Page 2-A THE CHOWAN HERALD " December 13, 1973 MP' By. MBS. NKIAIE M. SANDERS «/ ' • BBH BhMtar Petti* rew teffi - -Jal B&V* • ';.*x--‘fy^-^ t** : > Si*'V ... -«l£ - ■'.' '; *£??£* -* * ,4 Cultural Resources, Philip Ogilvie, State Librarian and Eiain von Oesen, Assistant State Librarian. The need for additional state support to libraries was stressed and the budget request to be made to the Legislature was explained. Bill O’Shea, in his capacity as Governmental Relations Chairman for the Public Libraries Section of The North Carolina Library Association, urged all of us to work closely with our representatives and senators to help them understand library needs. HOOTS SMALL WORLD The informal discussions took place in the home of a Library Trustee in Hillsborough, Sandy Davison, who also invited local friends of the library to meet us. All of the people I met were charming conversationalists but there were two with whom I spent most of the evening. Lady Whitby fascinated me because I had never before talked to anyone who lives in a Palace. As the widow of a famous hematologist who was knighted for his contributions to society, she lives “at the discretion of the Queen” in a Hampton Court Palace apartment in Middlesex, England. The other new acquaintance with whom I talked at length was Miss Rebecca Wall, a direct descendantof the Collins family, builders of Somerset Place. She lives in Hillsborough and told me how much she appreciated her invitation to the Candelight Reception but age prevents her doing much traveling these days. _ '•'/'/a A private eye is quick to detect a good thing. Mike Connors, CBS-TV’s “Mannix,” takes stock of the gift prob lem and chooses U.S. Savings Bonds. ARPDC Aed George Chevrolet Sponsor Mobile Training Unit The Chevrolet Mobile Training Unit met at George Chevrolet last Thursday night for a demonstration. The program was sponsored by the Albemarle Regional Planning and Development Commission in conjunction with George Chevrolet. Carter Berry, operator of the training van, presented an ' audio-visual program on "Tips on Engine Oil”. Discussion followed into the feasibility of the mobile training unit; and the use of available audio-visual equipment and resource aids. General Motors will be sending a list of available resource material to area school systems and community colleges for their possible use in curriculum. GRADE "A” fryers t-bone fresh “% l~ m JSn Gwaltaey’s Liter’s |L d*l /I Q ■••*«’» Later’s I Signal Jaanstawa ■P* ■ I—Jonestowa 1 —Jonestowa I Brand Brand DHI IMH ", Brand I Bacon Saasage p ‘J'Jt Franks Bologna I is. ib. o I bAK n. ib. I H O9 79$ lb. $1.59 89$ 99$ Mknco- GILL’S APRIL SHOWERS VEG-AU GOLPEN ISLE *p*n!i* I T m: et Y»*!tit PEAS & 5 c COFFEE iiMiiliM SNAPS ia I SLOPi 59$ lsi‘ools i.bols Loot 87$ I | People Who Care About Their Food Costs . . . Shop P&Q I loRANGE “ p UMA | PEPSI B#ld I DRINK BEANS I COLA Freshener DetergeM 47$ 87e 37* $lO7 49$ 35^1 FR EE I Hi bag I 20 oz. Morton’s " " I I ®H* Hgj ■ I