«M CHOWAN NBUTO,, HORWTON. NOKTI CAMUt/A OCTOBER tt, 1970 A BROAD STREET BiULLETIN... ffii Bid* 1 The writer ofi his column is still confined in Chowan Hospital and is unahle to write. ' «■ ■■■ —• ■— - x - -« - IBv flu I w r«nui FIVE ' GENERATIONS Stacy Lynn Jethro, infant daughtf ar of Mrs. Patty Jethro, is the fifth generation of the T. F. Twiddy family. She is being held by Mrs. T. F. Twidc'iy. Others are Mrs. John Lewis, John Lewis, Jr., and 1 iis daiughter, Mrs. Jethro. ttirimes Students On Honors list Cecil W. Fry, principal, J obn A. Holmes High School, 'announces that Sybil Sanford and. Betsy Harrell, ninth grade st mients; Rackel Holmes, 11th grfiie student; Peggy Francis anfi Floyd Giregory, 12th grade stdfients attained the grade of “As in all subjects for the firjjt markin,g period 1970-71 scliool year. Regular Honor Roll: The foßowing students made the regular honor roll (straight “Hf average and above) for first marking period 1970- 7lJschool year; Ninth Grade Clarnet Nowell, Wanda Old haln, Mary Helen Dail, Nancy Trjvis, Linda Garrett, James Lawrence, Fattie Elliott, Edith Bqhner, Wendy Crandall. Gail Harmon'"Valerie Kelley, Doro thj Myrick, Celia Sanford, Bqfcnda Boyce, Connie Evans, R4pee Hunpicutt, Sandra Pljelps, Deborah Babb, Rita PqTry. l»th Grade tferry Castelloe, Ralph Nix pit Nancy Overton, Lorraine B|ker, Lois Saltprfield, Charles Everett. 1 :W '1 : mi; . [KEEP I Walter Jones | IN CONGREB EXPERIENCE ! fk STRONG VOICE Member House Agriculture and Merchant Marine Committees l He Serves The District! (VOTE WALTER B. JONES November He's Doing A Good :Job! PoU Pw Hy Jews far Cmptsi Omit t l •*** Ckmtnam 11th Grade David Hollo well, Garry Lowe, William Shepard, Gay Burris, Bertha Granby, Imo gene White, Lewis Valentine, Debra Wynn, John Skinner, Paulette Bateman, Janet Pal mer, Mark Stevens, Sharon Keeter, Eddie Smith, Deloris Lawson, Robin Kanipe, Rich ard Surratt, Jill White. 12th Grade William Bindemar., Clifton Halsey, Thomas Jackson, Stel la Harris, Jewell Small, Bever ly Whitehurst, Danny Ashley, Connie Hollowell, Peggy Nix on, Robert Evans, Nancy Twiddy. Charles White, Nancy Hare, Diane Williams, Mary Pruden, Kim Easterling, Gail Johnson, Patricia Parrish, Hettie Wallace, Erskin Jack . on, Allen Quain Elizabeth Drew, Patricia Francis, Eliza beth Harris, Janice Redmon, Jo Ann Wheeler. The only American battleship to take part in all 12 major offensive naval campaigns in the Pacific during World War U-was the USS North Carolina, now berthed at Wilmington, N. C., as a tourist attraction. WHY PAY MORE FOR QUALITY FOOD Country Hams STEAK SALE GRADE A WHOLE U&CHOICE [DVEDC nr T-Bone lb. $1,19 K JJL K * |b. Ili Sirloin lb. $1.15 ■ ft! C Round lb. 99c HALF. 79c lb. Kay Beef— 17-oz. I | W /■ C cubed I LE . G mm m I Ol tnV II SIGNAL SIGNAL lOForILAMB lIU (I/ Bacon Sausage SI.CMh79( \S2X ik.59db.35< ‘ONLY’ U. S. D. A. CHOICE BEEF IS SOLD AT P & Q >♦*-«**' ™> DOUBLE STAMPS ON TUESDAYS! S WE TRY TO GIVE YOU HONEST VALUES WTTHO UT GIMMICKS »♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦ Nabisco’s 19-oz. ;; Blue Hen oscar May€r 3 . OT> Golden Isle 303 Biltmore 12-oz. Camellia 25-ft OREO Green Lima POTTED p?iu« U . n^? n Aluminum rDEAMC r t A) Loaf UCtAMa BEANS MEAT I Wlth Made With FOIL 53c 6 cans 2cans * N *” ™KKEN J 5 c -y. pl-OO Ml 45< 29 , pulti PRICES BOUNTY Camellia Campbell’s No. 11 ■ ABfePk I Assorted VegetaMe “ST LAKU Drugs or :: . “ C cosmetics! ii TOWELS Tissue soup CAKE ICDTCRI I GiaßtS ” A II A MIX QQ# jergen 3 far 4rolls 4cans uy 071 _ -- _ _ aw JfVA »»»»^«»»»ooooooooooo»» $1.0033c|59t 33 c I Come Save —produce— 4 _ i) tiMmmtHlfilMl :«u Ur ® |-» POTATOES 10 lbs 49c sli ! CUT CORN 49< ““Hr f;!1 1 1 b —TOMATOES an. 19< ;I|||| APPLE PIES29ctOLLARDS 2 k 25