Thursday, August 9, 1979 Reflections From The Bandon Notebook By Maggie B. UHL Neighbors, do you realize that time is quickly slipping by?' 1 - Here it is Aggusfklrfeady and some of our colleges Will be starting passes again!. Our grand daughter will be going back., tor:. James;- Madison University .to resume studies this month! Let's pay »salute to August: -J - v »‘>.v 1 V. , ■ . . . ‘ ‘A time to relish summer before fall nips tbe air, The time to take the youngsters to the zoo ortoa fair, A time to see the bounty in the harvest of our land And sense the love and kindness in these gifts' from God’s great hand. - _*r ‘ .’ %/ ; '• * , '■ ~ A time to feel the showers and count the stars at night, Even spin a dream or two beneath the full moon’s light, A time to catch the beauty of a sunny, cloudless sky, Enjoy the gifts of August; never let them pass you by.” . ' Lois Anne Williams he learhs to feel guilty; if he lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient; if he lives with encouragement, he learns confidence; if he lives with praise, he learns to appreciate; if he lives with fairness, he learns justice; if he lives with security, he learns to have faith; if he lives with ap proval, he learns to like himself; and if a child lives with acceptance and friendship, pa learns to find love in the world. My good friend, Rev. Damon Wyatt, pointed this out to me last week as we were watching the behavior of several children in a group. In my opinion, it would be well for all of us to remember, not only during this month of August, but every month in the year. This lovely Lord’s Day was just right for God’s people -to gather in His House for a spiritual refueling. Those assembled at Bandon Chapel for Sunday School were cheerfully welcomed by Asst. Supt. Meredith Bar den. After a report of those on our Prayer List, he an nounced that Prayer Meeting will be Tuesday at 7 P.M. in Fellowship Hall with B. Kent Rowley leading the discussion. Choir practice follows at-8-P.M. oik) Thursday Trorn'lO A.M. to 3 P.M. The ladies are busily Save energy now. SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION |SMETY I I PI 6000 Istcumrvl lorl interest Tlmm Days w SMART ■8 MONEY heads for the place where it has of everything such as good earnings, ready availavbility and insured savings up to *40,000. Stop in!, HE FRIENDLY FOLKS Edenton Savings & Loan Why should every Christian witness for Christ with words and in their lives? Simply because children learn by example, by what they five with. If a cttild lives with' criticism, he learns,to condemn; if he lives wjth hostility, he learns’to fight; if he lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy; if he lives with shame. working on articles to be featured at the Arts & Crafts Booth at the Fair in Sep tember. Join us and share the fellowship and fun. —O— Prayer List: When we pray we always pray that God’s will be done. Please 'add our friends to your prayer list. Benny Twine was released from the hospital Saturday. He has gained si* pounds and is able to talk much better. Pray for his continued improvement; Marion Phillips is still confined to Chowan Hospital but, God willing, expects to be home by the weekend. Pray for his continued improvement; Please remember Robin Adcock; Jessie Hitt; Sam Wright; Louise Waters; Jessie Jordan; Mildred Cahoon; Freida Nelson; Ruth Pittman; Margaret Ahlsted; Bob Harvey; Len Koraska; Kitty Housden; Izzie and Meredith Barden; Jeannie Church; Sylvia Johnson; our missionnaries Nita Pride, David & Linda Smith; and our much loved pastor, Dr. Bill and his Sarah. “God Loves and Forgives”, Hosea 14, was the topic for our adults, inspiringly taught by Wm. F. (Butch) Smith. The x&ffigixuigiloreitfJSag works * itself out i<k waifs supremely good for His people. Aim was that adult Christians who have turned from God’s way renew their devotion to the Lord. At our Worship Service, Mrs. Maggie Chirk sang a solo, without ac companiment, entitled “People to People”. A hush felT over die congregation. Her lovely voice rang out soft and clear, enuncinating the inspiring words of the song which emphasized that people should tell others about the love of Christ for all of us. •“■O— “The doors to this church are as wide as the gates of Heaven and in Christ’s name, I bid you welcome”, stated Dr. W. J. B. Livingston as he welcomed the large group gathered for our Worship Service. His powerful morning message was “Unseen Defenders”, 2 Kings 6:13-18, with em phasis on vs. 16 & 17. When Elisha was sought by the king of Syria, his servant went out early in the morning and saw the Syrian forces surrounding them. Alarmed, he went in to tell Elisha, who said “those that are with us are greater than those that are against us”, - then, he prayed that the Lord would open his ser vant’s eyes so that he might see. The Lord did, and the servant saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. God was protecting him. Christians - people who believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, have something better than any insurance we can purchase - we have legions of angels we can call to our aid. The Bible says that there are thousands upon thousands of them around us. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, God sent His angels to shut the lions’ mouths. When you are confronted with “lions”, ask God to come and close the mouth of these lions. Angelic beings are con tinually ministering to people in many ways in ;t^“#'wWt:days.:jHany . seeming coincidences are 1 really angels on the job. Paul said “everyone of them are sent forth of God to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation (Heb. Recall Begun RALEIGH - The N. C. Department of Human Resources has been notified that Syntex Laboratories has voluntarily recalled two baby formula products- Neo-Mull-Soy, given to infants who are allergic to milk; and CHO-Free which is given to infants with lactose intolerance. The products have been recalled because they have insufficient chloride which can cause metabolic alkalosis, the symptoms of which are poor appetite, lethargy and constipation. If a child is profoundly per spiring or has diarrhea and vomiting, the problem may grow worse. Mothers whose children are receiving Neo-Mull-Soy or CHO-Free are asked to contact their pediatricians at once. The North Carolina WIC program has issued vouchers for 272 infants for Neo-Mull-Soy. It has not issued CHO-Free vouchers. WIC programs are asked to no longer issue vouchers for Neo-Mull-Soy. Grocers are asked to not honor such vouchers. Participants who have received vouchers within the past four weeks are asked to contact their WIC nroaram and their WIC programs are asked to no longer issue vouchers for Neo-Mull-Soy. Groce's are asked to not honor such vouchers. Participants who have received vouchers within the past four weeks are asked to contact their WIC program and their pediatricians to get new prescriptions. Participating mothers whose infants are receiving the formula are asked to bring unused cans to the WIC program hi their counties where they will be issued vouchers for milk free formulas made by other !Te!!& ? £oQo”sr? 1 almost six cups a day. TUB CHOWAN HERALD 1:14). Ps. 34:7 says “the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.” Blake sure you are “heirs of salvation” by making Jesus Christ “first” in your life - then, let us listen to the angels. Ask God to send His angels to minister to us in time of need. He will hear you. —O— At the Congregational Meeting following the Worship Service, Ron Ellinwood, Mary Campbell and Hilda Wisner were chosen to work with Deacons Tom Dilday and Dave Lapham as a Nominating Committee. They will bring in a slate of officers to fill all offices in the Church to be voted on in September. A Concert by the Berea Youth Choir of Chesapeake, Va., under the direction of Mrs. Judy Waters, will be held at Bandon Chapel on August 12th, starting at 3:30 P.M. Hearing these young people sing is a treat you owe yourself. They are a real inspiration! Everyone is welcome. —O— The Board of Deacons will Jaycettes Hold Meeting Edenton Jaycettes held their monthly meeting August 2 at 7 P.M. at Mrs. Boswell’s Restaurant with 14 members present. We were informed that the Jaycettes assisted the Jaycees with the blood mobile July 23, the softball tournaments July 28 and July 29, and the teenage dance July 28. Linda Renner reported on the Jaycette cookout and dance which was held July 14. Gail Forehand told us that some of the Jaycettes from Hertford attended our dance too. New handbooks were given to each Jaycette to be used for this year. We thanked Claire Mills and Gayle Layton for doing such a fine job. * Janet Layton reported on the Ways and Means Committee and informed us of a Stanley Party which will be held at the Jaycee building August 21 at 8 P.M. Jaycette girls are asked to Laws Revised By Gen. Assembly The 1979 N. C. General Assembly enacted several changes in the refrigeration licensing law, General Statutes 87, Article 5, As of July 1, all persons, firms or corporations who engage in the installation, main tenance, service or repair of refrigeration equipment, as defined in this law, are required to hold a refrigeration contractor’s license. This law applies to all areas of the State regardless of population. Social Security News ByLeeWalUo Field Representative SSI Eligibility reviewed yearly: People getting Sup plemental Security Income (SSI) payments shouldn’t fed they’re being singled out for investigation when they’re contacted during the year by Social Security representatives. The SSI program makes monthly payments to people witti little or no income and limited resources who are 65 and over or blind or disabled. The law requires that eligibility for SSI and the amount of the monthly payments be redetermined at least once a year for everyone getting the payment. The Social Security Ad- j ministration gets in touch I with people to get in-I formation about income, living arrangements, and other factors that might affect their SSI payments. The Elisabeth City Social Security office is located at 111 Jordan Plaza next to Southgate Mall (phone 338- 3181) and is open 9:00 to 4:30 weekdays. meet on Saturday at 9:30 A.M. Hie congregation is invited to attend. The BCWG ladies will have a picnic on Saturday at 6:30 P.M. to honor their husbands. It will be held on the grounds of the Arrowhead Beach & Boat Club. All ladies and their husbands are urged to at tend and enjoy the good food, fun and fellowship. A hearty welcome is extended to our first timers this week: Mrs. Gail Feazell of Roanoke, Va. and Miss Lisa Cummings of Rocky Mount, niece of Louise Ruff. We hope you enjoyed our services and will return soon. The POA Board Meeting will be held Saturday at 1 P.M. in the Arrowhead Beach Clubhouse. All property owners are invited to attend and see your Board in action. Don’t get in formation second hand - come out and see for yourself what is being done, what is being planned, etc. If you have ideas for the improvement of our com munity, they will be ap preciated by the Board. invite friends to attend. Janet also told us about the birthday calendars which the Jaycettes will be selling to help Historical Edenton. We will be having an area visitation October 4 at Mrs. Boswell’s Restaurant and inviting local Jaycette clubs and hens to attend. Further details will be given at the next Jaycette meeting by the committee heading this visitation. Break-In Reported Coastal Concrete Com pany had an unlawful entry Sunday night but nothing has been reported missing. Sgt. Joe Norman of Edenton Police Department discovered at 10:33 P.M. that the glass in a door on the north end of the building had been broken out. After a search of the building was made by the plant manager nothing could be determined to be missing or out of place. Prior to the enactment of this legislation, the refrigeration law only ap plied to refrigeration work done in towns of 10,000 or more population. The present law, G. S. 87- 58 (f) reads as follows: “Licenses granted without and examination - persons who had an established place of business prior to July 1, 1979, and who produce satisfactory evidence that nwiniiipri«BMn«MKMOCMm'smaao»o^PSWMcGOOHW jmW (tocttßwnaiiM tiwwojiTPCTisE BOOT A MOM AT Wi Mowua Os THi MHMAItr Calvin L. Lawrence Participating In Program The Chowan County In volvement Council is par ticipating in a reim bursement grant program through the Governor’s Office of Citizen Affairs to develop Information and Referral services for the county. The amount of the grant is $2,500. This grant will facililate the effective operation of the entire Involvement Council concept. Started in May, 1978, at the urging of Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr., and administered on the state level by the Governor’s Office of Citizen Affairs, the Involvement Councils are designed to serve as a local clearinghouse where citizens can go to get help as well as to give help. Involvement Councils have several distinct func tions. They are designated by county commissioners to locate community services and try to link volunteers with area projects they might be interested in. They support existing services by added exposure, and at tempt to bring together various groups around common concerns. In addition, many In volvement Councils en courage community programs in reading, crime prevention, and other areas. There are presently In volvement. Councils in over 50 North Carolina counties. "A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower." Kin Hubbard they are engaged in the refrigeration business as heran defined in any city, town or other area in which Article 5 of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes did not previously apply shall be granted a certificate of license, without examination, upon ap plication to the board and payment of the license fee, provided such completed applications shall be made prior to June 30, 1981,” Lawrence Wins Medal Aviation Structural Mechanic First Class, Calvin L. Lawrence, Sr., has I been awarded the U. S. Navy Achievement Medal. I V-Adm., G.E.R., Kinnear H, [ U. S. Navy, commander : Naval Air Force, U. S. | Atlantic Fleet presented this citation to Petty Officer Lawrence because of his outstanding professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties, while serving as Airframes Supervisor r in Fleet Logistics Support Squadron . Forty from May, 1976, to April, 1979, at the Norfolk Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va. He is commended for his maintaining exacting standards of maintenance excellence and safety for C -1A and CT-39 aircraft. His demanding standards and constant attention to detail contributed to the squadron’s outstanding safety record. The superb Letter To VA Members To the members and eligible members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of William H. Coffield Post 9280: Last week those of you who paid your 1979 mem bership dues received from National Headquarters a very convenient form with a self addressed envelope in which to send your check for your 1980 dues. Please do not delay in this very im portant act. Your membership card is a constant reminder that you belong to an elite group: one that can not be bought, but has to be earned through sweat, blood, and tears. Without the efforts of those who fought to save this country from tyranny, we would be living as slaves of Hitler of salves of Russia. We must continue to keep our organization strong to prevent our children and grandchildren from com munism and all other forms of tyranny. Some people think of our organization as being a social club. Nothing could be further from the truth. We* are dedicated to the preservation of a free America. V.F.W. organizations are active all over the United States in all forms of NATURAL HAIR GROWTH w^men 3 MONTH la 6 MONTH Longer, Thicker, Dandruff Free heir in 30 Oays or Your Money Back FOR HOME,DEUV£RY OR PItTK-UP Call 482-8245 [V HearTfe! tV save money during our T Hu as a r ‘Wg f., Summer j [fr Clearance t • Flow*- demonstrator* f Bcra«ch-n-d«nt modd^j VCMw • End -of-model-yearj rM C° ntem P <^®r y Styling “ QUASAR 25" CONSOLE COLOR TV <A«gonaJ • DynacokXs System automatically locks in natural colors* Dynabnte** Picture Tube lor Queer's sharpest, dearest picture yet • 100% Solid State Service Miser* Chassis with Super Module ■ Usee *ie energy ot only hso 60 watt light bulbs • Personal Touch Control • Illuminated Channel Numbers • Casters • Cabinet covered in rich Walnut grain finish, scull resistant vinyl ■ Model WUMt 2QW. Low Downpayment * # MEasy Credit Terms PLUS Get a $25 U.S. Sayings Bond direct from Q(idsar« Offer expires Aug. 8,1979 Carpet & Appliance Plaza 325 South Broad Street Edenton, NC Page 9-A maintenance record, coujded with his generous application of energies toward career counseling as a member of the Command Retention Team, made Petty Officer Lawrence not only an invaluable member of his squadron, but recipient of two awards; “Sailor of the Month” and “Sailor of the Quarter.” His outstanding military career, professional per formance, initiative, and loyal dedication to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service. Lawrence is a 1968 graduate of D. F. Walker High School and is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Tharlton Lawrence, Route 2, Edenton. His wife, Edna is also a native Edentonian and the daughter of Rev and Mrs. Anthony Hathaway, Jr. The couple have one son and reside in Hampton, Va community activities, such as little league baseball teams, supporting our National Home of orphans of departed comrades, donating to teenage clubs, sponsoring a “voice of democracy” contest among high school students, and many, many other com munity services too numerous to put in this letter. Your immediate response to our membership drive will give us time to par ticipate in some of the ac tivities instead of trying to track you down to collect your dues. You are going to remain a member, so please make it easy for all of us by mailing your check now Make your checks out to William H. Coffield, V.F.W. Post 9280, and put it in the already addressed envelope to our quarter master, Ronnie Sawyer. Let’s spent our time this year in community service instead of trying to run everyone down for his dues Your drafted Commander, --V .**• ■NC-MIX'JIV >***£-?> •• As much as one-third of the normal amount of calcium can be withdrawn from an adult's bones by his body before the loss will show up on an X-ray. "No man can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with him self." James Russell Lowell

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