Thursday. February 26.1976 dgV : : : ; RECITAL AT COA—Dr. Edgar Alden will present a violin recital March 5 at U P. M. in the gymnatorium at < 'ollege of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City. Dr. Alden is chairman of the Department of Music at the University of North Carolina at Cha pel Hill. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Anna \V. Bair of COA’s music depart ment. The recital will benefit the COA Chorale. Family Pizza Parlor Opeas la Edenton 4imbo’s Family Pizza Parlor opened Monday night in Mrs. Boswell’s Restaurant. The former Pub HHpw » JfcL litt’le BunclT^^i.: tiny pig as Wilbur Privott, owner of the pig farm, gives the kindergarten classes of White Oak School some facts about life as a pig. E|ri r 7 1171 NORTHSIDE fill HI SHOPPING CENTER 111 m. M 111 . EDENTON, N. C. STORE HOURS: ' ~ MON .-SAT.—* A. M. TO * P. M. SUNDAY-1 P. M. TO 6 fob. 25 - 29 QUANITY ITEM ON SALE WAS SALE Large Selection of Fall Clothing Roducod • pfojbortionatery 1 more hold jobs than a decade ago. THE CHOWAN HERALD Goveraor Holshoaser Honored For Program Partidpatioa Governor James E. Holshouser, Jr., as the honorary chairman of the state Savings Bonds program, today received a special citation in the name of all citizens of North Carolina from Bland W. Worley, State Volunteer Chairman, The award, a miniature Liberty Bell mounted beside a piece of wood from the original structure of Independence Hall, was presented by the Savings Bonds Division of the Treasury Department on recognition of the participation of North Carolinians now buying Bonds. Governor Holshouser accepted the award which reads: “Presented to the people of North Carolina in grateful recognition of their substantial participation in the U. S. Savings Bonds Program, which has resulted ih the purchase of $2,225,000,000 since 1941.” There are 175,000 men and women in the state who are buying Bonds regularly through the payroll savings plan. One in every three families owns Savings Bonds with the amount currently held in N. C. Totaling more than SBSO million. The governor was also given a special Minute Man Flag. The tricolor flag of red, white and blue - with a Minute Man in its center and the words “United States” above and “Savings Bonds” below - will be suitable for flying from the Capitol throughout the Bicentennial Year. The flag will serve the state as a symbolic reminder of the original Minute Men and the patriotic volunteers who serve today through the Savings Bonds program. The Minute Man of Concord serves the Treasury Department as the official symbol of the U. S. Savings Bonds program. Governor Holshouser took .at..the, .flag .presentation to proclaim February 16 through 22 as “U. S. Savings Bonds Week in North Carolina.” The Governor’s proclamation reads as follows: “WHEREAS, it is fitting to celebrate this Bicentennial year by honoring a volunteer-based program which, continuing the tradition of citizen involvement in the affairs of America dating back to Lexington and Concord, has helped the citizens of America and this State immeasurably by providing a method of saving unsurpassed in ease and convenience - U. S. Savings Bonds, purchased through tlje Payroll Savings and Bond-A-Month Plans; and “WHEREAS, Savings Bonds have proven their miiHiitliK! [?w flEOfflg HELPFUL TIPS To Delight Your Family And Friends You can avoid wasting money by not wasting food. Even the smallest scraps of leftovers can be combined with others to make a marvel ous meal, if you add some eggs. You can ruatle up a great western omelet from meat and vegetable odds and ends and eggs, and your family will be getting a meal full of vitamins, minerals and pro teins. Aside from the nutrients in whatever leftovers you put in the omelet, each egg can provide you with 10 to 15 percent of the minimum daily adult requirements for vitamins, needed fat and pro tein. And, the protein eggs provide, contains all 10 essential amino acids, the kind your body needs moat, more than the incomplete protein found in cereals. The amino - acids in eggs are in such a well-balanced propor tion, they approach the theoretical ideal protein that Is indispensable for humans. For this reason, eggs are used ex perimentally as the reference standard in evaluating the protein of other foods. value to the economies of both our State and the Nation by encouraging thrift, fostering substantial savings reserves among our people, and by adding a large measure of stability to the debt management efforts of the Treasury Department; and “WHEREAS, the celebration of the birthday of the “Father of Our Country,” George Washington, is a time to remember and extol the enduring values on which , EVANGELISTIS TEAM—Revival services will be held at First Assembly of God Sunday through March 7. Services will be held nightly at 7:30 o’clock except on Saturday. Evangelist Donnie Rogers and his wife, Brenda, of Bonifay, Fla., will direct the services. There will be special singing nightly and a nursery will be provided. Rev. William Tyndall, pastor, invites the pub lic to attend these services. George Washington Would Be Proud Oi The Way... U Your Friendly Mutual Man Has Chopped His Prices ■:imLm «SHOP ANY OF OUR MORE THAN 280 PRICE CHOPPING LOCATIONS QUALITY + SAVINGS + SERVICE of Washington's Birthday—The People at Your Independently Prices too New Low!ComelnThisWcekondSeeThotWe Hove Not Told o Lie! W f*gg] KggL "EATmoMB |J| Mj g Janioiw. *‘744 m, ANTI-KISfRANT COM* AtE AT 2.25 COMPAM COMMM COMPARE AT 1.91 W " COMPARE AT 1.69 nV> *1 4 ’ WHHfe OOc I 1047 I THtOUSH SAT., f ts. 2X_ WW | Mm _ \ wall « tr»v#l itwni Tiiul* be I H IS 61' ■ I LAN 1 Clm J HI. i«t. cwiHrtw.l. Ur j/y *tnrt tht right »• limit gvtftti tits in Hiis *4. CirtumslMicts .■- 'y —y might prrrtnt «H starts from being tbit tt rt-ordtf tfrttin CoU£sth %' .--'f'”' MUTUAL ~iTzi M £££? VITAMINC tS )Jg\ tnm Ori/kul Imtf. ; ! K9H COMPARE AT 1.29 ■*“ * Asifi2 _ ImilimfMmilrm 16-OZ // M\ #% 8 ,„‘ wSw-ffr- ;“?.*•**>» till ~ // MM. 250 mg. QQC ■ wum, ?| i" \\p/ 100,at>,e,4 OO rfL Effiß adorn S GS9 the Morning After Shave JMJftW. SSHS 9 -° z W COMPARE AT I.M uS?i?J2a SlT'.' v‘\ QTc CoM ri‘ n7, B *° z c/ LITTER BASKET SSS »5 ,5 I 98 c P congespirin chopped OOc $2 00 CASH BACK COLDTABLETS To QQ COMPARE AT W «p— "■ ■■ by moil from ChesebrouaK-Poitdi, Inc. 58* The most popular . JSL p^i t wall dock style ever... fej fel ( lubriderm super recreated for you ! QD. if) B One LOTION CRICKET IBB] disposabie by VVestclox Whtn you buy these 4 u«fTER fiise products (Axis. [1 \ oH Kftooiitt»»"o«ai*«. n fl 0« . C ®”*" .SKMccondiMnd. kfM.wNM.llw. OT MI. fllflfr * n " .m.'M.C ao> UtM ft T «. ». COMPARE AT* JO M SS Hi *1” SAM |~— —»»- 5, j *- N.MMI ** ™ •6* iminl twNScW. w mm ihw MUTUAL—Beceuee Your Fanny's Good Hoolth b Our Buskins Ml Mhdiener's Pharmacy UnkJ miNMiff. iocntokN.C Inmieel Suut 2W |DMGSj this Nation was founded - among them, honesty, fiscal integrity, and thrift, also the recall the proud history of citizen participation in our country’s financial and political affairs from the Revolution until today, symbolized by the “Minute Man of Concord;” “THEREFORE, in recognition of the outstanding accomplish ments of the U.S. Savings Bonds Program and its thousands of dedicated volunteers throughout this State, and in acknowledgment of the debt of gratitude we all owe the Program for the values it represents and encourages, I proclaim the week of February 16-22, 1976 '■For in that ho himself hath suffered. I,, tempted, he is able to succor them that arc tempted.” Hebrews 2:13. Jesus was steadfast under the tempta tions which caused Him to suffer, and He did suffer because His experiences were real to Him. Because of His victory', He is able to come to the aid of all who arc tempted, and call for His help. Christ is compassionate, and full of mercy. He can truly sympathy with us because He has endured all things for us. He understands and is able to help us to be faithful. May we serve you in His Spirit when you need help? Swindell-Bass Funeral Home Hiwoy 32N. Phone 482-4486 Edenton Page 5-A U. S. SAVINGS BONDS WEEK IN NORTH CAROLINA and commend this observance to our citizens. By the Governor: James E. Holshouser, Jr.,”