Page 2-C COMPLETES BASIC TRAINING—Marine Pvt. Lee C. Sawyer, son of Mrs. Zenobia Sawyer, Route 2. Eden ton. N. C., completed Infantry Training School at the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, Calif. 4e received specialized instruction in infantry weapons and tactics. The Washington Report By Congressman WALTER B. JONES Last week the House action was at a minimum. This is due to the fact that few Committees have reported out any legislation. In this connection, however, the House Committee on Agriculture did, by a vote of 32 to 8, approve emergency legislation for the calendar year 1975 to increase support prices on wheat, corn and cotton. Os particular interest to the First District is the support price on corn - the bill provides for a price of $2.50 per bushel, with a loan price of SI.BO. Many of the urban Congressmen have expressed dedicated opposition to this legislation and I am sure that a concerted effort will be made to defeat it on the House Floor. President Ford has, to some degree, been exerting pressures to secure appropriations for Cambodia and possibly, South Vietnam; and it is difficult for me to follow his rationale. For with over more than a decade of involvement, our fatalities of approximately 50,000 and the number of injuries and wounded in the hundreds of thousands, to say nothing of the billions of dollars spent for this hopeless cause. I cannot see the advisability of appropriating any additional funds to try to "save" Southeast Asia. Many of you have asked from time to time what actually constitutes a day in the life of a Congressman. On Tuesday. March 4, for example, the "average” day went as follows: I arrive at the office at -approximately 8:30 A M. and personally check the mail; on the average, our office receives from 75 to 100 pieces of mail daily. 1 had an early morning appointment with a representative from the Optometry Association, who is interested in seeing that optometry be included in all consideration of health legislation. Also that morning, both the Committees on Agriculture and Merchant Marine and Fisheries, of which I am a member, were meeting in session. I attended a luncheon sponsored by the North Carolina League of Municipalities in conjunction with activities scheduled for the week for state and municipal leaders meeting in Washington in the hopes of securing additional revenues from the federal government. Os course, the House was in session in the afternoon, and in between staying on the House Floor for discussion, I met with a Raleigh official interested in a Federal position here in Washington, and also with lobbyists representing the beef producers who are desirous similar to other agriculture cdmmodities In the evening, 1 had invitations to attend The Proprietary Association’s reception, the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association's reception, and the American Institute of Planners’ reception. He serves his party best who serves the country best. -R. B. Hayes. Helps Shrink Swelling Os Hemorrhoidal Tteeues Doctors have found a medication that in many caaes gives prompt, temporary relief from pain and burning itch in hemorrhoidal ttiauri. Then ft actually helps shrink swelling of these tisanes The answer wtnpmukn H*. fteparaßon H Ointment or 5 f Q y EARS SERVING • NONE TO DEALERS CHIPS »59* i peas y r ml' Jr PEANUT BUTTER a $2.23 §ASTOR COFFEE I CREAMER 99 TROPICAL GRAPE JELLY 79 DIXIE DARLING THIN SLICED SANDWICH BREAD 3 1 BEANS 3® THRIFTY MAID CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN , CORN 3 T / SUPERBRAND \ GRADE A' EGGS | DOZ. 65$ MEDIUM DOZ. BETTER BAKERY PRODUCTS • \ HOT DOG OR HAMBURGER BUNS 3 as 88c ST IX 2as 88cJ YOUR favorite \Mmmp BEECH-NUT ——— GERBER'S STRAINED Qa STRAINED 1 Am \ JUNIOR ICm JUNIOR 1 C/a J 7%-OZ.JAR I Jl/ 7%-OZ.JAR lUU X CATES i KEEBLER'S SUNSHINE ARMOUR J CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE I HUNT'S FRESH KOSHER SPEARS ZESTA SALTINES VIENNA FINGER COOKIES PURE LARD _ ""T 26-OZ. QQp i-LB. CQ/h 12 -OZ 7Q/> UB 41 OQ SBS- TOMATO PASTE -Vt S6c NOffTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTEI »TORE HOURS: i:3O A. M. to 9:30 P. M. D«% GfORGCDRAWOY I E DENTON. N. C. Umimy \M K M. HMO KM. THE CHOWAN HERALD Thursday, April 3,1975