. \h 31 IT ! . it • •fcu-i' jl iciCib -vu»»»s>ir HOM . , «.r£s&E ★ ★ ; • ■ I \ >.\ One pt North Girolimi's newspaper ■ '•!(> , ( »nt -i suggested subject for this weekly ■i. : ole: ’People are worried about run-uway V.’ t;i-. squabbling a! out federal spending.
  • 1<••!•> about it. Time ain't time at: . I have - • •: ii :..y «olleagues m the Senate fail to take of opportunities to cut fallen;) spending. And. deficit spending ■ by the federal goverri i great-est single contributor to t lit* ever ' .-ntWtinnai-y spiral. 1 • ehusis'.ently against "'any - increase in the ' Ter:. At every, opportunity f have voted to ,t .-tn’iidiiig. Atri almost always ! have Ixten it mind losing, as ;i personal thing. What t. ite 1 \ -ctoric.s enjoyed by the nig a. • r -.t.-.i ■»< \Ve simply cannot .-online •. to •(a*.; \y<* do not have. We eauiiol continue to fuel ;,4 inflation. Sooner or later, unless' controlled, it : n-p! Amei-iea, ; .. tius newspaper friend has bis finger on the i.i • . I'nqu tionably, uitiatioii indeed . ! t ttc problem. ■ this s.-mc line these past A-w weeks t:-t mei\ f>t|s ; ..- o i.-s f.-r those of us who ire ■; ''■note ,\- : k eii nr:- t oinmii tt < t’he Com* ,- ;! mao- Its report a die Fen,:.-. Nov. 1 ••>[;• i t the ' •it Pal!. i'U! i fed obliged io \ -ews oit tuo ~! (lie l>ii: i! to ■ in;, ! i wh:< i Ite : ..a or t■ • : ■ o s- .- t ■ ■■( '•• ,:c ’ y :. ~ -- .aie , -o- o or;di*ilit: h: . Id, jia:p- ir'i-- , pms ttiv did not mi • , ~di- i ip ,• od: - i.io.i ...iops i : i so tii, a . us: or as ill ago in the f: - . il;.-'' ( - o jo. .. :i( l , ■ : ,i - s statiiiit v and t f. slid I . !-. ( - 11 : ■ • eppol't till)', a "I -I ]■ dll a ■ ; d-SlUa' M ( )\\ !•': a, p, |s la'.CU I, ■ • a--: ~i t::'- ■ si.,, and second, lie must bear 'if - i ■•-'(-■' ...ids an i Sc;. v,;s. This. ' «• si. "■ ■ .o'liir; ol fo„ri -'o communist ■■ iu-n I! oe credit at -uk- id;/, d a':..- cent! . a;f: I; . , .I.dows the donation' of food- to some -.suttrtes sit does no! ..how f.xxl to he sold to. --.i!: itsii• To Committee pr - ,s 1 1 will -ii.,n . •d, sV. ;!1 be. .tll-atved. Now'. .1 ngro< hat if > eou.sr . food to our enemies., sttn it is is i pi M-i: it to 'hem. -• that wo should- do so or. a loin;, in eiOst r itrs of two per: cent. At th>- iha aom- : He tli.c the pitVfn* ■ t> ta «> T ..- ret, i to j .a.- f, .n it bv the I .S. lh e.e try - at; : ia* sAmc'- i-'Pi- tax:civi-v i hCn- a'quiad to ’■•'da. Os- toi** 1 *o ci-r sworn anemic -. In my . , IS. f. , , a . . , •-* rp, itu» it '-a < ..ta • m pro ' I.il'tl by \ cU’Ut* L»' ’iicis wit h SU'bsidivOx! f; 1. »i ; i niti",;. ks an (»xerci;v m tutjjyy -paid tor oy you. iPri>r un icasts] cosi.*» of pro :i i ■ as'mo. t m^nufoetur ;‘ ; . -jjl ..ado, (-lit n would by -soiling at 27 Cent* peu n. No \Va% Ta Tut j oil . ?k <)u Table • iruUi ;pHo lucrrarcd farm of - irr IT7I f. c : , . Jl- :*;* .u chort mi cap o crov -mi In? fallciu'd • < i .-JOO-jmwruf s.tccr r(>ad> r 'S' ,y ■; T A t >PPiNG CENTER ; r, v. ~T* *** r~j • sJ -;U y W U rnw '"l f» rfj $£ (^1 —> NKV fy St™ Si w i'r-,. k 53 ivy ' . v r ■*;> f .. • - VN. .:iviii % T, J fcs m* 1 t i ■•■Kir - ; - e-2jritoay«c='t-.*.vrkfr.-o,udwc j :,1 .tvefisesre.Weetarchfosrtheb.vtantf • cropteyee. . . .‘uttjwjowt'Mki", ti. -.JigbJtv-' .r -. . . cad rsst ua ts they were it - ;.;rf e»!e - .1 tc.i f .isefii- ii.t sii ahwr/aaf* feuasiit to t ~. r. yui sii ippred*U;i xx * pmiert •'a’sMia «s a-lsMbr in retail prrfcjsioEsaltea, ear sirfes. bst pskl snivftj expwsses in re!*t«tii«, eat - ,Ib. /y - IV. u : , ! ;:gj f \ S- V ■ . wt • / S' % ■ \ f >6- \ \ ( \ S.ior.i Ni-Kon ismJ*. . ■ i*'• 11;i 1 ,g,;" ■■■ photograplier when sin wont to til, !v;t< ii In a -sr " euting at Fort Walton Beach, . vacation resort a Noti.hwi FI rida’s Mir.uk- Strip. family ; csrm Proves \T'7 : Slmiici To Motherhood f yb^^j^Luff S (',to?':, " ••) 111 < I a-. !} tl „V id * ol , •' -'■ «' * \ • \ * ,/\ ‘ • / motherl-ood. re r.r.Nr m- ■ V..„- "tltutl.;: . "•"•N-"' On about i* a vjit of >.>- -• / C.S farms. A; oper." ;r a::d . . , , .. hi. : family supply th. 1t cm ’ ' '' " . it*/ ol labor luid ate : -. jitsr '" ' '' , b'e for two-thirds of the nn- he ,-n <>-*nu.-. c o-u t.r.n s farm production. ' TTVtpT 'K T T X |lv PPMIPPP¥¥ ii ibL Crhdj- ii,; y aurom Id V, fy r liu a. : . J *.• \ *u* ■* l l C*:>• '.W I 5 .. fx'a: ir'yivi ’l , t 1 ’ •«> t■* **>l^2 Colli) i' iti l l .' 1 , i.i 1 ... c . ihci 'i :. ' ; C . ' Ce Cribb. .James' !i„ »of 1 '. ■x. C 1 ~ Cuip..,T-:, WoorirTc V.', U KT tc. 0. lot 1:10 _ , see. D 'a..,_ C":nbiitolx ri ft.. !o! Cl ::<■<•. K:'l KX (av, Edwin ’ :1. -. . I-': lot Ud rr K K'- Gen tan... !Tthi. ml wm, -e-I -11 ce. E 1 ; Gilbert. Ear! E.. 1- -lb - Hi e c. M Gl.utb’ve, Wi’lii F . -ot 71- ■ •-, I. • !>• y Gordon. 1r- tit-- 1..t .nr: house :• c. (' 1 ' Or ceil ■:■ t.-.itl (•*. .c. ’.an, 1-G HU, 102 .-.e..K. 0.'.! < Guihfie. Wilbur K . iv alt . re. C ’Hall, Alii? \h, .Ir, sivi wife, lot 223 sec. E 7.fC Hamme-t. .'a. - V. . .m v-Te, lots 123, 122 w. K 2 -he | Hancock. -.Willi: tn K. -.rd ivilc, lot 2 sec. .i ' Hanna, ivelvn lot-a - 121, 122 sec. F --Hare-, van,..-' Dots.:' t.. lot 122 sic. D Ifarpar, Thert'-n;A. a’"’ Gin* va, lots 173. 170 see. D V- :.4 | Harris, Paul P., .Jr.. 1c Mil stc. IvT Ht u, Tub. rt ,i.. a I.- ; :id -tii see. E; K ;;{) f y C , y 27.00 Hitt, Ilors n .J. ,nJ Fk--t. F.. lots 96, 07, 100 and .-el vise. lot GO sec i-: Jloifmaii. iI 1 i*iiao*i, IJU1 J U . c. B 1 Hopyr-.e, Edw.u-i I’.. lot 112 ce. J 7 c. Hogg, Jos'-ph C. -;:o wile, let 70 see. J. IrbyT Cliffoul lm 2f) - P; lot 50 see. I .Jacobson, EKellc. lot 1-12 see. B 11.12 Jakemrtii, Luv.-in-ikc Cl., lot 136 sec. C; lots i ;5 unci 1411 J 220 ! Jakemun, Mary r...1m 135 sec. C _ 7.03 Ernest I). ;uvd wife,'.-jots 173, 171 see. :! 13.31 Jockens, Kol« ;t .Sr., ;lnd wife, lot 7 fee.. A <-2*2 Johnson,. Milieu Ido ttd wife, lots 75, 7(1 sec. J 13.64 Jon.-. Clyde \Y Jr !• ■>- 126. 127, 120 sec. J 2<>.7ii Jones, William h. and wile, lots 115 and 11H -it' 13 49.35* Kennedy Michael J. and wife, lot 1-16 see. K 6.62 Knapp, Billy -K . sot ! -5 . D 7.‘)2 Ladoga, Liropoldo E. . in.' wit’e, lot -li sec. 1) 1 J.2JJ Lane, H. It., lot 131-see. C ‘ . 6.U? ’ Lassiter, Erne.: li., Jr., and wife-,- lot, 32 sec'. F; lot G 2 see. F 17.30 Lithrob, Pddjili - E-. h>t IP) yve. M 7.22 Lawrence, Herbc-tv. XV., let GO sec. A 7.02 Jaytoh, John TJaiiVtas u wiff, lots 13C, 130 see. 13 10.0:1 i-aiai: • v T. -and wife. Ibis 70, 70 and : House unit JuJ '66. act, K 52.0-1 Lewis, Rod. vie W. and Dorothy -T., lots 213 and 219 ;a-v. K and lei 30 and 39 dec. J 27.(3! McQuitty, Edward D., lots TO arid 11'see. J 15.22 MeJuit'ty. Edward D., lots 10 mid 11 sec. J 15.22 Manby, John !i. and wit-, lot 31 see. K 7.02 Mansfield; William M. and wife. Jot 72 see. L 11.12 Miller, Donald H„ lot JO4, „,cc. D; lots 33, 31, 44 foe. P G2.U3 Miller, Donald IL. lots 23, 34, 35, 36, 27 and 38 3d, 36, 37, 30 see. G 3J.,>5 Mitchell, Robert C. -iml Heleti, Jot 51 anci house blk. A; lot 52 blk, A; lots 163 and 104 blk. J 178.64 Mcorc, Jesse W., lot 100 blk. D 7.92- Mowerv, LjndSvv and wile, lots 20f>, 201, 215, 21ti and 217‘bn.. K 34.60 Myers, Marvin L. and Wife, lot 13 blh. G 4.33 Myers, Raymon Leroy, Jot 22 blk. J 7.92 Overstreet, Kenneth 11. and Grace, lots 29 and 30 blk. L 33.31 Palatini, Carol A., lots 7<> and 77 blk. M 15.22 Peel, James N. and Allia, lots 231, 232, 233, 234 blk. K 27.65 Peterson, Norman A. and Judith A.. I t 73 blk. E 6.92 Phelps, A. Louis and other®, lots 101, 107 blk. C 15.22 Phelps, Tommie David and Dorothy B, lots 51 and 52 blk. J 13.14 Polansky, Leon E. and wife, lot 27 blk. L 7.92 Pclston, William and Mary, lots 68 and 69 blk. J 59.60 Purcell, heirs of Harry M., lot 95 bik. E 7.92 Rogister, Arnold, lot 53 blk. A 6.92 Rosser, Donald F., lot 76 blk. E 7.22 Russell, Ernest 8., Sr., and wife, lots 8, 9 blk. A 26.64 ■Russell, J. C„ lot 75 blk B 7.92 THE CHOWAN HERALD Sanderlin Gary L. and wife, lot 61 blk. E 11.42 Savage, Ronald, lots 123 and 124 blk. F 8-65 Sawyer, Robert E., lot 25 blk. M Scarano, Anthony, lot 13 blk. D ” 92 Scblegel, Lamar J.. lot 26 blk. F t Scott. George G. and wib . he 34 ate 2., i* ■■- *- ’ Sedath, George L. and wile, lots ..1, 33 blk. K 82.-1 Shearing, Kathryn R., lot 103 blk. D 17.250 Shelton, Jack D. and wife, lot 1 11 blk. D .>..13 Simpson, William C., lot 113 blk. M 1: Sulks, Billy G„ lot 143 blk; K . .9-92 Slouue, George and wife, lots 40. 41 blit. 5- 1u.22 Smith, Charles J., Jr., jot 12-1 blk. C Smith, Kay H., lot 7-4 blk. C Spider, Joseph -C. and wife, lots 1-16, 147 blk. M 15 22 Spruill, Bobby G. and wile, lot 22 blk G a ... Stancell, William M., lot 7;; till- V) Stone, Edna L., lots 5 and (i blk. F 9.6. Strothmain, Charhs E. .-11111 Norruhri A Pc-tt 1 on lot 74 blk. E 7.62 Strotliman, Charles E., lot 7.5 blk. K Slut/, Raymond C. and who 174 blk. F, 8 ','i Sublett, Cecil A., lot 17 tills. 6 T ./' h. Doris R. and Attdr. wH . !•;! J l 's- ' ! 7.9~ Thikhani, Jasper P. and Evelyn hi.. Jot 2 y 14.26 • Tv.'or. John E. and wife, lots 494. 1 •- |! 1 V.-ivacielis, Peßr G„ lots 126. 127 b". ' ’.s’': Vick, Florence Mopro and others, lot 7:92 Walkt::, Earl, lots 79 and 9 blk. J 1 22 Wallace Franklin and wife, lot 112 1.2::. 1 1.42 War'd. Ralph W. and Ethel JL. l.i’t- 14. 15 !;iu. •' n. 34 Wdi-t-sr. Daniel A and wifi-, lot It blk. M - '’.:l2 Wei- , T-'iy 1?.., I-.-,-- 191 and 193 blk. TJ White, Elu'it; E. and wile, lots 91. 92 blk 2 D 22 W l , j. -. bVihism p ;,i.d Luis A., Ira ’ f)7, Git b'a. J Kt. tt \’,h ■ . : il C . lot. l(-5. inti. 107. bik. 'I '22 : i Whitmore, .!. W, Kit 177 and house blk. C c Wieluibeek, Norris W, lot 193 blk. K • ' aIV iliiar. s. George, Jr.. I t 111 blk. J J W-! 11:.;? I(ji-i .'T- J. ; r.d wit,.: E\il>lt ji, lot 4 blk. F L.!2 \\ :.,e.b!e. Ja.m.-s V 2. an-; wife. 2 17 3,;. D: la j - ::l i and 214 bik K : ''-l •• Wei ley. Wayne, lot i2O blk X 7.92 - Voting Robert, b ‘ .-.-1 i h, F. I 1:: - Yeuru.. li >be: I ik :. i-, a ! 1;.; 0 -t. 1 bik. H R‘ I 'iitir,i> TOWNSHIP Cm jKiratiaiis ■ Ti V . Ira . A. .'a o' ;■ ■■ 53 :>'< !.; . . ;•■>•■■■ i 4J 2. ii ;1< a- K. N Eilt* ' : •••> !2 H, I I.' 1,-:.- -v; a- : hi iby J. p. A. •■■ - T ii i - :kk p.ii. A. iii'i h-n;--: • 1 J. .’ .A. bid an I!- mil a. land, t-n in'it i i r.T in.ipj-’.al, i: uTV V, i'lil A. G: i! -.in ! mu * ".li :/.-p ■!. A. . r.d G; nr.v;' C. 1 A. W. !i; 2 A. eiiui a! i - ('"a .r.o I! .'a, v E, A, S it. Road C.bayy. d. S-. sad till ■ ’■ A. \A *’i i !' Re * ! - -J.t , _ ; . H' : ’u.:!i ami Eli. ah 2 A-dn.-w hum; V- A. J. ( a Yu iiu; I-i'ttiti 1> ■ . (••■■. !- n f J. ; dddi'at '■ hoc -t: 1’ r -1" K Ce'trr '-.rd, ’.'iv n o.‘ atvi - -if., J A. W. J. Out a t a ... . • T A V I'.-}, ! .T. - 51. a ~ \ ,i!ei- and v ii- .26. VS. 11. F ui, i t’• t i -. » . 1 i> I VA -.dan L, 7.77 \. 15 S Ra,d 4! ' • D: rie-n. A. D, .26 A. Twine l.md. C.mnx'n 1A r |-v Ready ' - .6-'- Elite:*. heirs of L. H, Ki.l A M >iurose, E. N. ... UlOTt . 21.71 EKii.t.f,' Richard Tii' • A and i Vi'r ;i-ni-■ R'.-'d. Kill ■’‘ 51.57 FtV tinao and vib 1 A It.- atid tic-u. t- ' 26 4;' . ,-id iieiof . ■ i> . ! • Twine ianri ' 2.6i> ■ V iit.ee Doit'.':.-. 1 \. B ‘-mu Wmetietd i; .- ! Blanche Ti, I A Ihnrutt. Pul: and home. V W. lend 40.32 li . a v heirs of Ck.-aruon C, 12.92 A. Georgt.tuiu liolb v, Welch land 27.38 ii C. J, Hi A. W. J. Hi-Uowe’l "1.2:; if I' ~tt. William Font.,!, -md wife, .'4B L. N. I'mphkU; .26 Humpb.h-tt-Ch ,np, 11, B. P. Road 62 07 11'l'.-rlle, JurL-nn .uiti 11.i! 1 . ,1 lot end home, Elliott 2,3219 J": -, -.Colunibus and Robert a.- A. Randolph- Twino-Lamb lp; 16 J-vaiat'., Oil ii Oik.’! ivi Bentrifi K, 1-a .!<-.l hou «.-, 1:1:. i Elliott 21 2 • Lamb. Bennie, and Chrislhie Ida.., A. Lamb rui: ( v Larbi.rt R ,v. 1 A. fi: cu 1 I’ii'yc-: :-V 66 I, -v. Mack and vift. 1 A. •!'. -V.’ Road Jiou-i ■-! -'2 M-Uu- Solomon, Jr, and H,, t A. :.r,i In.a. t . L. 1 •'• Twin.- 7-1 • '’t -n. iH-un i.-f Hit’. 16 ,\.‘ Niki n j-!;a ■ .4,'.3 Now !', h- tr., of Mi-I'cr f ’ A E N Ftlfeti. G: i.'t :■ i II 22,' 2 I a i. •• Wtiliatt! F . .3) !'lb I .ltd ti-.i ii. 11 : Rami !rb, J. G, 2! A. G. i, ,4 A. Gum F'-tt i: 2 A. 11(. I’d -n, h: n i d k, use • NT! Ratmir i. in-:.- o; Xiuit.i- » . 2" .4 ti P. Ro.ii, ■'-.it i. S. U. Rorai 5 ■ ; RoUifree Louis R, 1 .! O T • . Ifwhwav 42 39,49 Sanfo’-rl. Mrs. Gaia i v P,„ 1 A Davidson, Pm; Ilov-J 6 - .iliin;:s, Roliert I>. anil J. an \V . 2’. A.- Iu- :te White tract a r.d It. use 96. i: Swain, George .Alton, 1m .tvl , . 1, P, Chappil! 32.25 l\vies, Isaac and I .I'lil-1 . t i . . Eiiiu.-t 2.;. 15 i’,' lor, Slicrman I.i, lot .til hou-e, R. C. N.--a n 16. W rd, Gcor:v C, 76 IL N. W -! t-ict ud.'.e Win-lb'.e, T.arrv (7. and P* 9 A Had e-: T-UCt; T> A. Wri/hl pin r .ti hi x I'l.'tv SMiir (Curponitiiwi.) Chowan Credit I'm n. Ipe.. 27 H' > .- . 3 ii ' Wooii. icle ; 23 A, VA - i Pi :!, Neabi-,' 2 A. i i 'V .’ ~ Bond, Frank Jr., imil W