• A Bridal party stars \ # * V ***** V***-' - " ' WHAT MORE THOUGHTFUL WAY to nay thank you to mem bers of the bridal wedding party than with jewelry containing Linde Stars from Union Carbide Corp. There is something for everyone including mothers of the bride and groom, brides maids, matron and maid of honor and even the flower girl. The star sapphire with its softly glowing quality is a gift of love and symbol of good luck. So what better way to say thank you than with jewelry (like that pictured) made with Linde Stars, the man-made star sapphire. Engagement Is Announced Mrs. Sandy I. Rose of Edenton announces the en gagement of her daughter, Beverly Ann, to Boyce Ed ward Spicer of Raleigh. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. •Sam Spicer of Elkin. Miss Rose is also the daughter of the late Mr. Rose. The wedding will take place in the home of the bride-elect at 3 P. M. on June 9. No formal invitations will be .issued, but all friends and family members are invited! to Jittend. Topics Chosen Rev. Robert E. Gray, pastor of Edenton Baptist Church, has selected for his sermon topic Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service the subject: “Are You Part of God’s Hall of Faith.” Scripture will be taken from Hebrews the 11th chapter. At the 7:30 evening worship service, Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor emeritus, will bring the message. Bfor sale NEW LISTING 3-bedroom house on pleasant lot with several trees. May we assist you in buying or sell- Call or Visit e REALTOR arS 482-8284 4824302 your great occasions call for PORTRAITS I I [ - i r : 'l I* s w 'Sr'. ■RL*. . ■ fc £ ■ t .^-i'vS-"HK|a •’// I * HIHHHRiIHBPHHHHHHMHHHHHHHMHHHHBIHHi Mr*. Mtyffv Uwary, Mwi|ir fiMw PraNcfe **•». S*Mh<*t* M*N smef "‘ * $,,,8 “ '■*- I o«i*.*iir, V*„ TEE? 1 LAWN MOWER 1 " 1 mv ‘" 77. tOO 7J L ; ;:fll» rj„,T; Wheelbarrow — 2 } —jl slo^9 ■• -.I .*••« p.rH. tubulin .IwmliHim I 3 BIG DAYS e™* , A l ** l^ w W " | fr—ll. *IH. .nd whit.. restoration underway at this time which should be completed in 18 months. Each member was given a list of the furnishings necessary. A committee of DAR members make up the furnishings committee. Mrs. Wood Privott presented Mr. Hafermehl. Mrs. ( J. D. Elliott, regent, presided at the meeting. Appreciation was expressed by the members to Mrs. Elliott for her service and leadership as regent and to Mrs. Lloyd Griffin for excellent programs. Mrs. John Bond, chaplain installed the following officers for 1974-1975: Regent, Mrs. J. D. Elliott THE CHOWAN HERALD Miss Betsy Ross of Greenville spent the weekend with Mrs. J. J. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Jones and children of Arlington, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harless, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prentis of Durham, Mr. and Mrs Britton Byrum of Va. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Copeland of Hertford and Mr. and Mrs. Fahey Harrell of Elizabeth City spent the weekend with Mrs. Cora Harrell in Morris Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Weeks spent Sunday in Tarboro visiting her mother Mrs. J. C. Martin. Mrs. Thomas Shepard and daughter Anne visited Mrs. D. J. Walker in Burlington last weekend. Blount Shepard of N. C. State College is spending the week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shepard. Mrs. John Graham arrived home Thursday after a tour of several European countries. - Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hassell attended the graduation of their daughter Marian at St. Mary’s College in Raleigh Saturday. Vice regent, Mrs. J. H. McMullan Recording secretary, Mary Sue Copeland Treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Shepard Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Albert Byrum Registrar, Mrs. Mary Browning librarian, Mrs. B. G. Willis Historian, Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr. A note signed by each member was sent to Mrs. Willis who is in the hospital following an accident. Mrs. George Morgan was a guest at the meeting. Hostesses were Mrs. George Mack and Mrs. Griffin. Thursday, May 16, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Webb of Fountain announce the engagement of her daughter, Betty Sue Thomas, to Melvin Luther Chappell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Chappell of Belvidere. Miss Thomas is employed at Edenton Tastee Freez. Mr. Chappell is employed by Morris and Hinton of Belvidere. Miss Thomas is also the daughter of -James Irving Thomas of Oak City. Wedding plans are incomplete. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Harris of Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Creech and daughter Betty and Robert Dupree of Pine Level spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Katkaveck attended the graduation of their daughter Miss Beth Katkaveck at Peace College and Steve Katkaveck at State College in Raleigh Saturday. Mr. Frankie Katkaveck was home from Portsmouth for the weekend and attended the graduation exercises also. A Thirsty Crop About 650,000 gallons of water are necessary for the production of each acre of rice, reports the Arkansas Experiment Station. fX m A GRADUATES - Miriam Elizabeth Katkaveck of Edenton received her associate of arts degree during the 102nd graduation exercises at Peace College in Raleigh Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Katkaveck, 900 East King Street. Churchwomen In New Bern The annual meeting of the Episcopal Churchwomen of the Diocese of East Carolina convened Thursday, May 16, in Christ Church, New Bern. The Holy Communion Service, celebrated by Rt. Rev. Hunley A. ELebash, will begin the meeting. The business session will be led by Mrs. C. E. Hancock, Jr., president, who will also present the annual report. The installation of new officers will follow. Bishop William G. Weinhauer, the new co-adjutor of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will be the featured speaker. nn.ini. bU ... Inn. In- nnnnn.n J I - ulpnn James Ellis Jake Belch Bill Harris Tom Bateman CTO THESE HEN .. . FUNERAL DIRECTING IS MORE THAN A v PROFESSION . . ITS A PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT . WITH DEEP I J## COMPASSION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING FOR EVERY FAMILY \~ Colonial Sfimeral Pome e<2lZ! “V 482-4486 Many HI News by MRB. ETHEL WINBORNE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker returned home Thursday after spending ten days at Tampa Honda with their daughter, Sarah Baker and family. Miss Lynn House of Harrellsvilie spent several days with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Smith wick. 'T. J. Perry of Edenton and Mrs. Ethel Winbome visited Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Hoggard, Jr. and R. J. Hoggard in Ahoskie Thursday. Mrs. Margaret White was the guest last Sunday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Fairless and Graham Fairless of Harrellsville. Miss Ellen Pruden has returned home from the Methodist College of Fayette ville on Friday. Mrs. Cliff Keeter and Scott left Friday and spent the weekend at Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Keeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bailey and daughter, Stacey and April of Newport News were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -Smithwick for the weekend. Mrs. and Mrs, Bob House and children, Lynn and Jennifer of Harrellsville were also their guests for Sunday. METHODIST TOPICS Rev. E. L. Earnhardt has chosen “Open The Kingdom” as the topic for his sermon Sunday morning at Edenton United Methodist Church. His text is Matthew 23:10-13. Gordon West, a youth speaker, will deliver the message at the 7:30 o’clock service. ■." M 1 MBnr f * 3k a ?'t aH Miss Pamela Gay Griffin Miss Griffin To Marry Mr. and Mrs. James H. Griffin of Kinston announce the engagement of their daughter, Pamela Gay, to Mr. Robert Maurice Peitre of Rosemead, Calif. The bride-elect’s father is a former Chief of Police in Edenton. Mr. Peitre’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Peitre, also of Rosemead, Calif. The wedding will be held on June 22 in Bethel Freewill Baptist Church in Kinston. LIBRARIES CLOSED FOR STAFF MEETING All libraries in the Pettigrew Region (Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library in Edenton, Tyrrell County Public Library in Columbia, and Washington County Library in Plymouth) will be closed all day on Wednesday, May 22nd, for the regular quarterly Staff Meeting. There will be no bookmobile run on that day.