ThWday, March 7, 1974 n«i.* B s E f l ° » ND C , HICKEN ~ Hom emade whole wheat or Sourdough bread will de ll?*/ < l f m i y * nd L add valuable nutrients to the diet. At right Is a special cooker * ,n *'* P ° ttery BtUd '° for pr#par,n 9 Yunnan Chicken in the From The Herald Kitchen By MILDRED HUSKINS Some of our favorite recipes have come from men who are also artists in the kitchen. We have been waiting to get back to one by our friend, Carlie Tart, an outstanding artist, decorator, potter, and also a very fine cook. As we have told you before he not only bakes a fine loaf of sourdough bread but produces the bowl it is made and baked in. He also has provided us with a recipe for Yunnan Chicken from the province of Yunnan, China, which is cooked in a special cooker he has designed and made so attractive it comes right to the table. Tart, at the risk of repeating ourselves, is an art instructor at Sandhill Community College and is fast becoming one of our state’s outstanding potters. He works in a studio in his home which he has developed most attractively from an old stable. He is also an accomplished horticulturist and his plants in the patio area at his Southern Pines home and studio are displayed in unusual pots of his design and all of them created in his own studio. He works with the clay on an electric wheel he designed and now markets. But, to get back to Tart as a cook. A very few months ago when we visited the Tart place which was on a homes tour he had san^so^&i^ bread on thb cabiaM Mfehis attractive aniJJ convenient kitchen for all to try. Here is the recipe he has sertt UeWitt’s Pills FOR BACKACHE & JOINT PAINS I REGULAR PRICE SI.SO OUR PRICE $1.39 AAitchonor's Pharmacy EDENTON, N. C. HEATING PROBLEMS? IF SO CALL 482-4957 Craddock’s Air Conditioning, Heating & Appliance Service 1 ■ I M a A m ' fa- a , '- a Wt’- ■ ' % '.#l. „ fl I ■ “ along to us. He didn’t include the sourdough starter! Sourdough Bread 2 cups milk Vt stick butter 1 pkg. yeast 2 tablespoons sugar Two to three tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 cups of sourdough starter 14 cup honey (optional) 2 cups whole wheat non-rising flour 2 eggs (Optional) Extra flour for kneading Scald milk. Do not boil. Melt butter. Combine yeast and 14 cup hot water (not too hot). Combine milk and butter mixture into sourdough starter plus the sugar and eggs, if used, add vegetable oil, yeast, salt and honey, if desired. Mix in flour until batter is thick and rich. Let ijiixture rise for six to eight hours in a warm place. Punch down. Knead flour into mixture until texture is silky. Place bread in pans and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Brush top lightly with butter before removing from oven. (Note: Molasses may be substituted for honey.) If you simply go for homemade whole wheat bread this recipe came from a college student who bakes bread regularly. Whole Wheat Bread 4 cups whole wheat flour unbleached white flour VU cup non-fat; dry nailk Va cup wheat germ 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 pkgs. active dry yeast , 1!4 cups water Three-fourths cup milk One-third cup honey One-third cup vegetable oil In a large container, stir together flours. In another large bowl thoroughly mix three cups of the flour mixture, dry milk, wheat germ, sugar, salt and undissolved dry yeast. In another large bowl thoroughly mix three cups of the flour mixture, dry milk, wheat germ, sugar, salt and undissolved dry yeast. In a saucepan, stir together water, milk, honey and vegetable oil. Heat over low heat until liquids are very warm. Gradually add warm milk mixture to dry ingredients. Beat thoroughly with wooden spoon, about two minutes. Add one cup flour mixture or enough to make a thick batter. Stir in enough additional flour mixture to make a soft dough, saving at least one-half cup. Spread one half cup flour on pastry cloth. Turn dough out onto well floured surface. Scrape bowl and turn scrapings onto dough. Knead dough until smooth and elastic and all flour in cloth has been worked into dough, at least eight to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning so that the top is greased. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk or one and one-half hours. Punch down dough; turn out of bowl. Cut into four pieces. With hands, from each piece of dough into a rounded, slightly flat loaf. Place on large baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk. Bake in 400 degree oven about 25 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Makes four loaves. Yunnan Chicken 1 broiler-fryer chicken cut into serving pieces Peanut oil Candied ginger 2 leeks or one onion Sal l a 9ia |__WB€Rf_ECONOMYORIGINATES Wfc Wat t StopTlquqTillVea jiT ih,u v yMk too% orange juice \ S Q t \ ■ W vOOjy J? SAVe”onTnn"PAGe"bRAND *9 next Washday --Save on te3l»ifci.»ii PEANUT BUTTER!! TIM DETERGWT ! ii ill Tki ' purchase ■| ||| »Qo° j |ra,,>, °" ill |y of IQQR’ Iranhow ■i UNO Itif 50 Jr UNO Li-M c-. cmpw pet my II ijAjMp] Umt «« cowpoa par ttmUf l| *r4ttmobk tktm Sol. March 9 N7 *t4fmokit tkro Sot. March f N 8 MM I $1.05i1l !l 1 3 J Page 3-B