Page 4-B Edmisten To Host Conference On Majtfr RSQtlStbry N. C. Attorney Garni Mb kettle ipMiwni heating * Mtv w|Mila]i rttam tolrwci oa Septomhar to with • keynote ZT* PtuldM'i chief haottc adviser. Edmetes ariil invite IS.OOO (•iitntn and North Carolina to join niftlt, Am Morton. Traeomn of tha United ArtommGev. Bruce Babfctl. and Gov. James Hunt m the coentry's first statewide confarracs on rvgutetory The attorney |corral annotmeed the conference before he swore in the members of a sate com- New Board Members To Be Confrmed The monthly meeting of the Eastern Carolina Health Systems Agency ECHS.A i wiilbebefd September 19. at T h PM *n ;he Isljr.der Motor lan at Emerald Isle The agenda will include bat not be limited o :h« (oflowing Confirmalioo :■{ New Board Members. Elect** of Corporate Os ficers. Election of Executive Committee Report oo Preset Roenoke-Cho**!, Mental Health Service DecnminalizatMO Gran: ECU School of Medicine • Family Practice Residency Program Onslow Memorial Hospital ■ ICl'-OCU l rut Renovations. Chowan Hospital Inc Expansion of Ancillary Services Nurse. Inc - .Addition of 2J SNF .’o ICF Beds. Craven County Hospital .Addit.'jo of -t Beds and Expansion of Support Services Lenoir Memorial Hospital • Ex pansiao of Ar.oilar> Ser vccs and Adci non Mi; Beds Caswell Center Renev at.un W rldwood Budding Be. erly Enterprises Acquisition of .Albemarie Vilja Beverly Enterprises Icguisi'Jks) rSH A has faiic-O • abide by the rules ■*» Congress wher. 're- was created ,r. April .*7l The Act itseif *as passed in ISTTt oectKr.s ‘ a.'.d t b of 'he Act require the Secretary of to subrr,.! r«'m menda'. cts for '-g - at.or. 'o " a v o. d r'<• •--ary dupiica’.or.s -■ *: .-, Act and other K-hera: laws Tha refr-rt *as due in April 1974 ar A been submitted 'o < ingress as required by taw Helms said S.nce ' »SH A is so heavy-handed in ,** dealings with small businessmen across the country. I fed that it a important that 'he agency not be allowed to ignore the law •' Efforts to or/ain 'he required report from Secretary Marshall have failed Thus Heims said. •rjSHA is violating 'he law and should he held ac countable The sutl is la-mg handled by the Washington la-gal Foundation and has heen filed in the 1. S Instrict Court Hbitonsm Wa« tha dos •M tha fwtt annul to ba Sonaiimud mi«tß Edm is tea's words, to iH iiitttiury regulations ia North Carolma by B par comt** The anpvMhßMt«(tMo U member commission, formally called Urn Ad ministrative Procedures Study Cammtosfeß, wee out of five ragutotocy rehru initiatives Kdmisteu ae nounced shoes in brown Regular I I i brown and navy j« a m 1111 at sole. Super ® ™ Underwear with kid’s favorite TV characters or Regular to 19 00 Characters printed on front. Get that famous Levi’s comfort, fit ■ and style that’s famous around the Ladies’ Fall Girls' Plaid Shirts I denims and corduroys. Men's sizes 28 to 38.boys' sizes 8 to 2g and UOOramaieS #1 A jeans you can live with -end in . buy Levi’s! ne m -0.00 ™ Long sleeve styles in colorful fall plaids. : ; :3 i. rr Boys’ Long Sleeve Ul I* Western Shirts . ■ F c H iD 3 e S 5.00 & OaOO Nike Athli for the Wh ..»»»»» 12 Regtior Regular JC 13.00 8 The famous ‘All Court’ wilhthi sleeve shirts for today’s casual children's sizes. Greet on coed value! 0 Reigning Beauty Group Girls' Slightly Irregular Jr . g Misses Ladies’ to fat Hose On Sale! Spring & Summer Jr. Cheeno’s Knit Tops Low Priced! "/V Sportswear Slacks 2 .*1 k75%l 7J8813-2212.88 IfT 588 mm «®do» Throe# Thwnd* •:» AM. UMR fc» 9. Mt, PrhhO A. IA m\ | General --uSpSsSwiiiulwluß 18 QWP 88 81111111 88 participatlee in making. Spoeifleally, conaidwr whether ws need a State Register to provide aer dttaoa with notko of oswty -adopted rules. " - ”1 urge yen to mote a process which will of fee lively review agency THE (aOWAN mnALa rmkili°7i IMMj > i r.g theto prcprMf. Tto Moat hove puhfic etouMMO lo oar rageietery eyotme.” - "I urge yno to perfect a method tor which them administrative he or tags between an agency sod our dtisone wil be b—toted from potential confßcte of internet orWog ant of their employment by the agency involved in dm tieirtig Specifically, coaaldor whether we ahmdd eotoMMh a eootni pool ti ad- (marine * APA for redooisg Stake ConMdar hew we dkeuW provide gnidAaco to the rule makera ehoet what ruloa properly bdeeg la the Atetatotrndve Onto and whether we drneW creole taeme to provide tha agency with (hefting aaatoUace." The Study Commiaaian‘B fint report to the 1 iMMshwi eed the Coondl b mpnqarteg ihet lmwg huMi • me)av r^ditmy «4hl jMmJeadMA km let* Imirai tJQIMwSV mi NNf Septeoeher, Atty. Gee. finittm dtoctoeed that North Ceeetom w« became dm Brat atom la the nMtae to tbloa up on the Prautdant’e WMte Hußee Confer mti on Regulatory Reform of last Jaaeary. Senior federal go venue eet officiate to eerUdpe-m la the coa fereece will Include Kisaautat, Morton, and Reform PofcfcS Simon Lasarue, eeeoctam director of dm White Home Demotic Policy Staff. Many etatewid* darted offktola in North CarMtna will participate la tha conference, according to Mmiatoe. Thoao committed to attending iaduda Morgan, Hunt, and Lt. Gov. Jimmy Green. Other conference par ticipant*, Edmisten an nounced, will include Raleigh Mayor Smedea York, business leader C. Petto Harvey of Kinston; Edward V. Kiley, Assistant Thursday,september 4,1980 to the Prortdmt for Podcy of tha American of Duka UMvorMty; Sherwood Smith, ohairman and pr ml deni cf_Cnrogat Wymtna Valand, chair person of North Carokna’i Sunset Commission; Jamoa Wallace, vice chairman of North CarcilM’u En vironmental Management Commieskn; and Durwood Laughinghouee, vica president of A. D. Swtodeß Farms, lac.