $l2B and $lB billion depending up on whether trust funds are included in revenues. Chairman Long has indicat ed that the committee might approve a pilot family assist ance program to test out dis ■OByv . JBHrL■ mBLWr wn SBNjxP HBnCv flE&f SIO.OO PRIZES 5 Each Day - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY - Drawing Each Day At 6 P. M. Come Join The Fun Her e’s All You Have To D 0... Register On Everv Visit —NO OBLIGATION vrui^vei y TlfcU T 0 MAKE PURCHASE Drawings Will Be Held At 6 P. M. Daily. If You Are a Winner You Will Be No tified. Winners’ Names WiH Be Posted In The Store. (If Not Claimed in 7 Days from Drawing Date New Names Will be Drawn). New Registration Begins Each Monday Morning Must be 18 Years or More to be Eligible! REGISTER OFTEN WIN OFTEN * Don’t have to he Prevent To Win! REMINDER... We Give Double jL 4 Top Value Stamps \Jv l Monday and Tuesdays ferent welfare approaches, < with further Congressional ac tion required before the re sults could be implemented on a nationwide basis. In respect to the trade-bill, 'I have urged the Senate Fi nance Committee to approve textile import quotas. This will clear the way for a so lution to this long-festering problem. I have pointed out to the committee that in North Carolina alone 17 mills have been closed since Janu ary of 1969, and many other mills have been forced to eliminate a shift or to short en the work week. The magnitude of this tex tile problem can best be un derstood when one considers that many of our yarn com panies are small and are in no position to finance the ma- LONG TERM LOANS TO FARMERS 102 W. Eden St., Edenton, N. C. Each Thursday from 10 A. M., to 12 Noon Phone 482-4904 PAGE FIV-B chinery needed to shift to another product line when low-wage imports take away their customers. These small industries often furnish the major source of livelihood in a town, and when they suffer from imports, the entire town suffers. In my judgment, the trade bill is an essential piece of legislation if our tex tile mills are to survive. Congress will return to complete action on a num ber of other important au thorization and appropriation bills. Still on the legislative calendar arc measures deal ing with highway, manpower, consumer protection pro grams and about half of the departmental money bills. These battles are likely to keep Congress busy until the snow flies.