Page 8-B Chalkdust: Educational Fair Exhibits Provide Insight Into Schools’ Role With a full month of school now past history, CHALK is beginning to meet up with lots of competitive DUST at school and in the com munity. To those working for or connected with education, it creates a beautiful halo, because so much of it circles around students. From the now swirling dust at the American Legion’s Chowan County Fairgrounds, to the powdery Peanut Festival cloud hovering over the Edenton-Chowan Band Parents Association, to the dust being kicked up on school grounds, students, teachers and parents are deeply involved. For the past four years now, and since the school sytem had an Education Fair of its own at the National Guard Armory, the Fair Association has in vited the schools to join forces with them by en tering a competitive booth, representativeofeachschool, for exhibit judging. This has proved to be successful for the Fair Association as well as the school system. The schools have been afforded I I 1 Edenton (919 > Something exciting is 1 happening this week nl Badham Road! jJ Furniture Outlet, lnc!j| \ Bigger Vx>\\ Bargains 1 :. %K .%?•* ,\ ★ Low Down Payment ★ Financing Available ~ L ~m ' Watch For Our Ip; 5,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom Is Loaded With GRAND OPENING fetter ||| Furniture Buys That Will Save You Big ** Dollars. Selection And Price Is The Located On Badham Road, Edenton RUVS Name Os Our Game! I D 1 Phone 482-8082 ■ i .