Page 8-B Miiates Os The Coeaty Commissioners For March The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Monday, April 5,1978, at 9 o'clock A.M. with all members present: C. A. Phillips, Chairman; David T. Bateman, N. J. George, Alton G. Elmore, J. D. Peele. The invocation was given by Commissioner Elmore. The meeting was called to order by Chairman C. A. Phillips. Upon motion of Com missioner Peele, seconded by* Commissioner Elmore and unanimously carried, that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved. On motion of Commissioner Elmore, seconded by Commissioner George and unanimously carried, the payment of bills was approved. February 27: Percy Halsey, $112.50. March 1: Chowan County Social Services Fund, $19,648.00. March 2: Edenton-Chowan Board of Education $7,745.93; and Mrs. Wilmer Perry, $105.00. March 8: Albemarle Associates, $300.00; Chowan County Social Services Fund, $552.,00; Albemarle Motor Company, $16.63; Allen Appraisal Company, $1,875.00; Murray D. Ashley, $16.20; Bender School Supply, Inc., $15.83; Blanchard Office Supply, Inc., $124.60; Blue Cross Blue Shield of N. C., $995.18; James M. Bond, Jr., $92.17; Bridge-Turn Exxon Servicenter, $5.80; M. G. Brown Company, $26.52; and Martha Williford Bunch, $19.82 Bunch's Auto Parts, $44.27; Marie B. Chappell, $23.64; Chowan High School cafeteria, $279.00; Chowan Child Development Center, $41.25; The Chowan Herald, $221.81; Chowan Hospital, Inc., $434.00; Colonial Broadcasters, Inc., $15.00; Colonial Life & Accident Ins. Co., $132.75; Commercial Printing Co., $123.06; J. H. Conger & Son, $143.22; Betty Cribb, $37.20; and Marina S. Crummey, $44.26. The Daily Advance, $10.71; Demain Enterprises, Inc., $29.28; Eastern Elevator Service, Inc., $27.00; Edenton Auto Parts. $18.00; Town of Edenton, $981.42; Town of Edenton. $19,076.65; Edenton- Chowan Board of Education. $23,978.63; Edenton Furniture Co., $229.26; Edenton Office Supply, $69.81; Hazel S. Elliott. $30.65; Exxon Company, $122.85; and J. Everette Faubet. Jr. - Architect, $853.27. Goodyear Service Store, $18.46; Gray & Creech, Inc., $118.06; Gulf Oil Corporation, $41.39; Cathay R. Hall, $164.85: Hall & McChesney. Inc., $94.88; Hampton's Plumbing & Heat Edenton Upholstering . and Antiques QUALITY WORKMANSHIP COME IN AND BROWSE .... WE BUY AND SELL Margo and Miklos Barath Queen Street Extended In Albania Acres TELEPHONE 482-4844 e 119 Owners of castles in the country and their royal farm families depend on us for their financing needs. ALBEMARLE PRODUCTION QfiV CREDIT ASSOCIATION Highway 17 North Dmod on us - EDENTON, N. C. 27932 Phone 482-4904 Monoay - Friday 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. ing Service, $10.78; Hollowell & Blount, $18.99; Home Security Life Ins. Co., $185.26; Ronald M. Huffman, $32.70; IN-LINE, INC., $17.73; Institute of Government, $61.80; and Jackson Radion & TV Service, $7.58. Julia T. Jordan, $5.97; Kirby Electric, $35.85; Leary Oil Company, $817.53; Johnny J. Loven, $84.00; Meadows Texaco Service, $191.10; Mitchener’s Pharmacy, $2.50; Charles B. Morgan, $323.81; National Market Reports, Inc., $94.50; N. C. Department of Natural & Econ. Res., $550.55; P & Q Super Market, $14.91; Phyllis S. Parker, $50.51; and Parker- Evans Hardware Co., $169.55. Pate's Florist & Gifts, $5.60; N. C. Farm Bureau Mutual Ins. Co., $4,476.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., $395.38; Ruth E. Phillips, $71.36; Postmaster, $26.00; Raper Plumbing Company, $32.44; The Reliable Corporation, $44.67; Ricks Laundry & Cleaners, $45.91; Scott Tire & Recapping Co., $34.32; Shell Oil Company, $13.98; Shepard’s Citations, Inc., $57.00; and Dr. James Salde, $25.00; W. E. Smith Store, $29.00; Solicitor’s Office Expense, $140.00; Betty Stallings, $10.00; State Commission for the Blind, $606.25; Texaco, Inc., $205.84; Textilease Corporation, $6.85; Troy Toppin, $104.52; Union Oil Company, $224.91; University Graphics, $6.50; U. S. Dept, of Housing & Urban Development, $24.00; VEPCO, $344.47; George Chevrolet Co., $71.39; Roy Gregory, $10.00; Carnes Berryman, L. N. White Est., $10.00; Edgar Ray Taylor, $10.00; and William A. Chason, SIO.OO. March 8: District Health Department, $2,514.38; Orthopedic Clinic, $15.00; Mrs: Arzulia Webb, $50.00; Chowan Agricultural Extension -Ser., $150.00; Norfolk-Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $35.00; Sanitary Landfill Operating Acct., $2,875.00; C. A. Phillips. $50.00; and Edenton-Chowan , Rescue Squad. $600.00. March 9: Postmaster, $16.00; and Norfolk-Carolina Tel. & Tel Co., $863.86. March 16: Chowan County- Social Services Fund, $719.00; Edenton-Chowan Board of Education. $16,154.83; Center Hill-Cross Roads Fire Dept., $873.11; Ayers & Ayers, Inc., $2,862.50; J. Everette Fauber, Jr., F.A.1.A., $262.71; Nationwide Insurance Co., $11.95; and Phyllis P. Cranford, $114.50. March 19: Pansy A. Elliott, $140.34; and Chowan Co. Water System Capital Proj., $200,000.00. March 22: Earl Jones, $10.32; State Employees’ Credit Union, $272.59; LEOB Retirement Fund, $306.10; NCLd Employees’ Retirement System, $3,497.62; and Peoples Bank & Trust Co., $2,584.90. March 24: U. S. Post Office, $260.00; and N. C. Pub. Employees’ Soc. Sec. Agency, $8,944.82. March 25: Mrs. Wilmer Perry, $105.00; Chowan County Social Services Fund, $486.00; Postmaster, $142.40; March Payroll, $20,363.18; and Total, $354,093.93. Water System Capital Project Account: March 19, 1976 Bryant Utilities Construction Co., $200,000.00. Pansy A Elliott Finance Director. The Commissioners agreed to accept a budget request from R.C. & D. the requeest will be considered at budget time. A discussion was held concerning available office space in the County Office Building. Warren Twiddy appeared on behalf of the Masons, explaining the Bicentennial celebration program to be held Saturday night April 10th at 7:30 at the Swain school. The Commissioners were invited. Mrs. Cosner, Coordinator of N. C. Council on the Status of Women appeared to explain the program, to the Com missioners. No action was taken. George Lewis, Chairman of Planning Board appeared along with Mr. Moore, Stanton Harrell, and Sam Cox of the Soil Conservation, and explained the benefits of a Soil’s map for Chowan County.' This map would be prepared with Chowan and Perquimans participating on a 50-50 basis. The cost to be approx. 7,000.00 per year for each County. The Com missioners decided to give consideration to the request when preparing the budget for 1976-77. Jud Little County Planner, informed the Board that it will be necessary that a Public hearing be held on land use plan for Chowan County. Hearing to be held May 3, 1976 at 11:00 o'clock A M. Upon motion of Com missioner Batemnan, seconded by Commissioner Peele and unanimously carried that Chowan County support legislation to add funds to budget that supports Extension system. All goting in favor except one voted present. Sheriff Toppin presented a problem located in the Cape Colony area. He requested that a letter be sent to Dept, of Transportation ot lower the speed limit on State Road No. 1114. A motion was made by Commissioner Elmore seconded by Commissioner Peele and unanimously carried that a letter for forwarded to Dept, of Transportation by the Safety Committee requesting a lower speed limit. Upon motion of Com missioner Peele seconded by Commissioner Elmore and unanimsouly carried that Tax Collector be relieved of tax receipt No. 222 for year 1975 amount 4.90 double listed through error. Upon motion of Com missioner George seconded by Commissioner Peele and unanimously carried that pick up taxes in the amoutn of 48.70 TOE CHOWAN HERALD be charged to Tax Collector. Upon motion of . Com missioner Bateman seconded by Commissioner Elmore and unanimously carried thatan application be filed with N. C. Dept, of Natural & Economic Resrouces for training funds for Local Law Enforcement Officers. Upon motion of Com missioner Peele seconded by Commissioner George and unanimously carried that a letter os supoort concerning the Health System’s Agency be forwarded to Mr. Spruill. Upon motion of Com missioner Elmore seconded by Commissioner Peele and unanimously carried that budget be amended to cover costs of installing lights at Cross-roads tennis courts amount $943.83 also for sirene at fire dept, at Cross-roads amount $708.44. Upon motion of Com missioner Elmore seconded by Commissioner George and unanimously carried that the present members of the Coastal Resources Commissioner be reappointed if possible. Upon motion of Com missioner George seconded by Commissioner Elmore and unanimously carried that the County tax dept, notify all suppliers of electrical power to Chowan County that no power hook-up is to be installed without the customer presenting a valid building permit for the County health Dept. This requirement is for all new construction of Mobile Homes and dwellings moved to new locations in Chowan County. The following reports were accepted and ordered filed. Edenton-Chowan Rescue Squad, Finance Director, Social Services, Sheriff's Dept., Chief JMAILER, Animal Control Officer, Agriculture Extension Service, Tax Dept., Edenton- Chowan Recreation Dept., Veterans Service Officer. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. , Bertha B. Bunch Clerk to the Board. Miss Evans Takes Junior Historian First Place Medal Karen Evans, a seventh grader at Chowan Academy was recently named first place winner in the state by the Tar Heel Junior Historian magazine. Karen correctly identified a Betty Lamp in a statewide contest and for her efforts was given the first place medal. This contest is sponsored four times a year by the Tar Heel Junior Historian Association and honors students who excell in their studies of history. Congratulations to Karen and her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Jack Evans of Rocky Hock. * P>4 Karen Evans »from Marvin Barham JUST FOR TODAY . . . I will experience free dom. I know that groups are never really liber ated. If freedom Is not experienced by the in dividual, there is no freedom. WsUi^idSa/dtam FUNERAL HOME ’ Plioim 412-F474 Bdanfon, N. C. • - I fej w IWOOPWETPUIT" O AMBITION ■ > and ENEBBSV JhBB l mMkL \ \ .| / \ ...., ...J /a-jQ j||| I ft Hk Ambition is strong in some people. They have the unique ability to define their goals in life and they are able to channel their skills and energy in order to realize these ambi tions. Os course, each of us has our own individual goals all different in proportion and nature. And, each re quires a different amount of energy to be realized. If we fail, we should exert more energy! For this ability to keep 111 1111111 111 ii Copyright 1976 Keister Advertising Service. Inc., Strasburg. Virginia Rf; Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday p? Matthew Mark Hebrews Matthew John Luke Luke 27:11-31 15:25-4) 9:H-28 2frMO SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON N FAITH AND FAMILIES ON THE MOVE International Sunday School Lesson for May 2, 1976 Scripture: Hebrews 11:1, 8-16 By Mrs. Jesse Waller As adults, many of us are permitted to look back across quite an expanse of years. We have learned that we can be sure of one thing, and that is change. This is the reason it is so necessary that our faith in God is sure, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Our ideas of Him may change, because of spiritual growth, or lack of it, but He remains aconstant friend. Abraham found this to betrue, when he was called of God, to go to a land that he knew not. He started his journey, with out knowing where he would finally settle. The material blessings such as cattle, lands and descendants were transi tory, only reminding them of the complete blessing which awaited them in some fiiture time. When we think of a family on the move, we think of a family with special needs. One of the first things we should do for a new neighbor is to invite them to church. There they can meet friends, and find activities, and share a faith, which will fill the loneliness and emptiness left by their move to a strange place. People always bring their furniture and earthly possessions with them, they change their bank account, but how about their church affiliation? This is sometimes one of the last things attended to, if at all. Moving has some positives also. As a minister’s wife, I think of all the wonderful people I would never have known existed, had we not moved every four or five years. Always, it’s a traumatic experience to leave dear friends, however we have fpund some very wonderful friends at our nfew assign ment. No one ever takes another’s place, but our hearts are enlarged to love and care for them all. Many times families move purely for better salaries, or to move up the economic ladder. At times like this, we should be prayerful, seeking God’s way, and not our own. There is stress and trauma sometimes in a new atmosphere. Children feel the tension of parents. On the positive side, it brings a family closer together, in a strange situation, before friend ships are formed, and each starts going his separate way. Security is very important to children, and it makes them happy to have their mother and daddy around more. One minister’s son said, “home will always be where you and daddy are, mother.” This we can say of our heavenly home, it is where our Heavenly Father whits. By faith we can see it afar. It seems that in almost every city, the majority of the pop ulation is from somewhere else. This is characteristic of the times in which we live. May we pray for the faith of Abraham, and acquire his attitude. As long as-God leads, and is in this place, we are willing to make our home and serve until He bids ua depart Closing thought. “We seek a city whose builder and maker is God.” (Baaed on copyrighted Outlines produced by the Committee on the Uniform Series and used by permission.) trying in the face of great odds ... can lead eventually to success. To one degree or anotherthen, all of us are constantly using up our indi vidual energy supplies. To tackle the fresh challenges and problems of each tomorrow, we need a depend able source of unfailing power. Such continuous power is always available to you within the supporting bonds of the Church. Scriptures selected by The American Bible Society Thursday, April 29,1876 These Messages f Are Published Under £ The Sponsorship Os TheJ Following Business v Establishments Edenton Tractor & | Equipment Co. Your FORD Tractor Dealer ■ Agents fbr Evlnrude Outboards v US ffSouth, Edenton, N. C. | Bridge-Turn Exxon Servicenter "Your Friendly EXXON Dealer" Z Exxon Products - Atlas Tires I And Batteries X Hobbs Implement Co. "YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER" I Your Farm Equipment Needs Area Life-Time I QfyfcTyler j Your Happy Shopping Center If Albemarle Motor Co. "Your Friendly FORD Dealer" Edenton Office Supply | Everything For The Office ■ Quinn Furniture Co. x HOME OF FINIS FURNITURE j Edenton, N. C. Leary Bros. Storage Co. V Buyers of S Peanuts, Soybeans and 1 Country Produce Sellers of Fertilizer and Seeds ■ (^hones4B^2l4li Edenton Savings & Loan I Where sou Save DOES Make A Difference! Edenton, N. C. Byrum Implement & Truck Co., Inc. International Harvester Dealer Z Phone 482-2151, Edenton § i Western Gas & Fuel Oil | Mitchener Village * Phone 482-4483 W. E. Smith | GENERAL MERCHANDISE r "ROCKY HOCK" I Phone 221-4031, Edenton Z Montgomery Ward | 401 S. Broad St.—Telephone 482 4409* Edenton, N. C. I R. 0..01X0N, JR. Agent r Parker-Evans Hardware 5 Company J GLEEM PAINTS I Phone 482-4401, Edenton I Mitchener’s Pharmacy * PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS f Phone 482-3711, Edenton Edenton Shell Service | Service nqur Business jj Phone 482-4770 Edenton, N.C. | L/jSXi

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