r • ' 411 Volume XLVIII-No. 5 Bit Os Enlightment Every now and then a good Bap tist comes to meander along the Public Parade. We inherited one of the best of them 18 years ago wljen we purchased The Chowan Herald. Pete Manning has held positions of leadership in the local church as well as throughout the area. Great honor came to him along with full recognition of his leadership abili ty recently when he was chosen to serve on the board of the Biblical Recorder. It is a coincidence that the journal was actually founded along the Public Parade. Dr. Puckett, the new editor, traced the history of publication in one of his early “Perspective” pieces. Entitled, “Purpose of This Paper”, we pass it along for even the good non-Baptists to become more enlightened. Here it is: When Thomas Mereditl) launched his first Baptist paper in the Tar Heel State nearly 150 years ago, he was motivated by a desire to have a publication “Devoted to Sacred Criticism, Moral and Religious Essays, Micellaneous Selections and General Intelligence.” Intended to be monthly papers, they actually were printed annual ly. The first paper appeared January 17, 1883, and was called North Carolina Baptist Interpreter while Meredith was pastor of the Edenton Baptist Church. The next paper appeared January 4,1834, in Edenton under the title Biblical Recorder and Jour , nal of Passing Events. No other issue appeared until January 7,1835, and by this time Meredith was pastor of the First Baptist Church, New Berti. • Timeawcre ■hard. Subscribers - did not pay up and Meredith threatened to move “to Tennessee, or some other rich country, where a common spike nail, if stuck in the ground, will soon become a crowbar.” Despite the descriptive language and the threat, Meredith did not move to Tennessee or some other rich country but rather took the Recorder to Raleigh in January, 1838, and it has been here ever since. The Encyclopedia of Southern Bap tists (Volume 1) sums it up well in one paragraph: “Since Meredith’s principal aim was the promotion of objects of the Baptist state convention, the Biblical Recorder contained articles on missions, education, and Sunday schools as well as theological discussions and church news...” Meredith was following in the tradition of Luther Rice who found ed two institutions when he launched his world-wide mission effort-a college, first known as Col umbia College and now George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and a Baptist paper, first called the Columbian Star and now known as the Christian Index, state Baptist paper in Georgia, the oldest of the 34 papers today. The purpose has not changed. The current charter of the Recorder (December 15,1939) states clearly that the intent of the publication is to have “...the-greatest efficiency and influence in behalf of the causes fostered by said (N.C.) Bap tist Convention, the Baptist cause in general, and the promotion of the Kingdom of God on earth;...” Such an awesome, comprehen sive assignment seems impossible. The density of Baptists and the complexity of our world adds to the difficulty of attaining such lofty goals but the paper can make every effort to be balanced, objective and fair. On the eve of the besqukenten nial celebration of the birth of North Carolina’s Baptist paper (fourth oldest in the SBC), it is altogether fitting and proper that ve should reaffirm the purpose of the paper and recommit ourselves Centiaeed On Page 4 Edenton, North (.orolino, Thursday, February 3, 1983 jL ill , / #im Br egj if JS RESOLUTION SIGNED—Tommy White acting Cubmaster for a local Cub Pack, is shown explaining a resolution declaring Boy Scout Week, to Mayor Roy Harrell and Thelma Evans, Den Mother. The Mayor later signed the resolution. Scouts Honored With Resolution The Boy Scouts of America has touched the lives of many of Eden ton’s residents throughout their en tire lives. This fact is not surpris ing though since the Boy Scouts are celebrating their 73 anniversary in the nation and more than 53 years in Edenton. Mayor Roy Harrell in recognition of this anniversary signed a resolution declaring February 6 through February 12 as “Boy Scout Week" in Edenton. Mayor Harrell, though he was never a Boy Scout himself, believes that the Boy Scouts of America pro vide a positive influence on the boys and young men in the community. He supported this position when he stated, “Its not surprising Uiat so many of our community leaders to day were Boy Scouts; many receiv ing its highest honor (Eagle Scout).” The resolution the Mayor signed reads: Whereas, The Boy Scouts of America provide for the physical, moral and mental development of youth, And Whereas, The Boy Scouts of America provide a service to the community, And Whereas, The Boy Scouts in Edenton have been providing said service to the Town for over fifty (50) years, And Whereas, The dates of February 6 through February 12 are recogniz ed Nationally as Boy Scout Week to celebrate the Boy Scout’s “73 Anniversary”, N.C. Symphony To Returr The North Carolina Symphony will return to Edenton on February 24, and Mary Rhea Gardner, local chapter president, is urging anyone ■ r 1 P tTTr ™~i| B _ ;J;■ l4r - 1 ■' . V;;?'/ K A V', ;j , v*; \ v -~», :, f„ 1■ * /; HBk % jE VUI thm \ M I North Carolina Symphony when it returns to Edenton this'year. Ogle is a favored Conductor because he has away of getting his audiences involved with the Symphony’s music. .-i* . •. - . Single Copies 25 Cents Now therefore, let it be resolved that the dates of February 6 through February 12 be recognized in the Town of Edenton as “Boy Scout Week”. To this end I, Mayor Roy Harrell, do affix my hand and seal. Swine Conference Will Be In Edenton The 1983 Regional Swine Con ference will be held on February 10 at the American Legion Building in Edenton. This event is for all pork producers in Northeastern North ' * Carolina and will bring to pro ducers the latest technology on pork production. The program starts at 10:00 A.M. Topics to be discussed this year are: “Control of External Parasites”, James Arends; “Micronutrients are Important for Maximum Production,” Ken Bryant; “Management of Hogs from Feeder Pigs to Market”, Bob Swain; “A New Look at Crossbreeding Systems”, Charles Stanislaw: “Factors Influencing Sow Productivity”, Ken Esben shade; and “Salmonella in Pigs”, Dr. Tim Jones. All producers from Northeastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia are invited to attend. who intends to attend the evening concert to purchase their tickets now. Last years’ concert was a sellout, with the final tickets sold at Messer Refused j Lesser Sentence Joseph Allen Messer, 28, charg ed with the first degree murder of a Hyde County jailer, refused a plea j bargain life sentence Thursday at Chowan County Superior Court. Earlier, he had pleaded guilty to | second degree murder but said “I can’t do it.” as he was being ques tioned by Superior Judge J. Herbert Small of Elizabeth City. Messer would later be tried on the original charge of first degree murder. Doreen Messer, 18, Messer’s wife, was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Joseph Messer had been a prisoner at the Hyde County jail and had threatened his wife with possible abuse to their child if she didn’t bring him a knife. This act resulted in the beating and stabb ing death of George Farrow, the jailer at Hyde County jail, age 71. It was these circumstances that lowered Mrs. Messer’s charge to voluntary manslaughter. Her other charges were dismissed. Am. Heart Fund Business Drive Is Held This Week Over the next several days, businesses in the Edenton-Chowan area will be contacted by a representative of the Heart Fund for donations. Howard Collins, the business chairman for this year’s Heart Fund drive, will be making these contacts along with the other members of the business commit tee. He will remind the business people that nearly one million Americans died last year from heart and blood vessel diseases, * and that 200,000 of them were bet ween the ages of 35 and 65. This age group represents business’ most productive work force. Those lost from the work force must be replaced at a high cost to the businessman, both through the hiring and training process and higher insurance costs. The American Heart Association, by working to lower the rate of heart attacks and strokes, is presenting businesses with a more stable, less costly work force. But in order to accomplish this there must be increased research in the fields of diagnosis and treatment, which is why the Association is ask ing for your help. Your investment can assist in making blood vessel diseases obsolete. The progress made by the Heart Association is reflected by the decrease in death rates from heart attacks and strokes. In the decade between 1968 and 1978 the death rate fell 25 per cent for heart disease and 36 per cent for stroke. But there is re mains much more to be accomplished. Mr. Collins urges area businesses to generously support the Heart Association during its business campaign which is to be held this week in Chowan County. i To Edenton the door, prompting enthusiastic appreciation from symphony members unaccustomed to playing to a full house outside of Raleigh. After the very favorable response to their 1982 performance, the sym phony board hopes to sell all of this years tickets in advance. Last week ticket sales were ex panded to include Elizabeth City, Plymouth, and surrounding areas. Already inquiries are coming in from joining counties, raising the possibility that those who postpone the purchase of symphony tickets, expecting to find them available at the door, may be disappointed. Chowan County is most fortunate to have conductor James Ogle retur ning for both the students daytime concerts and the evening perfor mance. The J.A. Holmes Concert Choir and the Edenton Choral Society will perform with the sym phony, providing a rare opportuni ty for locals to hear their friends and neighbors perform with a tru ly outstanding symphony or chestra. Contact Mary Rhea Gard ner (482-3458), Jake Boyce (221-4188), Terry Wackelin (482-2792) or any symphony board member now for tickets to assure that you won’t be left out on February 24 when Edenton celebrates the North Carolina Symphony! \ fm V 1 #iffi» lMß - ML' dJMBi / Wm Wmm ■■miH EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR—The North Carolina Social Ser vices Association has named Dolores Aylesworth as County Employee of the Year. She is shown, center, receiving a plaque from Marina Crummey, Chairman of the local chapter of NCSSA, right, while Hazel Elliott, Director of Social Services in Chowan County, looks on. Aylesworth Is Named The ‘B3 Employee Os The Year The Chowan County Chapter of the North Carolina Social Services Association (NCSSA) has named Dolores Aylesworth its 1982/83 Employee of the year. Mrs. Aylesworth, who is current ly employed by the Chowan Coun ty Department of Social Services as an Eligibility Specialist, had to meet four criteria to obtain this honor. The first criteria for being named employee of the year was in volvement in the NCSSA. Mrs. Aylesworth’s involvement in the NCSSA has been described as “ac tive”. She is at present, the membership chairman for both the County Chapter and District NCSSA and she is currently involv ed with a state NCSSA membership workshop. The second criteria was how well she preforms her job, which accor ding to her application, she does at a “top level”. Her application continued to read, “She is always willing to assist co-workers in any way.” The third criteria for the award was involvement in community and state affairs. Mrs. Aylesworth meets this criteria through her in volvement with the American N.C. Firm Opens Overseas Market Taking advantage of South Americans’ desire to heat with wood, a North Carolina firm has begun selling wood furnaces to countries on that continent. Next winter, outdoor ther mostatically controlled wood fur naces from Harrington Manufac turing Company of Lewiston in Ber tie County will be heating a school in Paraguay and a medical clinic in Argentina. "Harrington Manufacturing’s en try into the South American marketplace with the furnace is a good example of how North Carolina companies of all sizes can and are meeting the Recession head-on by expanding their overseas sales,” said Secretary of Commerce D.M. (Lauch) Faircloth. Faircloth added that North Carolina exports had more than doubled since 1976 to over $4.2-billion annually. The furnaces are designed to heat homes, offices and clinics through existing ductwork. They sell for $1,495. J.J. (Monk) Harrington, presi dent of Harrington Manufacturing said many South Americans want to know why more people in the United States don’t heat their homes and water with wood. We have taken advantage of that positive attitude toward wood energy to sell our product.” Blake C. Lewis, sales manager of Harrington’s Dare Energy Divi sion, said that the Argentine Ministry of Education is consider ing purchase of the furnace for heating small rural schools. Lewis said, “Our furnaces are much more efficient than the tradi tional barrel type wood furnaces used in South America. Carroll Minch, export sales con sultant, represents Harrington in South America. Recently, Mince attended the Continued From Page 1 Legion Auxiliary and La Societe de Femme. The last criteria was her ability to lead, which she meets because of her involvement in forming the. local chapter of the NCSSA and hpr willingness to perform duties necessary to promote NCSSA on all levels. Mrs. Aylesworth came to Chowan County from New York where she worked for two years as a social services secretary. She started working with the local Social Services office seven years ago, also as a secretary, but was later advanced to the position of Eligibility secretary. As the local Social Services employee of the year, she will be presented at the district NCSSA as a candidate for District Employee of the Year in March and, if suc cessful, she will be presented as a candidate on the state level. Terry Williams Receives Award By Clay Roberts Terry Williams was the recipient of the 29th Distinguished Service Award at the Jaycee DSA Banquet Thursday night. A 90 minute social hour began at 6:30 with a steak dinner served thereafter. The Master of Ceremonies, Allen Mills, who is also the local Jaycee president, was the first to speak Bruce Wackelin recognized the past presidents of the Edenton Jaycees that were present at the banquet. Gary Smith recognized the past DSA winners that were present, W.T. Culpepper. 11l introduced the speaker. Mr. Jim Cole, Presi dent of the North Carolina Jaycees. Cole is from Sanford, N.C., and was the first from that area. Cole encouraged people to “get involved” in the Jaycees. He talked about special moments such as the U.S.A. Hockey team winning over the Russians in the Olympics. “Not only believe in the creed, but live it”, said the 10 year veteran of the Jaycees. “And to the winner tonight, Con gratulations.” said Cole. The winner of the DSA was Terry Williams, who graduated from John A. Holmes High School in 1973. He is married to Jane Williams. They have two children, Micheal, 7 and Jennifer, 4. Continued On Page 4 Wm Terry Williams