100% Federal Funding Answer To impossible Dream For Chowan sGa# «*' WHAT YOU SEE— The peripectlve of Hie new Chowan County Courthouse, above, and the sketch development plan, for the courthouse-jail, below, were developed by J. Everette Fauber, Jr., architect, of Lynchburg, Va. They were made available to The Chowan Herald from the voluminous application developed for the county by Volume XLIH.—No. 6. U1- W - V —-l - r_ ** I ! : r Ar "A-. Vn - & xV.-> ~ A-- N -O'A;l' ~W I '| il +. y \ / 5 \‘ \ ill ! I i i ! i \ / i x]/\ \ ■ s ' i i:!i ■ “ \/ * I uA 1 1!,!'V ¥ ! /" Ip®,®J j I A ! il h ' n _/V -i - ISllf-/Oil : i : \ v • 7 \ " e—• i /** . I \ - - -E3r t I>v f I'M ■ , ' ./ / /;S|fy.Vi .;.-a*»r!^---'''A'-A-£ ->1 jKr d ; .\— «* ~k • --r C-r } -s - *■ I I «*| ;i IA: v V/ y / X 1 —rn A Aflli » : i *I \ . "r\ / - I A 'Tli. —-J—— l | V/ • A -- ■■ =—■»—" ~- public parade A'' f A y/ \ y .Sxfft |, ' A " \ Monday, February ?, 1977, will | j t , f —-\ |‘ long be remembered as one of the | i | % Court and East Queen streets, is /if // f° r i adjourned the board’s meeting | f being acquired by Chowan County 1 \ i a with: ' • 1 commissioners for the new / /'"?/ \ “Gentlemen, this has been one Y I I Courthouse-Jail Complex. The two l 11 1 f of most fruitful sessions.” 1 1 parcels marked with stars on the \ ,• We. could have r\ IJ at this time. W&52?mM If / A \ \ The commissioners un -3; llf -J/ yyA>»-> f / C A PROUD CHAIRMAN —C. A. Phillips, animously approved the ! • | f y j j h I j A chairman, Chowan County commissioners, t— establishment of a Chowan County c^ j I l=y /V A. I proudly holds the telegram received Medical Development Authority. vJ\ I I ; '? f&Wtjm&jM ’‘A //¥' 1 — Wednesday morning confirming an earlier — ! This was not only progress,.but - \ f \ t j report of $l.B-million in federal funding for— history in the making. * . Ai I -■ / /^:::::: %i i Hr ■ ■ ~^. e _ nev Y courthouse-jail complex. Almost before the unanimous - t D* ■ _ I • 1 : ! V ~ v ~Jr • . vote to approve this vehicle to ) mm ~** Y*7 j \ ; I \ -j /. _ _._...__ ~~ obtain additional medical man- rh ! ’ K f- : | (T^ —-. tfC- .-• ~r~' y L__ __ '--- in the area had been .'t ' / •** ‘ - y - _ recorded, Mr. Phillips was called Y J // ~ 1 —* ,u */’ .✓ " A T~y|\ -to the telephone. f \ 'f , , " Y v rr: It was the capable and amiable J | ‘v ota | ! just been informed by the K, C - . / I j Economic Development Ad- ! 1 | ministration 100 per cent *t 11 " *' lE3' * 1 the construction of a new court- M 1 [ ~ u,... —it * -n ’ BsH 7 ». ■ y A- house-jail complex in Edenton. i \ /j ™ |A P; V ' . .Li/v -jiy S, > ! \ . •. yjyfelbElS i I representatives of Chowan Il ,{ ; , 1 i:X ■> fN St-1 '•■»■■ ’-■, gSl'. Aj mi .'■ ■. J?Kh Hospital and with the en \xS I < II §y.. . y>4 W 1 y ’ --'jp Vl*’* p ! dorsement of the medical staff. .! I i “N / y 8“ . t l " 1 ‘ '■" ,v f r ..>. • i- ■— Tjj -i-r jjj e j, OS pj ta | trustees and :I. o|i I * \ 3 ( 4 | P r " ] \ medical staff are now establishing | y ■ I a committee to aggressively j'T , ( I I# ! if . - i x | | recruit physicians to serve the I:' M !j '/ I fl\ ' ’— p 4 -* --* ” A V _ j ' metfical needs of the community, *£ f' ii/ j _/i fr~ —'y ‘ ' S / as well as to better utilize the\ I’ I.A : . \ I Continued On Page 3 I ■lAi.'ii* —I H 7 1 1 1 1 r? rui il '-V - - - »..« »..« - Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, February 10, 1977 Albemarle Associates, a local firm which deals in grant applications. The inset shows the Edenton Historic District, with special emphasis placed on the block now being acquired by the county for the facility which has just been funded by the Economic Development Administration of the U. S. Department of Commerce. ■> i- i !? Single Copies 15 Cents. By L. F. Amburn, Jr. Rep. Walter B. Jones of the First Congressional District informed Chowan County commissioners about 11:15 A.M. Monday of ap proval of a $1,826,419 federal grant for the construction of a new courthouse-jail complex. This represents 100 per cent funding for construction. C. A. Phillips, commission chairman, took the call from Rep. Jones in Washington, D.C., while the board was in regular session. Commissioners had known for some time that their application to being reviewed by the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Com merce. The county must provide the site for the project. Options are now being exercised on 11 parcels in the block bound by South Broad, East Church, Court and East King streets. The total purchase price is $555,200, according to Com missioner Alton G. Elmore who played the key role in obtaining options from the property owners. Commissioner Elmore said about one fourth of the land cost is included in the grant in the way of re-location, demolition, etc. The Chowan application was Continued On Page 3