Page 6-B C ‘ LICENSED TO PREACH—On Sunday, March 26, the Edenton Baptist Church licensed David McCall and Gordon West to preach the Gospel. McCall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle ; McCall, Route 3, is currently a student at St. Andrews College in Laurinburg. West, son of : Mr. and Mrs. W.R. West, 12 Albania Street, is studying at East Carolina University, ; Greenville. At right is Dr. Robert Gray, pastor at the church. Letter To The Herald Editor To The Editor: We read in the Bible in the book of Acts these words: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh...” This indicates that while wickedness is on the increase, at the same time, many today are turning to God for their personal salvation. Faith in God is the only answer to the problems we face today. In order to be saved, admit that you are a sinner and be willing to turn from your sins (repent). Believe that Jesus died for you (on the cross) and rose from the dead. Then just call upon Him. “For whomsoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” Remember that God loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him. .fs; <§iarled aloufWjh mmi Hvmns^ "PANGE LINGUA” "Sing, my longue, the Saviour’* glory \ Os His Flesli the mystery sing; Os the Blood, all price exceeding, Shed hy our immortal King, r DestineJ for tlie world’s redemption, From a nohle womh to spring." 7 j U I The' Pange Lingua" is preeminently the hymn of the v Most Blessed Sacrament. It is the most beautiful of the great Eucharistic hymns of the St. Thomas of Aquin. Dr. Neals says, “This hymn contests the second place among those of the Western Church with the Veiilla Regis, the Stabat Mater and the Dies Irae.“ Clip And Paste In Your Scrapbook! —■— z s: -4 *v~ ~ liOiPH INSULATION yPi Wv Protect your heme with iKXXfI O(X' quality insulation. It's the M 'Vv (~'C best home improvement & you can make. I X^' *:-$l 1 Realize a fuel savings of up to 50% with fun wall and ceiling insula ■yt'cn - o ur insulation will pay f° r itself in a few short years and keep on saving you for a lifetime. —W Call us today for a free u inspection of your insula- tion needs. 1 ■' Aerolite Foam Class I Cellulose 1 to Alfol Reflective Batts I |WBPb3|M* ** J) All Work Fully Guaranteed I FIIA Approved I lit jB Free Estimates d=j\ gL-.-f*' Heartwood '* a Corp. Am*?.can SP£ CO'pO'AbOfl. WT Phone: 221-4059 OWNED AND OPERATED BY GEORGE HOLMES After you are saved, read your Bible daily, pray and witness for God. If you die without ac cepting Christ. as your personal savior-all is lost. Do not delay this decision. “Behold now is the ac cepted time, now is the day of salvation.” “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” We read in Rev. 3:10 in reference to the coming rapture of the church, “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Today many of our world leaders seem incapable of rational thinking. Closer at INSULATION honje, one can readily see from the content of programs on TV and the headlines of our newspapers that we are very near this hour of temptation. Be sure you are saved today. Bobby Simpson Newton Grove Homemakers Hear Talk About Foods Mrs. B.P. Monds was hostess to the Center Hill Extension Homemakers club which met on Tuesday night at the Center Hill Community Building at 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. H.T. Hollowell, club president, called the meeting to order with an Easter devotion and a prayer of thanks for the goodness of the Lord. The roll was called and minutes of the previous meeting read by Acting Secretary Mr. E.L. Belch. Mrs. B.P. Monds gave the Treasury report. Mrs. Hollowell made announcement of up-coming events and thank you notes were read. The date was set for the annual senior citizens dinner. Mrs. Joe Wiggins, foods leader, was present to bring the lesson on “Fats, Foods, and Diet.” We were told to cut down on saturated fats to use poly-unsatuarted fats, etc., for those on lSw cholesterol diets and for those wishing to avoid cholesterol. Mrs. Wiggins gave a very interesting talk and handed out recipe booklets which would be helpful in preparing these diets. The meeting was ad journed with the club collect and Mrs. Monds served refreshments during the social hour. THE CHOWAN HERALD Thoughts Os My Mind In the depths of my heart and the secrecy of my mind, I wish there was something I could have done when they crucified my Lord. If I could have only been there to comfort Mary, and to show her and my Savior how much I cared, how hard and how heavy my heart pounds with love with hurt, How awful it must have been to see and hear those terrible accusations about my Lord, to watch him being tor mented and humilated in front of all, and knowing that so many hearts were crying for Him, not being able to help or to even know if he could feel the comfort from their weeping. Could I have stood there and watch the one I love so much bearing the pain for me? Would my shoulders have been so narrow that I couldn’t have carried some of the burden for Him. Could I not get my Savior a cool drink of water, knowing how parched and dry his tender lips must have been. And as the day suddenly darkened and I stood there frightened of not knowing what would happen next, I heard my Savior ask his Father “Why hast thou forsaken me? Had I not done the same? Wasn’t there something I could have done? No, not me. I’m no one important, If I had spoken up what might they have done for me? The fear in my heart would probably have torn me to pieces. But there they took my Savior away, They would not tell me where they had hidden him. Oh Mary how despalate in need of your son you were, The need to know where they had hidden Him, and not knowing where to find Him. If only I could have helped, and then on Easter morning Her Son - our Savior came back to us, we didn’t lose Him, He did hear our weeping. He felt the pain in our hearts - Our crying out to Him for His love, Yes he did come back for us, and for no other reason only to show us how much he loved and cared. I wasn’t there but I do love him for the many hours of pain he en dured for me, my heart still hurts deeply when I recall all those terrible hap penings. Lord I wasn’t there then, but I am here now, I offer myself to you, use me, help me to help others, let me repay you for the many things I have to be grateful for, please take my hand, my heart, walk with me and talk with me, Let me give to you my love. Thank You for loving me. D.C.D. Local Native Is Promoted Durward Harrell, a native of Chowan County, has recently been named senior vice president—personal labor relations for Jordan Marsh, the Miami-based department store. Harrell, the brother of Mrs. Cornelia H. White, 208 West Queen Street, went to Miami 21 years ago to open the first Jordan Marsh store in Florida. Now the firm has 11 stores on the Florida east coast. Bring New Life To Your Carpeting Revive the original beauty of your rugs. Cleaned in your own home by Von Schrader dry foam method. No muss, ro fuss. ft No odor. Use the #►.£ same day. flwk AU work Ifljf guaranteed. Mix Phone for 1 estimate PERRYS Carpet Cloaning LYNN C. PERRY Carpet* Shampooed In Yaur Horn* or Ptaca at Butlnaai jarsTTre id«»i*«it, w. c. urn I ■===============^ time out fan. These Messages Are Published Under ■ A M MM 1 The Sponsorship Os The m. Mm. Mm. J FoUewtag Business ~ ~ u EstohMshments I ' 'I !■■■ Edenton Tractor & H Equipment Co. Your FORD Tractor Ooolor Aoonti Ibr Evinrudt Outboards US 17South, Edenton, N. C. vhhhmhhhihhhhbihhhhi Bridge-Turn Exxon Servicenter "For Happy Motoring” "Your Friendly EXXON Ooalor" Exxon Product! -Atlas Tires And Batteries Hobbs Implement Co. "YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER" Your Farm Equipment Needs Area Lite-Time JobWlttiUs! v • Your Happy Shopping Center Albemarle Motor Co. "Your Friendly FORD Dealer" * W. Hicks St. - Edenton, N. C. J Edenton Office Supply Everything For The Office o , . . r .1 501 S. Broad - Ph. 482-2627 Oince the first Easter, the Cross has faith. It reveals Cod’s love for all men remained the one great and enduring which we must share. It is the motivation symbol of Christianity because it best ex- of Christian action. _ Jbaanana presses the meaning of faith. Like a pre- + The Cross signifies the victory of cious jewel, the Cross shines with many faith. It is the pledge of God's loving pur- . facets of truth. pose in saving the world. It is the source daaMs»»t