Page 6-B College President Answers Letter; Makes Case For Two Institutions In Northeastern N. C. (Editor’s Note: Following is an answer to a recent let 'ter from John A. Mitchener, '• HI, concerning Elizabeth - City State University and College of the Albemarle. Al ~ though the "observations” of -Dr. Bruce Petteway are quite lengthy, we print the entire ’letter). Dear Mr. Mitchener: c: Thank you for your letter ‘-suggesting that two institu tions of higher learning in Elizabeth City merge to form ‘•a single mature and compre -hensive university. Let me respond with the following observations: - The two institutions were ■ created under different legis lative acts for entirely differ ent purposes. Elizabeth City State University was estab f-lished in 1890; and as late as 1980, local citizens felt a • ‘Strong enough need for addi tional educational programs that College of the Albemarle : was founded. The State Board of Higher Education - maintains control over Eliza beth City State University while the State Board of Edu. ’-feation is the policy-making - agency for community col leges. This legal separation 'of the two institutions was •by design, not accident Con solidation cannot take place •without an act of the legis lature. - Even though the two insti tutions have different mis sions, they are now working, 'and will continue to work, •closely together to make op timum use of resources of each to eliminate unnecessary duplication. This is being done in a manner that allows each institution to capitalize on its strength, maintain its individual character and as sume its rightful place in the structure of higher education in North Carolina. The size c V or s WMBfm t'AKUUSEL CAKE ann PAGE ITALIAN STYLE Candy Pops Si miifiii ill n i nil'll iiimii A n SPAGHETTI DINNER “ 23c ss&sra ■JANE PARKER 18-Oz. UQI ann page r,ch ® 99c FRUIT CAKE 9 ' ** * SOUP star- *»■*■*■ *■*■ * __ • APPLE PIE ? 39c tm cm "mmmm üßUOiisiS mwrx ,'|Ti -nc"™ t '°£& z 51 fill pecans""—-^ Mmmmm - poundcake # leUU ZtZs“~£ Wte&mG® 1 * ROLLS asms. 4S’l“ OUR OWN TEA ’* 99c . 3 1 7Q WHITE BREAD ' ED DRINK *- 43c BRAZIL NUTS _ 1./J JANE PARKER VARIETY A&P PURE, REGULAR INSTANT Qf|C . 3 .5 te-jwl | BREAD LBLaB, 4 »1" COFFEE $1.69 [ 4 JO BUY MARVEL IN ' 2 -GAL CTN I M~ 11 ■■ ■■ ■■ mUB K JOHNSON & JOHNSON SPECIAL lit LKtAM bsc ; | SWABS T - -99 c HANDI-WHIP 27c 47e L * - sl^edorSd^' save ON A&p FROZEN potato DIM IT A DDI C FRENCH FRIES irlNtArrLt 5? 3; s1 .oo 3 *1“ addition, ther- are alterna tives for those who do not have the academic aptitude or interest to succeed in col lege transfer studies. A wide range of career programs is available to launch students on a profitable, productive career in business or indus try. Individual tutorial as sistance is made available for those who need special help in any program of study. High school dropouts are welcomed, and an opportun ity is provided for them to complete high school. Stu THE CHOWAN HERALD dents who fail or drop out at i senior colleges and universi ties are provided a second , chance at the smaller, more personalized community col leges, Adults have the chance to return to school and begin where they left off and con tinue as far as they can. Even home study courses are provided for home - bound students who want to im prove themselves. Elizabeth City State Uni versity and College of the Al bemarle are not competing institutions in any sense of the word. Dr. Marion Thorpe, president of Eliza beth City State University, made a statement i n 1989 with which I strongly con cur: “■Hopefully, there will be a cross pollenization be tween the two schools from which each will benefit.” Programs of the two institu tions dovetail and fit to gether like a well-made piece of furniture. The majority of COA graduates may even tually transfer to ECSU to complete a baccalaureate and perhaps a graduate degree. But Uie university must have time t& expand its curricu lum and strengthen its upper division. Sy allowing this concentration, EGSU can jus tify its readiness to offer a graduate program. Recently the Carnegie Commission on Higher Edu cation Issued a report, The Open-Door Colleges. The re port suggested that senior colleges and universities would give Relatively greater emphasis to upper-division > and graduate work than to I lower division instruction. The North Carolina Associa tion of Junior Colleges adopt ed this philosophy at its recent annual meeting, ‘Worth Carolina’s junior and com munity colleges stand ready ta provide for increasing en rollments of college fresh men and sophomores in the decade ahead. The senior colleges and universities should freeze freshman en rollment at present levels and concentrate on refining and expanding upper-division and graduate programs ” Because of these major differences in aim and func- Thursday, December 10, 1970. tion, it is highly unlikely that a successful merger of Elizalbeth City State Univer sity and College of the Albe marle could be accompliafed. Both institutions would suf fer, and the people of our area would be the losers. We must have two great institu tions to properly serve all the young people and adults in our area, each in its own> way making the maximum' contribution to the growth and development of our are*. Sincerely, S. BRUCE PETTEWAY, President