Page2-B 14-H Achievement Night Held; Winners Awarded Continued from rage 1 : Dress Revue—Joan Jordan. These 4-H’ers received rib bons and certificates at dis trict activity day in June. Steve Sawyer was present ed a framed certificate as recognition for winning “hon orable mention" in a national 4-H poster contest Awards of appreciation were presented to friends of 4-H. Those who have sup ported 4-H in so many ways. The five awards went to Peoples Bank, accepted by Thomas Pecle; Chowan Her aid, accepted by Bud Am burn; Edenton Jaycees and WCDJ radio, accepted by Robert Dail and Coble Dairy, accepted by Bob Hutchinson. Many more firms have sup ported 4-H and will be rec ognized later. The 4 Leaf Clover Club and mm TOfKIY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 101 PROOF 8 YEARS OLD soe° § SCSS FIFTH IRUKHTMURBON W»Sn!R|[ TgJ !•«»]&* cc. jH AUlfiN, MCHOLS & CO., INC. NEW YORK, N.Y. W 3 TERMS <£ . ! 'A 0. Get in the grove with record gifts for Christmas! <£ You’ll find plenty of suggestions spinning your way in our 0 2 collection of singles and albums to suit every taste. '0 3 3i |g Good Selection of Zenith and Decca Stereos '0 •W (|L I? Wide Selection of 8-Track Stereo Tapes £ •Wi | GRIFFIN’S MUSICE3NTER 2 0, 401 S. Broad Street Edenton, N. C. jj Hudson Road Club were awarded club charters. Gold anniversary seals were pre sented to Oak Grove and Ryland Junior Clubs. Other clubs will be given theirs as soon as requirements arc met The blue award group won medals. These 4-H’crs have done unusually well in pro ject work. Achievement Susan Jor dan, Joan Jordan, Janie Ev ans, Debbie Overton. Agricultural Harold Bunch. Bread—Susan Jordan. Clothing—Joan Jordan, Su san Jordan, Nancy Overton, Debbie Overton. Conservation of Natural Resources Debbie Overton, Bob Jordan, Gene Jordan. Consumer Education (Home Economics)—Janie Evans, Su. san Jordan, Joan Jordan, Nancy Overton. Dairy—Craig Overton. Dog Care and Training- Robin Langley, A1 Ward, v Dress Revue—Joan Jordan, Marion Dait Electric Nancy Overton, Michael Perry, Ronald Wil son, Tony Langley. Entomology—Cindy Daven port. Food (Nutrition) Marion Dail, Susan Jordan. Food Preservation Janie Evans, Susan Jordan, Ira Lee Byrum, Eleanor Davis. Health Michael Perry, Mary Helen Dail, Ronald Wil son, Nancy Overton. Home Improvement—Joan Jordan, Nancy Overton. Home (Management Nancy Overton. Horse Debbie Overton, Lynn Gibbs, Bill Jordan. Horticultural—Jane Evans. Leadership Susan Jordan, Janie Evans, Nancy Overton. Safety—Janie Evans. Veterinary Science—Gene Jordan. Mrs. Yates Parrish, chair man of the nominating com mittee, made the following report: President, Susan Jordan, Ryland 4-H; vice president Janie Evans, Oak Grove 4-H; secretary and treasurer, Cal vin Vaughn, Mexico Road 4-H; reporter, Mary Helen Dail, 4 Leaf Clover 4-H; recreation leader, Jimmy Blount, Hertford Road 4-H. Mrs. White installed the new officers in an impres sive candlelight service. She used four lighted candles to represent the Head, Heart, Hand, Health. Each new of ficers lighted his or her candle from the lighted tap ers. In closing, Mrs. White ask ed that all 4-H’ers present rise and close with the 4-H ' pledge as their token of ap- : preciation to the new offic- 1 ers and their reminder of 1 their duties they are to peN form in their own local club. ’ Hostesses for refreshments ’ were Yeopim, Oak Grove, 5 Mexico Road and Hertford Road. ’ 1 Center Hill club was in 1 charge of decorating and 1 making arrangements. The * committee serving was Mrs. E. P. Jones, Joe Roberts, I Dennis Monds, Connie Monds ■ and Corleen Goodwin. Mrs. Eugene Jordan was in charge of exhibits. Serving refreshments were Mrs. Yates Parrish, Mrs. Alice Ward, Mrs. Leon Evans, 4-H THE CHOWAN , leaden, with Jane Pbrrish i and Calvin Vaughn assisting. This has been a good year ■ for 4-H but let’s all strive to "make the best better” tot , 1871. Mary HH News By Mrs. Ethel Wiaborae Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Adams of Holcomb, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. 1 Phillip Adams and children of Columbia, S. C., Mrs. Miriam Wise of Pitt ford, N. Y., Mrs. Margaret Parker of Newport News, Va., spent several days here with Mrs. Fannie Adams and to attend the funeral of their father, Sol B. Adams, Sr. Mrs. Celia Spivey of Ham ilton and Mrs. James Davis visited Mrs. Ethel Winborae and were guests for supper of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. War ren. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and children, Ellen, Edmund and Marie, and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, 6r., spent Saturday at Nor folk, Va. Miss Cindy Pierce of Ashe boro spent several days at' home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baker spent from Thursday until Saturday at Chesapeake, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baker. They are the proud parents of a new son, born November 28. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker and children of Silver Springs, Md., were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baker for several days. - Mr. and Mrs. (Larry Bowen of Powelsville were visitors cf their aunt, Mrs. Ethel Wiriborne, Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pru den and children of Wilson recently spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr. Mrs. (Lou Minton is spend ing several weeks at Weldon with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Barnes. Miss Ann Mizell and Mrs. Emily Mizell cf. Kinston were the recent Sunday din-' ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bill Phelps. Mrs. Ethel Winborae spent from Thursday mornihg until Saturday afternoon with A. E. Bowen, Sr., of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith and children of Norfolk, Va., recently spent several days ■here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Williford. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bailey and daughter Stacey of Hrnpton, Va., were visit ors ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph • Smilhwick from Wednesday intil Sunday. Mr. ;t n J Mrs. Richard Smitliwick spent Thursday in Raleigh. His mother, Mrs. T. A. Smitliwick. was lo under go an operation at the hos pital there. Mrs. Tom Tyn c h left Thursday to catch a plane on Friday from Raleigh to Cin cinnati. Ohio, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Bright, as he is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. William White and Mrs. Tim Turner cf Wil son spent several days re cently with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fairless, Jr., of West Virginia. Why? Small Brother—Mr. Golden, are you a baseball player? Mr. Golden Nc. Willie, I’m not. I know very little about the game. Willie Then why did Sis tell Ma you were such a good catch? from Hoflowairs Rexall Drug: Store Phone 482-21X7 No anti-biotic or other drug can halt a full-blown case of tetanus —about 60% of thoae afflicted die. Yet % of our adults are not im munized. In a free-bleeding cut, tetanus spores are usu ally washed out The deep puncture, such as from a nail or a scrape or cut with dirt imbedded, is most prone to tetanus. Make a doctor appointment to im munize your family against %oUoweUSn