SECTION B ML This column is being writ ten prior to the Tuesday, November 3 election. In vis aing around the district, many of you have asked why the United States House of Representatives’ members have only a two-year term, mid why isn’t this changed. With this I agree, for in fair ness to the citizens and the individual Congressmen, the two-year term does present multiple problems. It is dif ficult to give the attention necessary to legislative and other duties required of a T member of Congress while attempting to campaign for re-election at the same time. •I have stated many times that November 3 was the seventh time that I have run for elec i tion as Representative from the First District in less than five years. NEW CANADIAN BLITZ DIET LOSE 5 POUNDS OVERNIGHT! Learn the secret of incredible, No-Effort, No-Drug, ONE DAY reducing formula! Have your wholesome, yummy "Blitz"! (4 mystery meals)—Go to bed! Wake up!—and you have lost 5 pounds. Unbelievable? Sure! But it works. Every time. OR YOUR MONEY BACK! SPECIAL OFFER {limited period only): $3.00 r 1 )Yes I want to lose five pounds overnight. Please rush by , mail CANADIAN BLITZ DIET. I enclose $3.00 cash, money order, or cheque (Sorry no C.O.D.'s). I ■ If payment by cheque enclose $3.50 to cover handling costs. . I CANADIAN BLITZ DIET I I 203- 15104 Stony Plain Road, i | EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada | Name ' | Address | I City State Zip I HEADQUARTERS F0R..... Imrgbih hunters Are You Hunting 1,. _ For A Piece T 0... t'L jV SAVE A BUCK? IT fj You Can Do It Everyday at... ' ALLSTATE \ HERE'S* A WA*Y*TO kVeV Tlltllt tHtFAPjC/ V ***** AIR OUTSIDE! / HfP mis month s v "N< jamb up / I* «*»* *p*a*i VAIUUI \ Xshag Self-Adhesive Carpet’ 64‘ \ *- ■ r- -x™ p £Jj ' / Fiberglass Tub Shower *150.00 \ .. c : POOP BOTTOM j Light FlXtllTeS FROM S I.S2 I jy litrudod ahirntnum strip with vinyl 1 PjMlt GAL. ‘3.45 I I yv\ ALUMINUM THRESHOLD \ SQ.FT. 1 / j-« *2.25 \Cast Iron Lavatory \ v ‘IO.OO , SBSarJSfis \ (18 ” ROUN D» / I This Av^; . J j A Roddy Htalor... iL fi > y-—I .VII H.ol* a 2-cor garage - from 32‘ to 72* in W*%|W! | RePgY H^T^l product NJN nr. A paneling \ Bt BBBt BUB BBBP I m v pool oats tool m octoaloaoi awtohurflfr \ M llmoo I' ' ‘* ? \ (Ml UPIMh MM to mMMi Mm \ ZO IMBi Ml m I • , A *d«Ml •»* tort*. WMt MtoCftWt 1 ■ hop if 4* y TMb foot-heating heater runt ovor ton / hours on ono tankful of low-coot koro- TEAK / •otto. Eicolloiit for garage, workthop, >- boßomont. patio or loko cottage. Deluxe \. V modal available with automatic ahut-off. I MUBK lIiRIM SIIPPIJ MCIMBATH)I I fl »iw.HU(Map.vp. ■ KrmHAWKjN. c THE CHOWAN HERALD Report From Washington By Rep. Walter B. Jones Another objection to the two-year term is that any legislation not acted upon during a given two-year ses sion of Congress automatical ly becomes dead upon ad journment and regardless of its merit, must be reintro duced as new legislation in the following term and once again be taken through the entire process of committee hearings. As a result, quite often some much needed leg islation becomes lost in the adjournment shuffle. Those who oppose changing the twc-year term give as their reason that the frequent campaigning keeps the House members in close touch and responsive to the needs of those they represent. Cer tainly no one can disagree with this position, and per sonally, I welcome the oppor tunity this provides to ac cept speaking engagements and visits which are extended due to the election. The two-year term was de cided upon by the authors of the Constitution, for Article I, Section 2 states that, “The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem bers chosen every second year by the people of the sev eral states.” Therefore, this can only be changed by a Constitutional Amendment and up to this time, neither the House nor the Senate has seen fit to submit same to the people or the State Legisla tures. Several bills have been introduced on this sub ject, but .with no results. I am confident that if this mat ter was submitted to the peo ple, that a four-year term wculd receive overwhelming endorsement. It might be of interest to know that a va cancy in the U. S. House of Representatives is the only office that I know which cannot be filled by appoint ment, but must be filled | through the election pro cesses. Os interest to the adminis- I trators and others in the field jof education was the an | nouncement last week by Mr. I Richardson, secretary of HEW that the department was re leasing all funds for various educational purposes includ ing impacted area aid at the level of full appropriation as previously approved by the Congress. Up to this an nouncement, the secretary, under 'Presidential authority, had withheld about $387 mil lion in formula grant funds and also withheld a percent- SHAUPE IN VIETNAM Marine Cpl. Robert W. Sharpe, son of Mrs. Nancy •Privott, Route 1, Edenton, has reported for duty with the First Marine Division in Viet nam. Try Herald Classified Ads Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, November 5, 1970 age of the $536 million the Congress had approved for impacted area aid under Pub lic Law 874. REV. R. W. KNIGHT Former Pastor Returns To Pulpit Ballard’s Bridge B a pti s ’ Church is in the midst of then annual Stewardship Promo tion. Rev. Ralph Knight, pas tor of the Snow Hill Baptis Church and former pastor oi Ballard’s Bridge will be th? guest minister for three ser vices, November 6-8, at 7:3( P. M. The Stewardship emphasi using the theme, “If You Real ly Care Share”, will clos Sunday morning with dinne on the church grounds. The week’s activity to pro mote the annual budget begar on Monday and Tuesday witl the deacons of Ballard’. Bridge visiting in each home An all Sunday School anc church prayer service wa: conducted on Wednesday nigh and cottage prayer service' will be held in seven home on Thursday evening. Mr Knight will conduct the re maining three services usin' the topics appropriate in th stewardship of time, talent and material possessions. Rev. George Cooke says th: public has a cordial invitr tion to attend these services CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESCUE SQUAD Miss Mattie Byrum, Mis Mildred (Byrum, David 'Boyce Tyner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Cuthrell, D & M Supe: Market, Willie Drew, Jr., Mrs. Miles S. Elliott and family Norfolk, Va., Mrs. E. N. El liott, Tyner, Employment Se curity Commission, Edenton Mrs. Ella Foxwell, Mrs. Vir ginia C. Harrell, Mrs. Mona B. Hofler, Mrs. Vivian Jor dan, Tyner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Knight, Tarboro, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pruden, Mrs. Irene C. Ruffin, W. E. Smith Super Market, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Spivey, Hobbsville, Mrs. Bessie Walton, Mrs. Vir ginia West, Warwick Baptist Church WMU. Memorials: Ist Lt. John H. Winborne and James L. Has sell, Sr. MRUk from HolloweH’s Rexall Drug Store Phone 482-2127 Motion sickness whether from 1 a boat, auto, or air plane can be greatly les sened or eliminated with various proven drugs avail able today. Your doctor or druggist can recommend an appropriate one for you. TOe usual procedure is to take the anti-motion pill about an hour before expo sure to die motion begins. Pandalt JACKSON AT OSU STILLWATER, Okla.—Chas. Jackson of Edenton is enroll ed as a senior in veterinary medicine this fall at Oklahoma State University. OSITs to tal on-campus enrollment is a record 18,447 and represents an increase of 955 from one year ago. POPES _ POPES POPEIS BIG 39th sSfs FRIDAY W SATURDAY = IMfIVI "sSF ANNIVERSARY STORES IN NORTH & SOUTH CAROLINA SALE | ™ nearest POt RUBBER dfc WELCOME MATS ffiL GIRLS " -sr 57 H g-0 ~97* wKk BESSES & djfcs LAUNDRY Hl* “““— 1 WINDOW SHADES IQ «HJF W BASKETS W —- *5 g » 88* m 57* ~ ““””37* \IL 2 - *5.00 “ a '" “ ai " M ifiirt >l ui on cAnire w, * u " asS A V mft RNEUII SOCRS MAUQMNE Mfk SPRING ■ WNGAREES «t . «. “ M CLOTHES = ~ FLUFFOUT TISSUE vP !!I S 3S. 11l *2-00 tgfsS /fo* £. 47‘ m COMBINER FIMNEL fL 3™ *1" ~ 2 :i Ri M PAJAMAS M m «a,oo IX wMt ® mm /Mar A 97* j LulL* mo.ham . naißcc wntM nwrra. uwuli ttu UUUBnArtS JSvfflJT* SSL POLO ELECTRIC ■»*- tianket: FLUID SH JB TS BLANKETS " T ”“” VRL axniv, much I mftWAJUNTM IDAAA I 4- *l°° 2~ 5 1 0# _ *IO.OO 3,00 2 ”’ 5 " tltfi MEQ9EX?! “ I “ m gs v tWBIW wu*'«i«Ai &■© RUGS BED m cijTnuci mB mi I mr piling 2? ru ' nntL a "ssr 6b - E 1 * 88 ( PAJAMAS CLING|i D^^ terial lSRUGS W ~- ■Y“ ia -2s»l 00 fii ~ 39* M'S lul s l°° ■ SS P wm * MOM 1»« 1-om InoLL I o •*«. __ <0 COURT »••• “®“ 37* “sr 67* " =j " 87* t" 77* ““ pi WTli ANflciw IBMBII I Q ban. r v/ . A Hrin O HH SySMJ RBI DRISTAW Exc#drm ANACIN W DECONGESTANT ■ PM VITALIS SM BAYER Wj 5 NASAL MIST BAN IT SSftSJg. . ASPIRIN DIAL Tr bSSTTESZL “ aL " Cough Syrup w byuyibaryma " B “" n ui 77* - 47* 57* I 17* 97* l~97'sr U"77" % Mod ess ~ ““““ alka 12's tJ HAIR SPRAY Q SM SELTZER U ■ PAPER TOWELS H OTAIUTr: ml aonuL ot auviß mold •- mo "mi* jc*. v. J Man-iaiMboi-Raow wa m m wo. m MMmnmUß AMVWOT MCI x—i— "" 3 ■ *l°° » 47* 4 - 97* ~ *1 ;p 111 m *ter jSn, SEAT „ mn mtchen Jil ™ "» Bin. PARTY HOSE CLOTHS ««? “kS® "■ BATH TOWELS -W “’•■ ’*“* g’SBE w— * n. HMB : 57* ‘1.87 59* •*»•». 4 urn- “55J - »*■ W **" Mi Bfl tOO • Service Project Set By Auxiliary Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., presided over the Mon day meeting of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary. Volunteer services by the auxiliary members for the hospital were discussed and the value of the services to the patients and hospital staff was emphasized. Mrs. West Byrum, Jr., wr elected treasurer to replace Miss Lena Jones who resigned. A canvass of Chowan County will be conducted to find persons interested in joining the auxiliary. It is the club’s goal for the aux SECTION B iliary membership to be the largest ever in 1970-71. The auxiliary meets the first Monday of each month and the women of Chowan County are urged to remem ber the date and attend. Try A Herald Claaadfied