Water System Dedication Set Sept. 8 Chowan County’s $3.8-million water system which now has some 1,900 users, will be dedicated in i ceremonies September 8. The event, to feature local, regional, state and federal officials, will begin at 10 A.M. at the treatment facility oh Highway 32 near Valhalla. C.A. Phillips, chairman, Chowan County commissioners, announced this week that Rep. Walter B. Jones of the First Congressional District will head the list of officials at the ceremony. The John A. Holmes High School Band, directed by Otis Strother, will provide music for the event. The public is invited to the *■ 3? n . < < a I,* •* • <. -<- t . v 4 t lIS-Pm* AI - 1 3 jsfiist ■i iriiiliJr r Volume XLIU.—No. 35. Public Parade Support The Aces The Edenton Aces begin the 1977 grid campaign at Hicks Field Friday night, playing host to rivals from the Isle of Pasquotank. Difficult as it may seem, the summer is considered gone when people start knocking heads on the football field- Local fans will welcome back Coach Jimmy Addison who has reportedly put together a brand new offensive attack. The Aces are always tough on defense and 4he coach feels that if the new techniques are mastered early in the season local supporters will really have something to yell about as the campaign wears on. Coach Addison has 14 lettermen on the squad this year who, coupled with new faces in the starting lineup, are capable of producing many thrills. The satepf reserved sea ttieteet? was good which is an indication that ah the heat of the summer hasn’t dried up any of the en thusiasm of fans of the Aces. Kickoff is 8 P.M. at Hicks Field. We’ll see you there. Touching Base There is a break in activities in Washington, D.C., and Rep. Walter B. Jones of the First " .Congressional District is doing the thing he likes to do best, mingle with his constituents. He meandered along the Public Parade most of the day Tuesday. He had invited those who had problems and concerns about national affairs to drop by the Municipal Building to chat. Some came, many with concerns he shares but admittedly can’t do a lot about. However, most of the people came by to thank him for the excellent representation he provides the people of the First District. His responsiveness to the people in the 21-county district makes him probably the most respected man in the Congress. Over lunch at Mrs. Boswell’s Restaurant, Rep. Jones made no 1 ifbones about his intent to seek another two-year term. “Are you running?” someone asked in jest. "Everyday, everywhere I go,” was the quick reply. And we don’t know anyone in the district who can beat him. Way Bali!' A been Area. Those who seek such a status along the Public Parade deserve more than Up service tjkp PAmTntvrifv ' * 14 - ' but to eatablis?such a pMiiiniiiul fw p. a dedication which hails years of worn on the county-wide system which has been in planning and construction stages for several yeans. Afterwards, invited guests wm dine at the Masonic Temple on Water Street. As a special feature of the dedication door prizes will be awarded. The prizes consist of $5 credit on water bills for users. At the outset, a survey by Farmers Home Administration, who provided bulk of the financing, in