Thursday, March 9,1978 " n Sa^f*4ef 'HV y*-" ; ~ GUESTS OF CLUB—A slide presentation on wildflowers, conservation and gardening was a feature of the March meeting of the Garden of Eden Club. Making the presenation was Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Helms of Greenville, shown above second and third from left with Mrs. Erwin Griffin, club president. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Nancy T. Wood. BPW Delegates Consider Issues Mrs. Julia Hassell, Mrs. Marjinette Lassiter, and Mrs. Hettie Wallace at tended a National Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., March 1- 3, sponsored by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Hubs, Inc. Wedding Plans Set Mr. and Mrs. Whit Lee Parks of Hampton, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Teresa Lynn, to Robert Lewis Hull, son of Mrs. Jeanette T. Hull of Newport News, ya., and the late Lewis R. Hull. Miss Parks is the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes M. Bunch of Tyner and also Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Miss Parks is a graduate' of Bethel High School and is employed by Goth World of Norfolk, Va. Mr. Hull is a graduate of Ferguson High School and is empkyed by Virginia Electr o and Power Com pany. A March 18 wedding is planned at Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, Va. Mrs. Parks is the former Miss Peggy Joyce Bunch. clearance, i M55%°" ATTENTION! The Edenton National Guard ladies' Auxiliary will sponsor a FLEA AAARKET and ARTS and CRAFT BAZAAR at the Edenton National Guard Armory SATUR DAY, April 15, 1978. 10:00 A. M. TO 4:00 P. M. INDIVIDUALS and CLUBS are invited to participate in this pro ject, • • • ■ ••• • - RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW BY CALLING 482-2857: Meorplene Peeples 482-22Q7: Shirley Kirby 482-3780: Lucille Stolls . 482-4305: Alice Jones ! * j For And About Women THE CHOWAN HERALD More than 600 women from throughout the country heard members of Congress and professional lobbyists discuss th,e arts of suc cessful lobbying on national issues. Representatives Lindy Boggs (D-LA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Newton Steers, Jr. (R-MD) explained the national legislative process" and Carol" Bellamy, keynote speaker and newly elected Baptist Topic Announced Dr. Robert E. Gray, pastor of Edenton Baptist Church, has selected “If In Fact” as his sermon topic at the 11 o’clock morning worship on Sunday. Scripture will be taken from Romans S-a-U. . Hie inoraiv “Wondroas Love” will be sung by the Sanctuary Choir at the morning service. At the 7:30 evening vyorship, Dr. Gray’s sermon subject will be “From Suicide To Salvation” with text from Acts. 16 : 25-34. Special music at the evening service will be a solo by Gerald Hamilton, and the anthem “Peace Like A River” by the Sanctuary Choir. 1 Page 3-A president of the New York City Council, talked about the role of women in politics and her own career in big city politics. The conference highlighted such topics as “How to get what you want by lobbying,” and “Building a grass roots organization.” Lobbying techniques were put into practice Thursday morning when participants visited their members of Congress to push their points of view on current legislation. Conferees also discussed specific legislation. The Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Act, the Displaced Homemakers Act, and the Social Security Equity Act were scrutinized for their impact on women. The National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs,. Inc. supports lepJatiaM t§ Heabftt women in such areas as credit and insurance, aging, education, employment, child care and family services, health, welfare, and taxes. Chowan Herald Society News Mrs. Knox Britt of Raleigh is visiting her daughter and her family, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Homthal this week. Mrs. Vann Johnson has returned after spending a few days visiting her brother Dr. John Dalton in Rockville, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spicer and son Mathew are visiting her mother Mrs. Ruth Rose this week. —b— Fielding F. Tanner of Stevensville, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Williams and son of Rich mond were guests Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Tanner last weekend. —O— Karep Hook of Raleigh visited Mrs. Lois R. Hook and Mrs. Rodney Byrum last weekend. Bring New Life To Tour Carpeting Revive the original beauty of your rugs. Cleaned in your own home by Von Schrader dry fosm method. No muss, t o fuss. No odor. Use the woe day,- ffuL AU work I gaaraoteed. MfM Phone for 1 estimate PERRY'S Carpet Cleaning LYNN C. PSRtY Carpets Sh«pwW In Yaur Home or Mac* at Owainaa* Wm AapaMnwt OR ••• Atnr > P. M. n. c mm Merry Hill Area News By Ethel Winborne Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willis Jr. a son, February 24, 1978 at Chowan Hospital at Edenton. Mrs. Lillie Mae White spent the weekend at Newport News with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hopkins and daughter. Mrs. B.V. Williford and Mrs. Ruth Smith, spent Friday at Norfolk General Hospital at Norfolk. —O— Mrs. Otis Williams has returned home from Elizabeth City Hospital where she under went an operation and was a patient there for two weeks. Mrs. Spring of Creswell has been spending a week with her daughter, Phyllis, husband and family, the Rev. and Mrs.< Wint Hale. Miss Ellen Pruden of Fayetteville was the weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Pruden Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smithwick spent Thursday at Edenton on business. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Keeter of Goldsboro visited his aunt, Mrs. Ethel Win borne Sunday. Shower in honor of Miss Ellen Pruden Mrs. Owen Barfield, Mrs. Charlie Bill Phelps and Mrs. Guy Smith were joint hostess on Saturday night March 4th at a miscellaneous shower at the Merry Hill Baptist Church kitchen in honor of Miss Ellen Pruden, who is to be married March 25, at the Windsor Methodist Church. The Marriage Vows Chappell’s Hill church was beautifully set, For a special occasion, I’|l pwtfQingefrv It was-We wedding day fOrWlter Jackie Bass was the fortunate man. Yes I’ve known Dianne all her life, I am positive she made a wonderful wife. I can recall when Dianne was a little girl, Her hair was a cluster of golden curls. She grew up, went out in life, Now she’s no longer a girl but a wife. The wedding was carried out beautiful, you see, The bridesmaids dresses were red as could be. I watched Dianne grow up from week to week, She was a sincere girl, I really think. When the church doors were open Dianne was there. Always smiling, did not seem to have a care. Dianne was the baby of the family, though, She was a wonderful mother you know. Yes she was raised up with a tender hand, We realize now she has the protection of a man. Best regards go out to Jackie and Dianne, We know that marriage is God’s own plan. Now they will establish their own home, They are joined together never more to roam. Yes she will be greatly missed by us all, She’ll not be at church to anwer her call Dianne is truly married, this we understand, God created woman as a companion for man. BY MARY LIZZIE LANE YORK Champion NtAT noMP Rj | Heat Pumps are the most efficient way to heat and COOI y° ur homa and YORK Champion Heat Pumps are the most Efficient Heat Pumps on mjfflHHH the Market * (* York average heat pump efficiencies are ■ higher than the average heat pump efficiencies W of the next four manufacturers Source: ARt Directory. January 1976) • YORK ChampionlV WHOLf HOUK AM CONOmONNM York's famed "Springtime Machine attractive, quiet, economical saves fuel & dollars. YORK Champion E’ Ht-CFYICICNCV WHOLf HOUM AM CONOmONINO Where operating economies are vital Champion E is the answer to t>»g fuoi savings and big savings on fuel bills Easy to install, dependable Pec iwe hednea. otd honhea. hAg honkers. amafl homes . . . your home, look to YORK heating end coding. Total Comfort of Edenton LOWELL J. GIESEKE, Owner Heating/Air Conditioning Sales and Service Edenton, N. C. 27932 P. a Box 604 401 It Broad St Phone: 4824391 i x Jff If Hi f a PLAN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Belch, Route 3, Edenton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Ann, to Mr. Victor Ray Fesperman. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fesperman, 100 Sunset Drive, Hertford. The wedding is planned for April 22 at 3 P.M. in Hertford United Methodist Church. No invitations are being sent. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. * ' ik i ■ SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Small, Sr., Route 1 Edenton celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary Feb. 22. A surprise anniversary dinner was given in their honor on Feb. 18 by their children Lee, Shack and Becky Small at Soundview Restaurant. A large number of friends and relatives attended. Jaycettes Elect New President Mrs. Gail Forehand has been elected president of Edenton Jaycettes. She heads the slate of officers named at the regular club meeting held March 2. The meeting following a February 27 session of the board of directors, held at Mrs. Forehand’s home. Eight members were present. The new officers also include: Janet Nixon, first vice president; Anne Parrish, second vice president; Teresa Severson, secretary; Penny Jones, corresponding secretary; Marsha Gregory, treasurer; and Mary Louise Phelps and Kathryn Forehand, directors. Carolyn Nixon, im mediate past president, will become chairman of the board. Church Club Slates Supper The Beautification Club of Providence Baptist Church are sponsoring chicken and fish (dates at $2.00 each on Saturday March 11 from 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Plates can be picked up at Charlton Building of Providence Baptist Church for delivery call 482-4102 proceeds will go towards beautification of the church. 60 years experience? Yes, That’s the combined /yPf Swindell-Bass Funeral Home experience which can be very helpful in so many '' ways toward thoughtful . attention to all necessary details, with earnest respect for the family’s wishes and beliefs. Phone 482-4486 Swindell-Bass Funeral Home Providence Baptist Notes Prayer is a definite act of the mind, a gesture by which the human spirit seeks out the spirit of the universe. In prayer you call upon the Infinite to help. Prayer is foreless a thing “ask for” and it is a thing “done” a reaching forth to link one-self to the source of celestial power. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday as we reach forth to link ourselves with that power in a friendly Church where everybody is somebody and Christ is Lord of all and the freedom of worship is yours. The pastor has chosen for his subject at the 11:00 A.M. service “The Trial” Mathew 26 Chapter-Verse 57-59. Church School begins at 9:30 A.M. with the Sunday School superintendent in charge. Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 A.M. with Pastor Fenner in charge. The Young Adult and Sunbeam Choir will render the music with Barbara White at the organ. The Voice of Hope Broadcast is designed for the sick and shut-in and for those who are unable to attend Church on the Lord’s Day. This Broadcast comes your way each Sunday Morning from 9:45 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. over radio station WCDJ - 1260 on your radio dial. Future Events: There will be a “Gospel Sing” today (March 12) at 4:00 P.M. presented by the Church School. Various Gospel Singing Choirs will appear on the program; The United Gospel Singers - Elizabeth City; and the R.J. Singers of Edenton; on the 3rd Sunday at 3:30 P.M. the Missionary Society will present a “pew rally”. The Young Adult Choir will sing, the public is invited to attend each of these events. Mid Week prayer service each Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., you are invited. LEE COMPANY % or —of EDENTON Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor Phone 482-8804 EXXON PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Were Headquarters for BULOVA We have a superb -iB i selection of all kinds of “» Bulova digital, electronic I SL'-iu j and conventional C T~\ watches ... In every style. We'have them all. And we service them litgpflPESßß}] •• well. With watch repair experts who take pride , When you want a watch, choose a name you can trust... Bulova. And a t k, ;,Ba m jeweler who cares... ROSS-RIDDICK JEWELERS DOWNTOWN EDENTON Jean G. Marlowe Wachovia Bank Names Marlowe Vice President Jean G. Marlowe, a native of Edenton, has been elected assistant vice president at Wachovia Bank and Trust Company in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Marlowe joined Wachovia in 1974 as a media specialist in the public relations section of the Marketing Department. She was elected public relations officer and named manager of external communications in 1975, her current position. Mrs. Marlowe graduated from UNC-G and holds a master’s degree from N.C. State University. She makes her home in Winston-Salem CARD OF THANKS We sincerely want to express our thanks to Dr. Lane, the Rescue Squad and friends for their many cards, flowers and kindness shown to us during the loss of our loved one. The family of the late Arnold Bert Sanford pd. Methodist Topic Rev. Richard Blankenhom has announced that the sermon topic at the 11 A.M. worship service of Edenton United Methodist Church will be ‘‘Seeing the Unseen”. Text will be taken from Hebrews 11:27b.