Thursday, April 3, IS;» Letter To The Editor Os The Chowan Herald r; The controversial Equal > Rights Amendment that is now - f State Legilsation is ;;ob» of upmost importance to citizen of America. While the-, attention is directed primarily to the so-called “rights” it will guarantee to women; the possible a. rights a 13d privacies of others, '■zn bot#' men and women, are s? 5 or overlooked. The very of this proposed law demands that we stand up for what we believe is best for our country. While I’m quick to agree to the fact that all people have the right to express their opinions and beliefs, I am equally aware that citizens are entitled to all the facts before laws are passed that effect their lives. This seems to be the “sore toe” of the proponents of the ERA. They, too, argue that people are entitled to their opinion, that is, unless you disagree with them. If there are not enough facts to stack the deck on their side they revert to name calling. f Now, that’s an old game that children play, when their * strength is not equal to that of their opponent. The feeling is ‘tif I can’t beat you with strength, I’ll wear you down with \yords”. Such words as “remonstrants,” “hysterics”, and “political opportunists” were used very freely in a MISSION —EIder Jensen, left, and Elder Peeden of the Jesus Christ Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mor mons) are currently in Edenton working a four-month mission for the church which involves dispensing in formation and materials door-to-door. An all volunteer program for young adults age 19-21, they serve as mis sionaries for two years. They began last week, and moving by foot and bicycle, will cover most of this area -as far as Columbia. Their headquarters is in Roanoke, Va. Jensen is a native of San Mateo, Calif., and Peeden hails from Chandler, Ariz. They stressed that they are along information only, not making soiicita- Itions. SHOP I. N. S. AT W. E. S. FRESH GROUND BEEF .. lb. 79c SIGNAL COOKED HAMS pkg. 79c > ■ ■ ■ ■ iFRESH fORK LIVER 3 lbs. SI.OO $ OZ. PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK BISCUITS. .4 for 53c *O. 303 POCAHONTAS jCORN 3 cans SI.OO B LB. CAN pRISCO SHORTENING $1.89 ILL FLAVORS DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX . box 67c I LB. BAG LARGE |IMA BEANS 2 bags 59c I TRY US FOR FRESH MEATS AND HOMEMADE SAUSAGE ■V. E. Smith's Store ROCKY HOCK SECTION Phone 2214031 - Edenton, N. C recent letter to the editor of this paper, in reference to those who would stand against the acceptance of such a law. While I might have to confess guilty to being a remonstrant, I certainly don’t see how I could be declared to be the others. Since when have caution and concern about the effect of a law on “all the people” been characterized as a vice rather than as a virtue? I believe that the above considerations have been invaluable in any person’s life regardless of the circumstances. Solomon in Proverbs 29:11, puts it a little stronger, “a fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise maq keepeth it in till afterwards." I certainly believe any person, whether citizen or legislator, is wide to search out the posssible effects this law could have on all the citizenry if passed. It’s ironic that America should be the birthplace of such a movement. No other woman in the world could boast of the privileges and respect that is afforded her in this great country. Most women feel, and I don’t think I’m stretching the truth, that they have not been denied their rights as citizens and women, but are very much a part of the working and happiness of our country. In a recent interview with one of the professional women of the town, she expressed that she believed that any woman could advance as far as her ability could carry her. I know there may be some cases where this would not be true but it would, under our present society, be an exception and not the rule. If our present laws guarantee this right why would there be need for an additional law to confuse the scene further? Former Sen. Sam Ervin has already stated that if there are instances of discrimination, the need is not for new laws, but enforcement of the existing ones; not to mention the thousands of dollars in tax money and legal fees that would be involved in court cases brought on by ERA. The fact is, that many of the existing laws will be ruled invalid on the basis of the ERA. If proof of the possibility of this taking place is needed, one only needs to observe the far reaching effects of the Civil Rights Act on the public. That which was thought designed to give rights to all the people has been a tool in the government’s hand to take away the rights of others. It. would be of great interest to all to observe the outcome of the recent case pending in Georgia in reference to the constitutionality of a plant to lay off the last hired first, made up of women and minority groups, and retain the ones with seniority. The claim is that it’s discrimination to keep people on the job just because they have been there longer. I imagine folks that jumped for joy when this bill was passed in 1964 never dreaming that one day it would have such a long arm. Rest assured that the ERA, regardless of how harmless it seems now, would one day carry the same power. One area that does disturb "us remonstrants” is the possible and probable effect it would have on women in reference to the draft, family care and overall financial welfare. One of our freshmen senators has this to say concerning the ERA! “It will take away from them, first of all, the right not to be drafted in the event of a war or national emergency. It will take away from married women the right to collect benefits from Social Security based on their husband’s earnings. The amendment will pre-empt state laws requiring a husband to support his wife and children and provide a home for them. If this amendment is passed, wives becomes equally (50 per cent) responsible for the support of their husbands and children. These are just a few of the radical changes we can expect to flow from this amendment, and 1 am sure many of them would come as a shock to many of the supporters of this measure.” Maybe this wouldn’t bother some who desire this kind of arrangement, but I’m convinced that the majority of the women appreciate and enjoy playing their roles as mothers and housewives. By the way, I’ve been married to the sweetest girl in the world for thirteen years and I have never heard her complain of a loss of freedom or of any desire to be “set free’.” One area of the letter, that appeared several weeks ago in this paper, really interested me so, I conducted a little investigation of my own. The article stated that the ERA would “prevent a state from giving different punishments to men and women convicted of the same crimes, and it has been women in the past who have often received more | BEDROOM FURNITURE j ♦ Choice of All Kinds of Chairs 4 O Refrigerator and Range jj Y Can Be Seen At Heme j | W. J. DANIELS l ♦ 219 SOUTH OAKUM STREET 4 + EDENTON, N. C. d ' PARKING LOT grab table saleh Cr\CUC 1 UICT ***** - 10 ajL «* 7 9jL Cost Is Co«pktely Forgotten ... We Need The Spoce! Dowitowi Edooton Most QiNMtitios Aro Lmitod ... # Don t Lot Yo«r Nolfbbor loot Yoo To Ttts Solo THE CHOWAN HEiLvLD severe sentences." Now if this is true, there must be case after case that one can easily put their hand on to prove this point. At this time I have not had the opportunity to examine the hundreds of cases that has been tried in this county involving men and women on similar charges, but I did ask those in places of judicial power if such was true according to their knowledge and experience. Everyone I talked to, including both men and women, stated that they could never recall in their experience such a thing being true. Probably the most important point revealed was the fact that the judge can only pass sentence within the guidelines laid down in the law. Agreed, the law generally gives a minimum and a maximum punishment that the judge can render according to his judgment but all that I spoke with agreed that if there were any leniency shown it was commonly accepted that it would go to the women. If actual proof of this is needed, I’m sure a simple investigation of the trial cases will be sufficient. Even if there were some known cases when the man received the lesser punishment than the woman, it would be erroneous to assume, thus based on a few, that this was the general rule. The implications made are purely unfounded. The proponents of the ERA have much to say about how women are held back financially and are unable to get ahead in the “prevent system on bondage and slavery to male domination.” I ran across an item the other day in a paper that may surprise a lot of people and may even take the air out of some of these “women libbers”. It seems that there are 38,000 millionaries in the U. S. and over two-thirdds of them are women! Only 11,000 or so of the elite financial folk are men; the other 27,000 are women Out of 2,800 Americans who are worth in excess of $5-million, a full 2,000 of them belong to the weaker sex, and mighty few of them worked in the bhsiness world to get these goodies. Those that did I’m sure would be the first to say that they reached this status on their own ability. But what’s the real reason for this sudden surge for freedom? There’s an old saying, “there’s more to it than meets the eye” that describes the ERA movement. This is just one of many voices to be heard in the past decade or so concerning a desire for freedom. But what is freedom? Is freedom the right, as the youth culture calls it, “to do your own thing”? Many times this is at complete disregards for the freedoms and rights of others or without any recognition of the responsibilities involved with this freedom. Most, I’m afraid, do not know what freedom is. Bill Gothard, who has conducted hundreds of family conferences in his life time, defines freedom as “not the right to do what you want, but the power to do what you ought.” So freedom is not living without restraints as some would propagate, but being able to perform properly that which we must. Any other thing is lawlessness, and leads only to chaos. Jesus declared the truth of freedom when He said in John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” The New Testament reveals that freedom in Christ is not the right to do anything you want but freedom from the bondage of sin and the power to do what we should do for Christ. All levels of society, from the home in the pinnacles of government can only operate properly and peacefully as they stay within the natural or judicial bounds that are established. The natural bounds of the home which involve men. women and children are clearly unfolded in the Sciptures. Ephesians 5 and 6 give the complete picture of a happy and Scriptural home where each has his place and his part in promoting the well being of Society. Ephesians 5:21-25 exhorts the man-women relationship an Ephsians 6:1-4 reveals the parent-child relationship. Only as our laws and our ways conform to the word of God, will there be peace and understanding between the sexes. Rev. Ashby Browder Mrs. Leeper, 83, Dies In Hospital Mrs. Mary Viola Warren Leeper, 83, died in Chowan Hospital Monday following a short illness. Mrs. Leeper, a native of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, resided at 601 North Broad Street. Before moving to Edenton she made her home in Norfolk, Va. She was the daughter of the late Thomas H. and Margaret Wilson Warren and the widow of Harry E. Leeper. Surviving is a son, Roger Earl Leeper of Edenton; three grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Fairmont, W. Va. Graveside services were held at 11 A. M. Wednesday in Beaver Hill Cemetery with Rev. H. Willard Lampe officiating. Williford-Barham Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Definition Os A Farm As spelled out by the U.S. Census Bureau, the official def inition of a farm is a tract of 10 or more acres that produces at least $250 worth of com modities for sale. The tract can be smaller if the volume of crops and livestock produced is larger. Di-Gel RELIEVES 'Gasid Indigestion’’s those times you suffer acid indigestion and painful gas, too. DI-GEL® gives more com plete relief because it does what plain antacids can’t. It reduces excess acid; also contains Simethicone that gets rid of gas, too. Heartburn, painful gas go fast. Get DI-GEL. 1 Join Us For Fun And Lenrning^^^^^%| I (l TT In Kindergarten At F || |j I Immanuel Christian School I j-g-. m | Applications Now Being Accepted - Enroll Today JIS/f Kindergarten s3O/mo. H 3 yr. Nursery s2O/mo. §§ | Gjl yr. Nurser V s2s/mo. || For Information Contact Immanuel Christian School Jigi ' N C Ph ° ne 482 ' 3567 ~ 482 - 2320 Johnnie E. Bass Taken In Death Johnnie Edward Bass, 67, Route 2, Edenton, died in Chowan Hospital March 27 following an extended illness. He was a retired farmer. A native of Chowan County, Mr. Bass was a son of the late James L. and Rose Copeland Bass. He was married to Mrs. Minnie Bunch Bass, who survives. Also surviving are three daughters: Mrs. Louise Fall of Springfield, Va.; Mrs. Joyce Lawrence of Colerain; and Mrs. Vivian Monis of Seattle, Wash.; two brothers; Quinton and Rueben Bass, both of Edenton; two sisters; Mrs. Erie Jones of Edenton and Mrs. Wince White of Hobbsville; and eight grandchildren. He was a merfiber of Macedonia Baptist Church where funeral services were held at 3 P..M. Saturday with Rev. Charles Ledford officiating. Burial was in the Waff Family Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Ernest Cullipher, Thoms Paul Griffin, Tom Bass, Jesse White, Edsel Waff and Ronnie Bass. Williford-Barham Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Providence Baptist Church Notes The Sunday School of Providence Baptist Church will meet at 9:30 A. M. Deacon Charlie L. Downing, Sr. is director. The morning worship will begin at 11 A. M. The sermon subject is “Who Is God Like to You?” by Rev. William C. Butts, Pastor. The Lord’s Supper will be served following the sermon by the pastor and deacons. Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this y qualified as executor of the _ .tate of Nolan B. Toppin, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, or corporations holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before October 3, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. Al| persons, firms, corporations indebted to the estate will please make immediate settlement. This March 28, 1975. Troy Toppin, Executor of the Estate of Nolan B. Toppin Route 1, Edenton,-NC 27932 Pritchett, Cooke & Burch Attorneys, Windsor, NC 27983 Apr.3,10,17,24pd. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of L. Carlton Spain, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of October, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery thereon. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 26th day of March, 1975. Helen C. Spain Administratrix of the Estate of L. Carlton Spain Deceased. Apr .3,10,17,24 c. In The General Court Os Justice District Court Division State of North Carolina County of Chowan Vonnie Wilson Holiday, Plaintiff -vs- Tommy Rufus Holiday Defendant NOTICE SERVING PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: Tommy Rufus Holiday Take notice that a pleading notice seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for absolute divorce on the grounds of one year's separation next preceding the commencement of this action. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than May 6,1975, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 25th day of March, 1975. Merrill Evans, Jr Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Box 74 Edenton, North Carolina 27932 Mar.27,Apr.3,10c. In The General Court Os Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator CTA of the estate of Dora B Morgan, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of September, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of March, 1975. John W. Graham Administrator CTA of The Estate of Dora B. Morgan Deceased. Mar.27,Apr .3,10,17 c. In The General Court Os Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator -TA of the estate of George L. Morgan, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of September, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of March, 1975. John W. Graham Administrai r CTA of The Estate of George L. Morgan Deceased. Mar.27,Apr.3,10,17c. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * Piano and Voice } * j It Lessons * * j J PHONE 482-8580 ; Page 5-A EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of HeywoodS. Ziegler, Jr., late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of September, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of ant recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of March, 1975. Dorothy Ziegler Executrix of The Estate of Heywood S. Ziegler, Jr. Deceased. Earnhardt & Busby, P.A. Attorneys at Law 102 West Eden Street Edenton, NC 27932 Mar.27,Apr.3,10,17c. In The General Court Os Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Harriet Futrell Creecy, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of September, 1975, of this notice will be pleaded in bar „, any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of March, 1975. W. H. Creecy Administrator of The Estate of Harriet Futrell Creecy Deceased. Mar. 27, Apr.3,10,17c. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of John Paul Bass, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of September, 1975, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of March, 1975. Kathryn Gabbard Bass Executrix of the Estate of John Paul Bass Deceased W. T Culpepper, 111 Attorney at Law 308 Bank of North Carolina Bldg P O. Box 344 Edenton, North Carolina 27932 Mar,13,20,27,Apri13c. LOSE UGLY FAT Stan losing weight today or money back. MONADEX is a tiny tablet and easy to take. MONADEX will help curb your desire for excess food. Eat less - weigh less. Contains no dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous exercise. Change your life . .. start today. MONADEX cost $3.00 for a Z 0 day supply. Large economy size is $5.00. Also try AQUATABS: they work gently to help you lose water-bloat. AQUATABS -a "water pill" that works 53.00. Both guaranteed and sold by: Mitchener's Pharmacy EDENTON Mail Orders Filled. Add 35c Tax and Postage