Thursday, December 24, 1970. * Minutes Os Board Os County Commissioners Month Os Dec. BaGBoMd of County Com* I missioners held their regular I monthly meeting (Monday, I Deee'gfar 7, 1970, at 10 I o’clock-A. M. The nath of office was ad ministtped to J. Clarence I 'Le*y§P. M. Evans and N. J. Ceorgcc the newly elected I CemenSsioners, by Clerk of Court. I On potion of N. J. George, secomgd by David T. Bate man and unanimously carried that tp? following reappoint ments ~be made: J. Clarence ILeary, chairman of the Board; C. A. Phillips, vice chairman; •Berthscrß. Bunch, clerk; John W. Graham, County Attor ney. : On motion of David T. Bateman, seconded by N. J. George and unanimously car ried that minutes of the last meeting be approved. On motion of C. M. Evans, seconded by David T. Bate man and unanimously carried that bills be paid. Charity Fond State Commission for the Blind, $18162; state Com mission for the Blind, $163.55; Mrs. Charlie Balia nee, $9.00; Chowan Hospital, $2,285.00; Chowan Medical Center, 4JO-00; Eastern North Caro- Hha Sanatorium, 60c; Dr. William F. Harrell, Jr., $8.00; Bollowell’s Rexall Drug Store, $<2.60; , Overman & Stevenson, $2.75; Dr. Archie D. Walker, Jr., $60.00; pay roll, $501.80. Debt Sendee Fond Peoples Bank & Trust Co., $35,300.00; Peoples IBank & Trust Co., $32,82060. Health Fond District Health Department, $18.50, payroll, $33.32. Civil Defense (Postmaster, $12.00; Murray D. Ashley, travel, $13.92; payroll, $521.80. Agrimlt ml Extension Gray A Creech, $13.00; Monroe Division, $32.00; pay roll, $1343.70. General County Fund Election expense, $163132; Sanders Co., $335345; Nor. A Car. Tel. A Tel. Co., $81.09; (The Chowan Herald, $238.78; Baker Equipment Engineer- Wig Co., $51.00; Peoples Bank A Trust Co., $300.00; post master, $210.00; Mervis Uni forms, $42535; N. C. Depart ment of Cbnservation A De velopment, i $296.20; ■"Hlifribte Oil A Refining • «ft., $6869; Pintertec Publishing Co., $1760; Albemarle Law A Order Association, $7.66; Al bemarle Motor CO., $47.00; Joseph A. Byrum, $9066; West W. Byrum Agency, $479.00; Carolines Farm A Equipment Dealers Associa tion, $20.79; The Chowan herald, $21366; J. H. Con ger A Son, $13.11; Eastern Elevator Service, $12.00; Eastern Office Equipment Co., $130; Edenton Office Supply, $821.01; Edwards A Broughton Co., $16.06; R. El ton Forehand Agency, $633.00; Hollowell’s, $2.46; Hughes- Parker Hardware Co., $1962; Mill Mfg. Co., $66.46; Leary Oil Co., $1441; Humble Oil A -Refining Co., $1432; Humble Oil A Refining Co., $68.96; Kilby’s Electrical Service, $28.06; Municipal Forms A Systems Co., $11.92; Nor. A Oar. Tel. A TeL Co., $200.75; Glenn Perry, jailer, $52969; ■Ricks Laundry A Cleaners, $637; Spruill’s Business Ma chine Service, $256.34; Milon L. Stilley, $6166; Textile Corporation, $13.20; National Sheriffs’ Association, $60.00; Troy Toppin, Sheriff, $53.65; Town of Edenton, E. A W. Department, $373.64; payroll, $3361.76. Social Services The Chowan Herald, $2869; Chowan Medical Center, $1560; Edenton Office Supply, ‘52466; Joan E. Fletcher, I Some Suds The 20-millionth barrel of beer produced by Anheuser- Busch, I tic., in 1970 (each barrel contains 13.777 cases) X was bunged on November T 25th at 12 :15 p.m. by August A. Busch, Jr., president and chairman of the board, at the company’s home plant in St. Louis. The historic production milestone marked Anheuser- Busch as the first single brew ing company in the world to produce this volume of beer in one year. The record in dudes Budweiser, Michelob and Buseh Bavarian beet brewed at. plants in St. Louis, Newark, Los Angeles, Tampa, Houston, Columbus, O, Jack sonville, Fla., and Merrimack, N.H. Commenting on the eco , nomic impact of this produc tion, Mr. Busch pointed out that in addition to the thou sands of jobs the company provides, federal taxes on tlx 20 million barrels will b$ $180,000,000, and approxi -1 mately $45,000,000 will be I paid in state taxea. travel, $168; Shelley Green, $1234; Robert Hendrix, $50.00; Peoples Bank A Trust Co., $73.50; Dr. Archie D. Walker, Jr., $5.00; payroll, $2346.45. On motion of C. A. Phil lips, seconded by C. M. Ev ans and unanimously carried that the tax listers for 1971 as recommended by the Tax Supervisor be reappointed: First Township, Sherlon C. Layton, Pattie S. Byrum, Myrtle W. Hare, Gray L. Goodwin, Sadie H. Hoskins. Second Township, Wayne Igp Ihristmasfoods “SUPEMIGHT” QUALITY GRADE A »Oj|j "SUPER.RIGHT" QUALITY 14 TO 19 L 8 AVG. * 4 ' ' ,7 ° ' BUTT SHANK HALF OR IIOIj TOMS ®E C lb. lb. Vjl ' SUPER ' RIGHT " fresh A&P SELF BASTING TURKEYS -MU sq, ,SC, W PORK HAMS Lb 59c CHRISTMAS week store hours WtUr DHw 11 Is 11 IUIIIVE.TO ’‘’V "ISJC Av "*** Lb 43C FOR CHRISTMAS serve "super-right" MON., DEC. 21 OPEN UBM R< EnilM HICKEN on '' SU P E R- R| GHT" QUALITY 4TO 6 LB. AVERAGE "SUPER-RIGHT" BRAND PURE PORK jjf CANNED HAMS Can S S 9*l wed" dec’m t,ll rl PM HEN FOWL Lb 39c • YOUNG DUCKLING u, 59c SAUSAGE 3L,?SI 00 (A 'T 111 ™ nHmd wed, dec 23 r.m. "Super-Right" Beef. Oven Reedy "SUPER-RIGHT" QUAUTY FRESHLY '0 AGAR BRAN D CAN NED HAMS $2.59 THURS. DEC. 24 - CLOSE AT 6:30 P.M. umatmmtih - rib roast sac • grouhd beef -«c £> canned'picnics 3 a $2.39 s*?3?£ H "5s!!£!SJ« Z V THIS HOLIDAY MARVEL BRAND r\ri ir l/IT/"! iru ITS NOT TOO LATE TO BUY BUY A&P IPCADC AM '/i-Gol DC DELICIOUS KITCHEN GLAZED FRUIT CAKE ECG IUC wntAm cm b0 c M fresh candies ingredients NOG ! »n,e. , 5 S' Ttltmi J\ Chocolate Chernes '*? 65c PINEAPPLE l,W ' l MORTON FROZEN PIE CRUST 3 « SUM ft\ f J »».* t ,F,,™ '=*<»» 00. nil4nT I BUY CRISP 9 ' IWf i % Tk- KA- S '2-Oz. I p Lg. 43c Lb -Hoc QUART SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS SJ 3(c *{j) C(V^nri*l THIS CHRISTMAS WRAP YOUR TURKEY IN ALUMINUM WRAP WONDERFOIL -23 c s 45c LAYER CAKE MIXES 2-- 49c coffee »i.m • GREEN GIANT HOLIDAY DINNER ADDITIONS • ann page spice \ GREEN GIANT HVWVWV....V NIBLETS KITCHEN SLICED GREEN J an^page^ure 90 * C °" 2?C J LESUEURPEAS jjoRM BEARS« MU 'WU fe:™" J 8 WW6IIM j ANN PAGE IMITATION / V I ■III FRENCH STYLE GREEN MEDIUM SWEET / VANILLA EXTRACT / L.¥.. j BEANS PEAS a “" H br^BJ 9c " 25c L lEEwjA STOCKING STUFFER’S VALUE, FLORIDA (i cleaned and polished nuts \ kJi Wm ORANGES « 58‘ V $ 1 39 4 l , »iis!> , w R fresh plump ? • BRAZIL NUTS 39c f JUICY TANGERINES 12 ’S' 29c # FRESH STRAWBERRIES 3..’Z„89c I ZmH IWfif i SALAD MIX a 25c • CELERY HEARTS 29c POTATOES 10 IS 65c | • RLBERTS - '^is.l DELICIOUS APPLES > CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 10 r 59c tiSK ’10.59c I TWICE AS NICE SHAMPOO 82c • a 1.43”#^ Bunch. Third Township, Tommy Berryman. Fourth Township, Ward Hoskins. The tax listing schedule of live stock was approved as pre sented by the Tax Supervisor. (Murray Ashley, Civil De fense director, presented a mutual aid agreement plan to the Board for approval. A lengthy discussion was held. On motion of C. A. Phillips, seconded by David T. Bate man and carried that the mutual aid agreement plan be approved. C. M. Evans, David T. Bateman, C. A. THE CHOWAN HEHAT.n Phillips voted for the plan. N. J. George voted against the plan. Earl Jones, cnairman of BIC, gave a report on the work accomplished in the county. He reported there were three awards given in the county at the lAiADA. ban quet. The Commissioners praised the work of the EJC. The transfer of food stamps from Peoples Bank & Trust Company to another depart ment was tabled until the first of the year. R. M. Thompson, county supervisor at the Agriculture I Extension Department, prais ed the accomplishments of the department heads in the Extension Department: Mrs. Fran Ward, Mrs. Daisy Bem bry, Mrs. Gladys White. Way land Spivey gave a brief re port on their work. John A. Mitchener, Jr, county representative of Al bemarle Area Development Association, submitted a let ter of resignation as county representative of AADA. A motion was made by C. A. Phillips, seconded by C. M. Evans and unanimously carried accepting the resig nation with regret. The clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation for ser vices rendered in behalf of the county to Mr. Mitchener. Notices to apply for a beer permit for Roberts & Bond Service Center, Roosevelt White and William Henry Everett Sunset Inn Club were approved. On motion of David T. ■Bateman, seconded by C. M. Evans and duly carried that the following bonds be ap proved: Fidelity k Deposit Company fo r Elisabeth Holmes Goodwin, tax collec tor $100,000.00 and one bond for $15,000.00; Troy E. Top pin, sheriff, $5,000.00. On motion of C. M. Evans, seconded by David T. Bate man and unanimously carried that county employees be al lowed to observe the state holidays for the remainder of the fiscal year. New Year’s Day, January 1, 1971; Easter Monday, April 12, 197.1; Mem orial. Day, May 31, 1971. The working hours will be the Page7-A same for the remainder of the fiscal year. The following reports were accepted and ordered filed: Coroner; Center Hill - Cross Roads Fire Department; Grand Jury; County Service Officer; Agriculture Exten sion Service; Treasurer; Gen eral Election; Department of Social Services; Rescue Squad. There being no further business, the meeting ad journed. BERTHA B. BUNCH, Clerk to the Board.