Thursday, February 18, 1982 2000 Qommittee Held'Meeting ;i jJThe Chojvan County NC #) Committee held their ) . meeting on Thursday njght,. Feb. 4, at John A. Holmes High School. A slide Slsentation Was given by pike Williams, agricultural extension chairman, and tien the NC 2000 statewide fc’stem was explained, with pnphasis on the ballots that gill be mailed later this > 1 The group was broken up pto four divisions: com §i unity, natural resources, gconomy and people. Pembers of the steering |ommittee led the discussion in each of these jgroups. In these sessions jjoncerns were expressed by articipants. Some of the concerns of ie community group were : L) equal rights and af rmative action; (2) crime revention; (3) child and arent abuse; (4) adult lvolvement with youth. In the economy group, ome of the major needs xpressed were in the line of mployment, including eeking industry which pays , igher than the minimum rage and also training local eople for positions that equire higher technological than the current job parket has available. Because of the ever in creasing number of women households, an important , Consideration is the proper l Bare of pre-school children 1 (Day Care Centers), freeing jlihe mother so that she can Ste actively employed and 2 not left to depend on social ("services. It was also felt by this group that the county qeeds to seek alternative revenue sources such as local iqcome taxes, sales taxes, etc., rather than depend solely on the current property tax structure. Under natural resources, concerns expressed were: (1) availability of ground cwater; (2) point and non f point sources,# linto the rivtf* » (V) * (reforestation inn Bprovemerit of thnberland; |and (4) the economic growth sthat puts pressure on our |natural resources. £ Under people the concerns ideait with a community for recreational and |educational involvement for | all age groups. The second | concern was with a trans portation system that jjjwould be available for -educational opportunities to gcommunity colleges, suniversities, medical "treatment, employment, |etc. | Other concerns that were jjexpressed in the initial Smeeting were: community jjehest, county-wide sewage, ihealth costs and iavailability, safety on the | streets and in the home, and |a look at the tax system as a imeans of supporting programs that are design red by the citizens of Chowan -County. 8 citizens of Chowan ty, you will have an •tunity to vote on the eras that are put her by the State Com on on the Future of xNorth Carolina. If you have gquestions concerning the NC §2OO planning process, please a member of the cohnty steering committee as follows: Pete Thompson, chairman; Mike Williams, Betty Cox, A. C. Hudson, James Taylor, Marvin Smith, T. D. Berryman, April Lane, Louise Darby, Cliff Copeland, or Harriet Abbe. Amv*e p AW*Hi OKBYMfr A IKUMI M oMAltyasoK-n », THE Mgr On A MOOT ea*™° ' wmmt amp omm imams m uvcwstics, sh-mal. Im&ms&r* \ v Now».. Save More With A&P’s O4HP SUPER SAVER nflllPflUQ and the MW NEWQEPBRAND! r . Meat Specials MIA 1 a 4 F m LL^I QUAL.TY HEAVY WESTERN GRA.N FED BEEF INSPECTED FRESH J wMICK Boneless A4P Quality heavy western grain fed beef extra lean special trim country farm =* Whole SSL-ii S b l ye Q 99 E 01 * Boston Butt 12g Fryer Legs. BSP ™ J Box-Kcken , 59* Shoulder Roast »1» fiSL"*l ® « 99* % Rode Loin ,1“ Sliced Bacon »1" Pork Sausage a 99* H*" , ‘ M ’ BEEF • CHICKEN • TURKEY > ~~ Ann Page inn P^lSesSi Pnf Pipe Q 8 oz. I w I GOLDEN QUARTERS-SAVE 54« ON 2 _ ■ ■ ICO V pkgs. ■ N.C. GROWN SWEET & JUICY FIRM GREEN PEPPERS OR SLICING Mrs. Filbert’s _ dflfl French Fries 5 » 169I 69 R ° me * pples * 39* Cucumbers 3x, 1“ Margarine 2 jgt I CRISP SPINACH (10 OZ.)Oli COUNTRY STAND CALIFORNIA RICH. BUTTERY ANN PAGE BUTTERMILK OR nSpip 199 Mushrooms r 99* Avocados 4S. 1“ Homestyle Biscuits 4 UIIOII f rIC pkg. I PILLSBURY-SAVEIO* ANN PAGE WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS P jimQltinil Dollc 9Vi oz. QQ( Look Fit Ice Milk X1” D’Anjou Ream . 59* Navel Oranges 4 .s. 1“ C,nnamon Rolls ** f(jTh« N.w BBANP)| p Weakly Specials V"W|HFPM DEL MONTE WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE ALL VARIETIES Golden Com 2 89* Pillsbury Flour 5 & 1 09 PAG BRAND p|,Q BRAND DEL MONTE KRAFT FRENCH, ITAL, CATALINA, HERB A Facial Tissue I°° Dry Dog Food 25 £, 3 39 Tomato Catsup *1? T O9 1000 Island Dressing 69* PMBR , ND ____ Fruit Cocktail 2152 119I 19 joy Liquid XT’ 59* laundry Detergent 1 Mr. Coffee Filters so 59' r-7 T» (UPBRMVM f“7 nrn super saver T"*! 1 vr w coupon ) 11 Ikb coupon ) 1 I WHITE«YELLOW • BLUE | I J— -M ANN PAGE-REALLY FINE | ikSCottoneile ! >QMayonnaise ! WiIIB!JLMi.IB *“")r Che ll® qqc ! B'lfJMMiilM ■exiST "* pks vv 11 j« Uv #t22 l oooothru m j| GOOD THRU SAT., FEB. 20 AT AAP IN EDENTON #6Z2 j • ; % r- ■ -- I —; 1 I 701 North Broad Street, Edenton, N.C. *• THE CHOWAN HERALD Page 11-B