Page 8-B i Mjy I *7 I JMR/ . 'A 9 Mr- : - *‘{ ■ ',» \ *?/ ,'a ***7^LyjMt -i -., kJ *,—■ 1 ~*■■. ' - * tjafr. . « .«* 1 Ps IHb pjy »L *| ’*■ : "^*' rWI ■ MwBWI£ ' ■■■■■■■■HVrJßV-IK'SIBHHnp -*«. ALL PLAYED AN IMPORTANT ROLE —Jarvis Belch, third from left, received his operator’s license making him the fourth person in the state to drive without use of the hands. Others 'playing an important part to help Jarvis are from left, Larry Skinner, constructing the special car; Jake Belch, father of Jarvis; Jarvis, W. W. Wrenn, who gave driving test; John Guard, coordinator of Driver’s Education in Eastern North Carolina; and Don Boothe, Jarvis’ driver education teacher. Boy Drives With No Hands; 4th In State By Patricia M. Arnold Jarvis Belch, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Belch c.f Edenton, is the fourth person in the state witii no use of their arms and hands to receive an operator’s license. Jarvis was born with a birth defect and has no use of his upper extremities. This fact has not stopped him from accomplishing challeng ing tasks. He began last school year taking the classroom portion of the driver's education /'jf X The magic wand that "MAKES” MONEY Take jour pen...sign our Mort gage Form and—presto!—you tan buy a house. See us for low cost Mongage Financing. A Safe Place To Save Since 1905 Edenton Savings & Loan Assn. 322 S. Broad St. - Edenton, N. C. s ““” NEW JOHN DEERE ELECTRIC RDER your friendly neighborhood sound barrier The new Electric 90 Riding Mower is so quiet you can cut your grass anytime from sunrise to sunset without disturbing your neighbors. So quiet you’ll perhaps be more relaxed than Jever before while cutting your grass and more rested after you've finished. And it’s fumeless and nearly vibration free. HOBBS IMPLEMENT CO., INC GUY C. HOMS, Mar. EDENTON, N. C. "With Us Service Is A Profession Not A Sideline" course at John A. Holmes High School. Upon the completion of this segment his father and uncle began investigating the pos sibility of having a special car designed so the car could be operated by foot controls. They saw a car once and came home and built a 'model for Jarvis and he began his driving part of the course. Don Booth, instructor of the course at Holmes High, stated thait Jarvis has a much de termination and maybe even more than any one student s he has ever worked with. When Jarvis was not on the s driving range at the school ; his father would instruct him . at home. 1 John Guard, driving eo -1 ordinator for Eastern North . Carolina, remarked that the 1 accomplishments of Jarvis 1 has proved that a person can ; do just about anything that is possible. He slated that ; he hopes other people will 1 realize that handicaps are not . alwaj's physical and will tty harder to do things they real ly want to do. He commented that Jarvis is a fine example of a person with determination and that by learning to drive he has removed another stumbling block from his path. R. R. Wrenn of Elizabeth City, sergeant at the Depart ment of Motor Vehicles, gave Jaryis his road test for his license. He stated that he was amazed at the control he kept over the car and how much of a conscientious driver he appeared to be. Wrenn slated that' Jarvis passed the road test with fly ing colors and lie thought he would be an excellent driver. Larry Skinner, uncle of Jarvis and Mr. Belch con structed the driving devises so they could be completely controlled by feet. Jarvis can blow the car horn and give turn signals with move ment from his logs. The steering devise is made from a bicycle sprocket and is connected to the drive shaft. Jarvis puts a special shoe on the sprocket and is able to control the car. Sunday School Continued from l*agc 6 us, through our sense of dis cipline and devotion, that His end will be attained. It is an unending circle— the church supports the work of Christ; Christians support the church and, in so doing, support Christ Himself. A nation is made up of its citizens; Ihc church is made up of its congregations; a re ligion consists of believers— and the quality c>? all de pends on the quality •of its people, as does the strength of all. Let us, therefore, strive for Christian unify in Christian service in His name. TOE CHOWAN HERALD SPECIAL CONTROLS This is the inside of the special-made car tor Jarvis Belch to drive with no hands. Steering is possible with the use of a bicycle sprocket with a special slip-on-and-off shoe. Jarvis is also able to blow the car horn and give turn signals with the use of his legs. M., to 9 P. M., Monday thro Saturday PhOltp 482-4996 E E BIG SAVINGS NOW/ I r iV H> 11 -4~j _______ 9 ■ Mitchell 300 '* 63 ° p , lo T no Quick 220 & 330 I I^ REEL tackle REEL I m BOX °»- 1 W \ Save $3.00 1 Save $4.00 Our Reg. $7.99 Save $3.00 j 3 1 $J4 88 $499 SIOBB 1 IB LIMIT 1 LIMIT! LIMIT 1 £ Wt I PTLL/EGER* Frabill A M 5 s‘/2'rod 5 ‘ /2 ' rod t'kOuL MINNOW^S^J I \W a "! R J, EL i Rior/j I bucket m£j COMBINATION "£££! Mi K|r One & Two Save 74c I ..-'■sSfMtjg W 0 ££.££. Piece Rods __ B] a Betts $ ITT 1 By • Shakespeare ■ NEWTON LINE TST ■' ’ voV Tiff 1 J- 8 lb. to 50 lb. • Wright McGill V fcll U Our Reg. Values to $14.99 \ vest | B Sa 36c £*f+ V* ft 1 § Values t 054.44 Save £ i o3 c bb fl S | $2 8 * I ■ 7EBCO t Save SI.OO I Our Reg. $12.99 Save $3.02 3 I *2 47 F m;.. Q