Courtesy Promotion “Courtesy Is Contageous - Spread It,” is very much before the Public Parade. It is a promotion of Edenton - Chowan Schools which is bringing much .attention to the sponsors. Courtesy is something which doesn’t cost a thing. It is not af fected by inflation, etc., but courtesy can make a lasting impression. Furthermore, it is something with no pro and con. Dr. John Dunn and the Edenton - Chowan Board of Education have , published a rationale which makes a strong case for the courtesy promotion and we pass it along to you with full endorsement: Recognizing the importance of developing the full potential of each child, the Edenton - Chowan Board of Education supports the emphasis of instruction which will enable students to develop and demonstrate respect for self, school, community, nation and world. To support this emphasis, the Edenton - Chowan Schools will stress the theme, “Courtesy Is Contagious ... Spread It,” during the 1962- 83 school year. “Courtesy Is Contagious...” will be emphasized throughout the school system. It will spread into the community and will ultimately , touch those outside of the school family. Every school shall be involved in the “Courtesy Is Contagious...” campaign. Individual schools are encouraged to develop their own activities and strategies which will emphasize this theme. All school employees will be expected to become role models for the “Courtesy Is Contagious ...” emphasis. Even though individual schools will be encouraged to develop their own programs to help em phasize the courtesy theme, there are certain basic emphasis which will be stressed system - wide. These shall include the following: *• 1 • Courtesy towards flag and , 1 l % - Courtesy to adults ‘(school employees, parents, public ser vants, etc.). 3 - Courtesy to students (students to students, faculty to students). 4 • Development of a student dress code. 5 - Administrative, Faculty and Staff Dress and Courtesy Codes 6 - Consistency in Application of Dress Codes, Student Behavior, etc. among the individual schools as well as within each school will be stressed. Enterprise Zone » - President Reagan has a plan to provide tax incentives to businesses in economically troubled areas. One of the areas so designated is along the Public Parade. Eighty - nine Tar Heel towns and cities would be eligible to be designated urban or rural En terprise Zones under the plan. The Senate Finance Committee has approved the plan and it could be acted on by the entire Clngress during next month’s session. The proposed plan would be a great boost to business expansion along the Public Parade. It comes ata time when the Town of Edenton has annexed 12 acres along High way 32 and U.S. 17 by- pass which is zoned Highway Commercial. The tax breaks could enhance development of this property, which would expand the tax base and provide much needed em ployment. According to the Reagan proposal: I 1- The business investment tax credit would be increased from 10 per cent to as much as 20 per cent. <* 2 - AlO per cent tax credit would be given to employers for ad ditional wages paid to zone residents. 3 - The capital gains tax on certain property sales would be «- - ' ■ dropped. 4-A 50 per cent tax credit would be given for wages paid to Zones Is good business. Coupled with the decline in interest rates and inflation it could be the tonic this country needs. Tea Party Celebration To Demonstrate Life In The Eighteenth Century Edenton Area This years’ Edenton Tea Party Celebration is causing quite a stir in historical re-enactment circles. The award-winning 2nd N.C. Regiment of Foote is again hosting an authentic “Living History” demonstration of life in the eighteenth century. This year they’re being joined by the Skipjack “Norfolk” and the “Meka II” for the only combined land and sea battle re-enactment since the Federal re-enactment of the surrender at Yorktown. The “Norfolk”, a 71 foot sailing vessel based in Norfolk Virginia, is visiting Edenton as a special goodwill city-to-city gesture, and will be available for boarding and ■■ , ; - . Ililli t fmm ■» w v-i v w lkT ‘fr T\ -1/ ri r 8 HIIW Aru v |"*B §