*By Buff” There’s a lot of hullabaloo go ing on these days relative to ra tioning of gasoline. The Presi dent of the United States, is well as many other prominent officials are apparently very much opposed to the rationing system, but how in the dickens can you classify the present helluva mess in trying to get e little gasoline? Now a person is obliged to stand in line for hours m order to get to a gaso line pump and even then he’s not sure if he’ll be able to buy some, and if he does, he’s sold about $3.00 worth. What in the sam hill is that but being ration ed? It’s just about enough for a person to consume In driving around to find another place selling gas, taking a chance to be able to get to a pump, and not taking into consideration the large amount of time wasted in trying to get a few gallons in the car tank. Here’s one who would rather be rationed to a certain amount of gas and be ing able to get it at a filling station when needed than to be actually rationed as at present and even then hardly being able to get just a small amount, o Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., is scheduled to observe Past Masters’ Night at its meet ing tonight (Thursday). At this time the old-timers will be ap pointed to the various stations and places according to senior ity, which will obviously reveal how much of the work the has beens have forgotten. It so hap pens that yours truly is the old est living past master of the lodge and the big problem is that, being so forgetful of late, It’s altogether probable that I’ll even forget to go to the meet ing. At any rate, Sam Long, present master of the lodge, is verv anxious to have a large number of members present at the meeting. o Bill Hamilton, now living on the Eastern Shore at Onlev, Va., is president of the Eastern Shore Jaycees and this week sent the following note: “Dear Bud and Buff: I hear that Edeuton Methodist Church SKMRMMU' Earnhardt is grinning from ear to ear. lam certainly happy to hear this. Marie, the kids and I have never gotten over missing Edenton and look forward to visits with eagerness. Hope to see you all soon. If you’re ever on the Shore, come to see us. We’d love to have you. This invitation is good for all our friends in Edenton—but just not all at one time, please. See you soon.” o Since Saturday the Bufflap home has not been quite so lonesome. After working for the telephone company in Eliza beth City for ouite a few years, Miss Dorothy Bufflap has been transferred to the Edenton of fice. She replaces Mrs. Lessie Mae Keeter, who has been granted an indefinite leave of absence due to her health. o His many friends will be de lighted to learn that Gus Hughes is now back in Edenton follow ing a stay in Raleigh. Friend Gus is making his home at Unit C, Chowan Hospital and; of course as he always has been, he will be glad to meet and greet his host of friends in Edenton. o Edenton’s population has in creased bv at least one since Monday. It’s because Bill Her man became a pappy when his wife Doris gave birth to a 7- pound, 1-ounce boy at Chowan Hospital Bill has “fcaid up” in full bv shelling out cigars to the whole Herald gang. But, of course, Sue Bunch and Cindy Dail do not smoke cigars. Thursday, March 7, 1974 The- Chowan Herald IQK MV. BMNTOM, H. C. 27*0 0, «K|Tin irertau CWaalm - rUvHanfu every i nuraoiy n cueniwn oy The Chowan HeraW. Inc., L. F. Amhura, Jr., president and general manager, 01-423 South Bread Street, Edenton, North Carolina 27*12. Entered aa second-cias* matter August JO, 1494, at the Peat Office at Edenton. North Carolina, under act of March 3, H». L. P. Arnhem, Jr., nruldnt Boe^Mgr • r , - . \ -Jr I ? uUic in the First Judicial District Tuesday for Judges Fentress Bocpep and Wttpn Walker, Jr. From some of the judgments he handed out there are attorneys and defendants Who probably wish they could have qualified for a PJC (Please Just Cootijiue). Local Athletes Successful We want to join Supt. Eddie West of Edenton-Chowan Schools in commending those who participate in athletics at Chowan and John A. Holmes high schools for their accomplishments thus far this year. They have brought many thrills to the fans along the Public Parade and much well deserved recognition to themselves and their respective schools. The local public schools have an enviable reputation for fielding highly competitive athletic teams in almost every sport available to them. They do it despite the fact that often times there is no wide choice of students because of small enrolments. Nevertheless, coaches in the various sports have been highly successful in getting participants to overcome size, etc., with a strong desire to bring home the bacon. In his column, “The Superintendent Reports”, Dr. West pbi|hp put some to the recent successes Rulldogs and the Aces. They hywt j ,fijrought much credit to the qniMunity and deserve all the fine%ords anyone can put on than. Ballot Continued from Page 1 is seeking the Second Township seat on Chowan County Board of Commissioners. He owns M&R Service Center. Byrum issued the following statement: “I believe in independent thinking and positive action that will insure the decision that is rigfdf for**the citizens arid taxpayers of Chowan County. I am a working man with interest in exploring the possibility of goals for Chowan County.” He is married to the former Kathleen Jordan and they have two children. They are members of Center Hill Baptist Church where he is a deacon and Sunday School superintendent. Seeking the Frst Township on Edenton-Chowan Board of Education is C. B. Smith. He is general sales manager of Seabrook Blanching Corp. Smith stated that he has been involved in education for a number of years, including those previous to moving to Edenton when he and his family lived in Altoona, Pa. He is married and the father of two children. “I feel that my experience in business would be beneficial to the board of education,” he stated. He is a member of Edenton United Methodist Church, where he is active in various functions, and a Lay Speaker for the Elizabeth City District. Staff l efforts with other county staffs in the area.” Dr. Hyatt mentioned specifically the cooperation oh.the Albemarle Craftsman’s Fair, Housing Fair, Sewing Festival, County Fair, Market Hog Show, Regional 4-H Talent Show and the Feeder Pig Cooperative. The Stjlte extension director also praised the Chowan staff for their work in rural resource development, which has. involved educational work on the county trash pick-up and land fill, the county water sytem, and the .proposed -county zoning. Also, Thompson was recognized for 25 years of service. Thompson began his extension iamiim County. He later served as chairman in Perquimans C H?foa , gSa»lraf N. C. State I To Visit Here Rep. Walter B. Jones will visit 1 Region “R” Friday. The public naeeting will be held at the John A. Holmes High School Auditorium at 8 P.M. ' The program is being sponsored by the Board of Directors of the Economic Improvement Council, Inc. ; Water System Continued from Page 1 , income would be generated. This would pay SIB,OOO in operating | expense and $92,000 in debt ' repayment annually. The plan calls for the water distribution system, two water treatment plants, four wells and three 150,000 gallon storage tanks. It does not include the Cape Colony system. Although the system is not designed for fire protection, there are fire hydrants proposed in the more populated areas to provide waterforfillingwatertankers. The system would also provide water for industrial sites an encourage the construction of homes along the lines. In answer to a question from Commissioner David Bateman, it was explained that the system is so designed that it could inter connect with the Town of Edenton. A state health official said such a connection would help both the town and county. Mike Bell of the State Board of Health commended the commissioners for taking such a “positive approach to improve this important health need.” Chairman C. A. Phillips said the county planning board deserves a lot of credit for the work done to bring this project to this stage. With the letter of intent the commissioners assured FHA of the county’s support of the project through to completion. Progress on three community systems—Rocky Hock, Yeopim and Center Hill—have been delayed pending the feasibilty study of a countywide system. Mrs. Boyce’s «- > Continued jrojn jPage 1 in the original cast went on to begin acting professionally in New York. The Thesis Review Committee gave her honors for the performance. “R was beautiful...one of the greatest moments of my life,” she remarked Tuesday. Her inability at masking her excitement with seeing her production again and on tour made it obvious that the Swain performance would provide her with another such experience. The Carolina Readers Theater consequently came to select Mrs. Boyce’s work for the tour that includes 50 high schools throughout North Carolina. It is being funded by the State Department of Public Instruction. Carolina Readers Theater opened the tour in Ahoskie, spent Tuesday in Camden and Hertford, before visiting Edenton today. The five member cast will present two shows per day for five weeks. Readers theater is a simple form of theater which stimulates imagination of the audience. Material not usually dramatized— letters, diaries, poems, and novels—is dramatized in readers theater. “With costume, music, and dance, we are bringing the characters to life out of the books,” said director Warren Kliewer, professional director, actor and playwright who is - working with the Carolina Readers Theater this spring. “We hope students will fed these are lively, enthusiastic people, no dead book characters.” - Playing in “Mark the Humor in Twain” arc Greg Currie, an actor, singer and dancer from Charleston, S. C.; Michelle Laßue, a professional actress from Princeton, N. J. Lee Lewrimore, who has played with the Charlotte Little Theater and hi “Unto These Hills” in Cherokee; James McMillian, a junior majoring in profcssion&i tDOMpr* atthe A AT State University; and rLlu* ot voTOulul Stt V4iH|Mv mil aDQ ACTION PACKED WANT ADS Telephone 482 441 b For All Departments Os The Chowan Herald \C ■' , r, -.-.. jr.ii f J x- ' •%' x? ■ ■ -r , ■ v V.'V- •'iVi* *‘ •' »•* • •• ' ■ • , : • ■ ' . £ / ■ V • • . . FOR SALE—mO Mercury Marquis Brougham. 4 Or. Pittard Hardtop. Vinyl top, power brakes, steering, seats.windows. Air conditioned. 41040 miles Excellent Condition. siiSO.OOor best offer. Phone 482- 4423 or 412-3011. FOR RENT—Duplex apartment, six rooms, 200 W. Church St. call 482-3770 or come by. Feb.2HTFC FOR SALE—I97O Evinruda outboard motor; 9Vt hp, excellent condition, about 5 hours running time. Catt 482 2656 after 5 P.M. Mar.7,l4C Poodle grooming- for appointment call Carolyn Raines 482-3037. Feb.2],2B,Mar.7C FOR SALE—Wi Ford Rancho truck, SI4OO or best otter. Call 424-5194 after 4 P.M. Mar.7,l4C FOR RENT—.Furnished house, newly furnished and painted, 2 bedrooms, fully carpeted, central heat. Phone 482-3534. . Fab.28,Mar.7,14P Bookkeeping for small businesses and farmers. Financial statements end tax returns prepared from your records to assist you In compliance with Federal and state tax laws. Call after 5 P.M. 482-4870. Fyp.rc.MarJi: Will pay 220 par cent for silver coins, 1944 and older. Half dollars $22 per roll. Quarters $22 per roll. Dime* sll per roll. Phone 934- 2054, Suffolk, Va. after 5:30 P.M. . Feb.2s,Mar.7C ~ HOUSE FOR SALE Cape Colony Modern 3 bedroom Ranch Style large rooms interior freshly painted. Large lot on state road. Call 482 4958 after 7 P.M. or 335-4379 days. Jan24,TFC HELP WANTED—Need bulldozer operators. Apply at office of Sawyer's Lano Developing Co., Highway 244 East of Belhaven, N. C. Phone 943-2154. Mar.7TFC FOR SALE—Encore Electric Guitar in good condition. Was $150.00 will sell for $89.00. Call 482 4081 or 482-2212. Henry Chesson. Jr Mar. 7.14 P FOR SALE—Used RCA Whirlpool washing machine in good condition. $25 cash. Call 482 3891 after 5 P.M. FOR SALE 1949 Chevrolet Pickup CIO. Long' body; automatic trans. good condition $950.00 cash or finance to reliable party. Call 482-3352 after 4 P.M. Feb. 7, tfc Retired man desires a middle age couple live in. Free rent; nice home; good neighborhood. Apply to P. O. Box 207, Edenton, N. C. 27932. Feb. 7,tfc I FOR SALE —1957 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan, automatic shift. Phone 482-2849. i : Feb.14,21,28,Mar.7P FOR SALE 26 ft. inboard Sailboat can be seen at Edenton Marina. Contact Mr, Scott Harrell tor further information. Jan 24, TFC 4 Ebrn at homyi, addressing evelopfes Br4abets in your spare tim4. Send 25 cents B,' seif addressed envelope to I.S.R. Chase, Box 309, Wingdale, N. Y. 12594. ■ ' • Feb.21,28,Mar.7,14C FOR RENT—Trailer at Quinn Trailer Court on U. S. 17 North, call C. W. Hayman 912 N. Broad St. Edenton 482 3293. 1 tc r cucniun, n. k.. S3S3S3S33S333Sg3SSSSS333SSSS3SaSSS3SS3S33^g3SS3SSSS3SS333S3gS3SS3SS3S3SS3SSSSSg WANTED 4 Secretary - Receptionist EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Send Qualifications to: P. 0. Box 645 Edenton, N. C.. All Applications Held In Confidence Loans Up To $900.00 A Atlantic Credit Corporation , 4 t •- Phene 4124461 Wenlen, HTfe. 207 South Broad Street Miyo!n»anm drink, that's your H *•- ImMh. . H you wan* to K slog drinking, that's eer business! S AA meets Monday at IP.M. at % Edenton MolhodW Church K h Open Meeting . 9 S Se you Levean Alcoholic! i % Al-Anoo meats Monday nigkt at 9 ■ 5 -wnyWONFws^ Millions o«gdtWleSlls*luClt a 37 and K 57. "No Gimmicks it Nooity works. ■ K-7|r KiUS ROOTS issnauiier /a 1 1 ' & c tin yfr- TP -' ’ , V. f • I PrlOfl# 4r** a ■ £ 4 POR SALE—Frig idalrerefrlgerator.partect working condition. s4s. Call 483-4544. FOR SALE—2O foot Broadwater cabin cruiser. Sleeps four. Has toilet. Complete with 75 HP Evtnrude motor and Haavy Duty trailer. Recently overhauled. Call or see H. V. BOSS 482-3037. ■ Mar.7,I4JUBP * TRUCK FOR SALE-1972 pick-up tryCK with air conditioning, power steering and power brakes, AM-FM radio. $350 and take over payments. Call 482-2456 attar 5 P.M. Mar-7,14C FOR SALE—I 972 Honda front-arid mad* into chopper, $550 or best offer. Call 424-5194 after 6 P.M. FOR SALE 3 Bedroom house In Morris . Circle, Immediate possession. Priced to sell. Tel. Plymouth 793-5943. ' Feb.14,21,28,Mar.7,14C HOUSEHOLD SALVAOE K }:t: Turn your attic or storeroom junk into cash. , We buy anything old, furniture, glassware, dishes, coins, dolls, toys, lamps, etc. Highest cash prices paid. All replies held in strictest confidence. Write "Household Salvage", P. O. Box 644 Edenton, N. C. Jan 24, TFC — >■ Those Wishing to make donations in memory of a departed friend in which a card will be sent in your nan?e may send donations to the following: EYE WILLS Any Member of Edenton Lions Club or W. H. Hollowed, Jr., Box 209 Edenton, N.C. 27932 Telephone 482 2127 Meartfund Mrs. Evelyn B. Keeter Care Peoples Bank & Trust Company Edenton, N. C. 27932 CHOWAN CANCER i SOCIETY Those seeking special assistance tor cancer patients from funds available contact: Mrs. Wallace Evans Service Chairman Peoples Bank \ Edenton, N. C. 27932 Telephone 482 8471 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt 208 North Granville Street Edenton, N.C. 27932 CHOWAN HOSPITAL MEMORIAL FUND Mrs. W Landis Voigt , 132 Morris Circle y ' Edenton, N.C. 27932 Cystic Fibrosis Post Office Box 251 Edenton, N.C. 27932 jttiet'i £5 Mrs. Wood Privott 125 Blount Street Edenton, N.C. 27932 CHOWAN ACADEMY . MEMORIAL FUND Mrs. Thomas E. Ward Box 4 Edenton, N. C. B ■ NOW LEASING PHONE 482-4598 • I CHOWAN COURT APARTMENTS I Two and Three Bedroom Town Houses ■ . RANGE, REFRIGERATOR AND ALL UTILITIES • . I INCLUDED I Wl Mant the fiMidv Hflldi ■ ■v- j. gp . #2. -o a m mao ■ -.»<y-j, -• M RWkdDGG iJnye WRMfllf nil Bwh dh B ■ • * Nweel IWIV W B ■ >; ' ■ . TkwuAk Frirtnv ■ - ■■ I __■ ■ * ■ ...4IIUUJ -,***vsajpti ■ eiiawy m ilwt-lN A ‘ ~ FORRENT 2 bedroom house, furnished. Call 221-4245 -Mwr ?.«*•*• M KJj&SS. FOR SALE—I 973 Vega air conditioning; power steering, in warranty, in good condition. If interested call 482-4975 Mon- Fri. after 5:30 P.M. N Mar.7,l4P MACKS MANAGEMENT ACAREER Not just a |ob~ We are seeking a few Honest, Capable men who are not afraid of Hard Work to earn to be Managers of our New department Stores. Call 482-4994 at Macks to gat in on an linprecendented opportunity FOR SALE—Ltundry heater, 100 feet of wire fence, four storm windows (different sizes), 15,000 BTU Bottle gas heater. Call 221-4477 after 5 P.M. “Feb.2o,Mar.7C HOME WORK 50 Companies offering work at home lobs. Home Work 2109 E. Haines - Phila., Pa. 19138. Jan. 31, Feb. 7.14,21,28, Mar. 7c FOR SALE—Greenware and bisque for making ceramics. Call 221-4677 after 5 P.M --i Feb.2B,Mar.7C MOBILE HOME SALES The greatest Mobile Home News in years The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) now financing Mobile Homes. Five per cent down payment and 7.97 simple interest. 12 year terms on single wide* and 15 years . inancing on double wides. Save vy.ondowr payment and One-third on interest. (Example $4,000.00 Mobile Home $300.00 down*pavment and $44.48 per month.) CALL: Arthur Chappell, Edenton Representative—Phone: 482-4544 or go to F. 8> H. Mobile Homes Hlway 64, Robersonville, N. C Dealer No. 5295 Open Daily 9 A.M. til 8 P.M. Sunday 2:00 til 8 P.M. ; June 28, If* TREE SERVICE TREE TOPPING AND REMOVING PHcna 4M-7574 Attar 4F. M. 1 FREE ESTIMATES Feb.14,21,28,Mar 7C 7C - gss tTf ; i NEW LOAN SERVICE rJ O3T3J«SMO3 T 3 1C LOANS TINE Fiaaacta. Service 603 N. Broad Street Edenton, N. C. Phone 452-84C2 mmmmmmm—mmammm We Want To Buyi • Timberland • Standing Sawtimbor and Pulpwood • Pin# and Hardwood • Call or Writ# tho N office nearest you Edenton 482-2632 South Mills 771-5512 WiiHamston 792-1106 ; or Glenn Make Franklin, Va. 70*563-4111

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