Thursday, December 31, 1970. Looking Back On 1970; News Reviewed CMttmed from Fate 1 Judge W. S. Privott died of a heart attack while return ing from a hunting trip. In March a hearing for the consolidation of the senior high schools in Chowan County was set for March 23 by the State Department of ..Public Instruction. The Chowan County com missioners set up four roads in the rural area for paving with $105,000 in secondary road funds. Judge Elton Aydlett was appointed to fill the onex pired term of Judge Privott. Edenton Town Council took action to insure sewage fa cilities for the new Chowan Hospital. W. E. (Winks) Bond died and J. Clarence Leary was appointed to fill his unex pired term as chairman of the Chowan County Board of Commissioners. April headlines included that Wallace B. Evans was named by Mayor George A. Byrum to chair the Citizens Advisory Council of Edenton. Chowan County Courthouse was deemed inadequate by Judge Howard H. Hubbard. Supt. Bill Britt recommend- I ed that no change be made toward consolidation of the top three grades at Chowan High and John A. Holmes High and that White Oak Elementary School remain open. George W. Lewis, executive vice president of Peoples Bank, announced that Peo ples Bank would build a new building in Edenton. John Michael Lee, Route 2, ofl to (s/^emombe i By MARVIN BARHAM x The weaver as he fashions a tapestry works on the back side of his piece. To him and to everyone else the whole thing seems a confused and tangled mass of varicolored threads and knots. But the weaver works according to pattern; and when he turns the piece over and looks at the other side, behold, the promise of the pattern has been fulfilled. So many of us fail to fulfill the patterns of life. 11l 4* J&Uti -i '* ,4 * jDo young peopleedfryVhe TelijiftiV ttf a godly house hold to the college campus? Do we leave the high ideals of youth behind when we become involved in the exciting—turmoil of the business world? Even snore tragic, are we failing to establish the right patterns for our lives—our children’s lives? OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Establish a pattern and follow it closely. (Colonial Jfutteral Renton, Carolina From house to house and friend to friend, here’s a heartfelt greeting to all that the New Year brings great happiness and prosperity day after day. We’re proud and grateful to be members of this fine community. Hobbs Implement Co., Inc Guy C. Hobbs, Mgr. Edenton, N. C. “YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER” , With Us Service Is A Profession Not A Sideline Colerain, was drowned as the car of Jessie Wesley Hughes, also of Colerain, went off the Pembroke Creek bridge. Hughes was charged with manslaughter and reckless driving. Later during the year he was put on probation for the crimes. Miss Nancy Twiddy of John A. Holmes High School was selected to attend the N. C. Governor’s School for the Gifted in Winston-Salem. Robert P. Dail was elected president of the Edenton Jay cees. Rev. R. N. Carroll retired as pastor of the Edenton Bap tist Church after serving in that capacity for 24 years. The Citizens Advisory Council unanimously endors ed the $600,000 water and sewer bond referendum. Macks, a variety store, was added at Northside Shopping Center in May. Kenneth L. Stalls and Stu art N. Patten resigned from the Edenton-lChowan School System to operate a fran chised employment placement agency in Wilmington. Frank B. White, Jr., chief of the Center Hill-Cross Roads Volunteer Fire Department, won Fireman of the Year in that department. William Bindeman, IDavid Cooke and Henry Hinton were selected from Chowan County to attend Boys State. A record budget of $735,611 was approved by the Eden ton-Chowan Board of Educa tion for the year. Roy T. Blackley was in stalled as commander of the Edward G. Bond Post No. 40, American Legion. Headlining in June was the drowning of Oscar Peede over the Memorial Day weekend when he was involved in a boating accident. Also, Mayor Byrum lost two toes and broke a bone in his foot when riding lawn mower overturned. Fire Chief W. J. Yates re tired after 28 years of ser vice with the Edenton Fire Department. Edenton Town Council ap proved a $1.2 million budget an a tax rate of sl.lO per SIOO valuation. Formal protests were sent from the Town of Edenton to Rep. Walter B. Jones con cerning the inaccuracy of the 1870 census report. Joseph Pike Mitchener re ceived a Fullbright . Hayes award for post-doctoral stu dies in Munich, Germany. Dr. Bernie Baker, Sr., be gan practice of obstetrics and gynecology in Edenton. Clyde Hollowell was ap pointed to the Edenton Town Council. Forty-seven Edenton busi nesses began a six-weeks Red Carpet Days promotion. Jackson B. Harris assumed the duties of vice president and manager of First Na tional Bank in Edenton. In July, Luther C. Parks took the post as Edenton fire chief after the retirement of Chief Yates. The first of four sites for 100 units of low-rent public housing was purchased by the Edenton Housing Authority. Chowan County voted to participate in the formation of an economic development district. Gilliam W. Underwood was named principal of Chowan High School. Construction in the Town of Edenton during the fiscal year of 1969 -70 totaled $2,272,647. Charles B. Ward was kiUed in an automobile accident. This was the second fatality for Chowan County. Thomas R. Lane of Hert ford drowned in the Albe marle Sound. Leonard Mitzke was named commander of the William H. Coffield, Jr., Post 9280, VFW. Chowan jail was threatened to be closed in August by Clifton M. Craig, commission er of the State Department of Social Services, if not up graded in the immediate fu ture. Chowan County’s share of secondary road money for 1970-71 was set at $17,000. Union Camp Corporation of Franklin, Va., gave a one half acre site on the water front back to the Municipal Building for beautification. Ralph Fay Nixon was in volved in an automobile ac cident in which two persons were killed. Nixon was charged with two counts of manslaughter and driving drunk. The case is still pend ing in court. This was the third and fourth fatalities for THE CHOWAN HERALD Chowan County during 1670. Cross retail sales Jn Cho wan County continued to climb at the rate of $125 million as the figure for the year 1969-70 reached a record high of $21,363,130. This compared with $20,206,723 for the previous year. Edenton Town Council awarded low bids of $631,- 500.86 for two phases of the water and sewer project Carlton Jackson was elect ed president of Edenton Chamber of Commerce in October. Chowan County Fair was a big success with over 19,000 persons attending. Approximately SI,OOO of beer, whiskey, wine and boot log were confiscated in Eden ton and Chowan Countv as a three month undercover cam paign came to a head. First Lieut. John H. Win borne was killed in action in Vietnam. The new Chowan Hospital was dedicated in October. Modular Systems Plant an nounced their location in Edenton. The Jayccc building was destroyed by fire of un known origin. In the November head lines were the plans of the Edenton Jaycees to stage an air festival in 1971. Edenton was chosen as the site of Albemarle Regional Planning and Development LAKE JOOT iNJVEioret> \\ - THF SU6MAI2INE gur was a no rue piies t FBfison to PELFPrtoNe \?(2i pgoM oMP£g the watcr [ jF- ' Wffmm A Prosperous, Peaceful, and Happy New Year To A11... The Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. Cjj£**** r may w« pledge the united of* forts of our off kart and staff to help you make it a prosperous one. LEGAL HOLIDAY - NEW YEAR'S DAY JANUARY IST isYVyvWvSi Edenton Savings & Loan Assn. A Safe Place f® Save Sim* 1905 322 S. Broad St - Edenton, N. C Commission office. Town of Edenton filed suit for ejection of U. S> Lumber Company from property und er lease at Edenton Munici pal Airport and a suit for $112,000 in damages. The first law enforcement officers appreciation dinner was held in Edenton. In December the hog chol era that had been in the county since June was over come and hogs were taken out of quarantine. Rev. Robert E. Gray took the position of pastor at the Edenton Baptist Church. The U. S. Department of (K'JD announced the use of federal housing funds for the purchase of mobile homes for temporary low-rent housing. Slate Highway Commission Planning Board had approved a four-lane highway on U. S. 17 from Virginia to Berea Baptist Church in Pasquo tank County and at the same time the PHC staff members recommended denial of a re quest for addition access of another link of U. S. 17, th< Edenton by-pass. Albemarle Motor Company was named by N. C. Depart ment of the American Legion as “Employer of the Year.” Cecil Fry was named as sistant superintendent of Edenton-Chowan Schools and Kenneth Stalls was nrmed as the new principal of John A. Holmes High School. Tyfer NOTICE Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Thursday, December 31st To Take Inventory And We Will Be Closed Friday, January Ist For The New Year's Day HOLIDAY ~~ Open Again For Business On Saturday, January 2nd ——^—■——— *r HAPPY NEW YEAR! B Belk Tyler Os Edenton Page 5-A