December 17, 1970. Senator Sam Ervin Says: % WASHINGTON —Jn recent with each new dis covery about federal data Ipanks and their collection, •Storage use of informa tion about citizens, public Concern has grown about the iserious questions of indivi ‘•(dual privacy and constitu tional rights. f The Constitutional Eights of which I am .chahman, has received count less letters from interested all over the country .urging that the subcommittee Schedule hearings to consider Jhe impact of these data pro grams upon individual rights. f In early September, the Subcommittee scheduled a \new series of hearings on this .subject for early October, but yt soon became apparent that — gi ’Sjlip? 97C BUY "SUPER RIGHT ' BEEF STEAKS •SUPER-RIGHT" QQUALITY HEAVY BEEF 80NELESS .- 's* EGO #% ~W'A !SSSSS 129 IJM^Ll?!!' 99 m NOG S 69c PECANS at 79c f§ SHORT RIBS -39 c RIB ROAST - 89c PUMPKIN .Wmixed 59c WALNUTS »" 59c GROUND BEEF 48 1 I o vanilla ark chocolate tag./ I Choc. Cream Drops 3 p‘ g o ' 35c Thin Mints 49c ANN milk JTi shop a&p for Christmas values buy golden rise _ Asserted Chocolates p> ! 99c Chocolate Stars 79c BISCUITS GREEN GIANT Marshmallow Santas 29e C»d a y PopsS.,'3se rt COOKIES 2'^AS E S“ R " N 66. 39c Jl P r FRU,TCAKE KITCHEn’sLICED GREEN BEANS • g«at for to please crestwood Jt cream H F PPI«Ofi J FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS P||AAala*A« 3Lb 4 P 5-Lb If BUTTER - 85 c CHERRIE I„ t ;‘:„ 9Bc m ti CllOCOlateS Sj99f A&P SHREDDED 8-0 z Pkg 29c PINEAPPLE V;,%c\n c r 8888 i annKm •> POPHAUIIT 402 1"T r ajp seedless IB . ■■ B NABISCO Mu-rlfl-l9|btß SUNSHINE •* LUUUfInUT A.- 17c CITRON.RAISINS , I •¥¥ Nobisco Riti Croc” » 35c Hi.H»Zck« *f 31c NMHUNfliiafflffiiftlfe-ns 74c 35c }. asßai. , a»B?«a““ j S,. M . ch^“c ™ d «* & -»• K "w c^k rH w 39 C j 4 JANE PARKER ENRICHED T rjjf/l SWEET POTATOES mu 29c BACON FLAVOREO Choi,, dip anadthcklt 0 * 1 u o c jU J/MNC rAKIStK cNKICHtD 1 A-/ SjJmM THINS 8-OZ PKG. Only ftfll ASSORTMENT 7k? 45c J7T WHITE BREAD 3 k SAVE ON ALUMINUM WRAP FOR HOLIDAY HAMS & TURKEYS BUY twin polls” ™ el WONDERFOIL 23« %: '45«1 FRENCH ROLLS FOOD CAKE RING pyijmminimMm page all layer varieties 49c cake mixes 2 «49 C f =, m Sf«£ H sEL°cA F KI % APPLES 10 - 59 il 49c m L_ m russet potatoes u - ber 10 65c \ [»Ntopped jane Parker peach pie FRESH STRAWBERRIES 3 Ba QQ, f A BUNS S'MJ-Ji.oo PUMPKIN PIES %X+ 2 |l oz 49c . ideal for stuffing - fresh resh o7l i ,|f 'S W , jane parker 'plain »»>.■ jJ|f MNE CELERY HEARTS £? h 29c • TANGERINES DoZa 29c \ ORANGES 0 59c bananas lOoif A»P IVAPORATID MILK 1 s>/,-«.or.cons lie ** /Vl I A Pkg. JJC Pkg. J/Q ta/ / 9HBffiIZIQ3Ii&BQZH3H| green giant fISHWM3BHg!i3BB!IIk l "T I I T FROZEN CHOOSE FROM ALL flavors marvel I3tV II ■ H 411 J Whir* Cream Corn pk,. IS. I II MW Gol hW . ,;,J*nßilftc 4, ‘ morton frozen sorden-s vj: p * ot Onion* 29, Cream Pies 1 '<-°« Ro r , s ' e Crearr, ' 79c |ta Li /• 1 ff Srp P r.. ; „ 5” 37c tefe •«*»'* >«C«m * 79c JL "h ” W L A ’» =' f Honey Buns 9&29c Pecan Coffee Cake 12 89c Ms) WW M ,ocl 1 J Donuts 10 ,S' 39c Frozen Pound Cake 12 P °‘„ 85c H BIBKSSSaBtS BiPiliiPii -Pkg., M Piecrusts 3 Jfti SI.OO L RT w T^rF& ROZEN 9 f°; 59c SHOP a&P c h °? a a4 d p SHOP A&P FOR ALUMINUM WRAP « BUY anti CDCC7P J F PEANUT BUTTER ° 53c star-kist tuna 47c 9^ z 6sc .. nn . £r An 11-rKttZt oTboyardeT UU KEEBLER WHEAT THINS 2 85c ALCOA 6c OFF LABEL JA. . - AA ___ _ UVi SAUSAGE PIZZA 93c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 95c ON 1 8" x 25'ROLL Uv Sn 63c ci *1 99 D 77AQ !3Vi-oz. CHEESE PIZZA *1 83c PREAM COFFEE CREAMER 20 5?, 99c WRAP you pay only W> con ggg can | ,00 riUHO M-oz PEPPERONI 89c OUR OWN INSTANT TEA 79& VTllllr YOU PAY ONLY V teenager, the costs of his “necessities” total over SI,OOO per year. Os the total cost to age 16, some 40 per cent is spent on food and clothes and 30 per cent on housing. These estimated costs of living come from a recent study conducted by the In stitute of Life Insurance in New York. In our area, the South, costs arc about the same for farm, rural non-farm and ur ban children. Being able to provide ade quate care for your children THE CHOWAN HERALD is a vital part of being a re sponsible parent, and some thing every couple should consider before planning a pregnancy. Couples would be well ad vised to figure out how many children they can afford on this minimum cost scale, and then think about the extra things they would like to provide for their children such as a college or technical education, summer CEunps, medical or dental emergen cies, an oc9asional party dress, etc. For most people in any in come bracket, planning a small family will mean that you will be able to provide more for your family. It will allow you to give your husband or wife and children more of your time and atten tion which are important to a strong family life. For further information or appointment, call your private physician, local health depart ment or local EIC office. A man is known by his conduct to his wife, to his family and to those under him. Thomas E. Jordan Dies In Kentucky Thomas Earl Jordan, Jr., 19, of iLouisvilie, ssy., died in a Lexington, Ky., hospital Sunday at 5:30 P. M. He is a son of Thomas Earl and Anna Corden Jor dan. Besides his parents he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Shirley Skeeter of Louisville, Ky.; his paternal grandmoth er, Mrs. Nora Jordan of Ty ner; his maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cor den of Philadelphia, Pa. He was a student at East Kentucky University. Funeral services and burial was in Louisville Sunday. "WHAT A NIGHTMARE! YOU AND ROCK HUDSON WERE FIGHTING OVER ME AND YOU WONr Page3-B