Thursday. February 10,1883 Weyerhaeuser HicfiyTts * Beginning February 7, all hourly applicants for posi tions in the Plymouth Com plex are being referred to the local Job Service offices at either Plymouth • or Williamston. The Williamston office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. and is located at 212 Washington Street. The Plymouth Job Service, located at 212 East Water Street, is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 12 noon. Three units of the Plymouth Wood Products Group hit new productivity achievements in January. The Plymouth Lumber Planer Mill established a new monthly production record by finishing an average of more than 28,000 board feet of lumber per hour. The Plymouth Wood Treating Plant set a new weekly production mark the last week in January by treating 66 charges of lumber and Landscape Timbers. The Treating Plant “A” Shift pro cessed a record 34 charges, and “B” Shift treated 32 charges. The Raw Materials Mer chandiser, which grades, trims and sorts incoming logs for their highest value, set another daily production record by processing about 120 18-wheel truckloads, or more than 6,300 tree-length logs on January 25. —O — One Weyerhaeuser employee from the North Carolina Region was honored in January for 40 years of ser vice to the company. He is Benjamin A. Daniels of Jamesville from the Plymouth Fiber Group. -O- Two North Carolina Region employees were honored in January for 35 years service to the company. They are Lloyd H. Jordan of Plymouth from the Plymouth Fiber Group and Howard Duzan of Vanceboro, a forest engineer with the Timberlands Group. -O- Four Weyerhaeuser employees from the North Carolina Region were honored in January for 3ft. years service to the company. They are Grover L. Barber of Williamston, Hal D. Beasley of Plymouth. Julian H. Clark of Plymouth and Bernice R. Williams of Plymouth. —O — Six North Carolina Region employees were recognized in January for 20 years of ser vice to the company. They were Carroll L. Hunt of Roper, William R. Lilley of Williamston, George L. McNair of Roper, William E. Moore of Jamesville, James H. Worsley of Plymouth and William A. Worsley of Plymouth. Ten Weyerhaeuser employees of the North Carolina Region were recognized for 15 years ser vice to the company in January. They were Joseph H. Beck of Williamston, Bob bie Bell of Plymouth, David Cole of Plymouth, Furman O. Kelly, Jr. of Plymouth, George G. McDonald of Washington, Harry B. Peele of Roper, Gene L. Toler of Windsor, Levin T. Wollard of Washington, Clifford A. Mit chell of Plymouth and Jerry E. White of Plymouth. Sixteen North Carolina employees were recognized in January for 10 years of ser vice to the company. They were Robert R. Bixby of Hubert, Thomas D. Bizzell of New Bern, William F. Har rison of Jamesville, Raymond Manning of Williamston, Roger Mcßryde of Sanford, Paul Mizell of Windsor, Joseph Mizell of Plymouth, Charles O. Mobley of Williamston, James M. Price of Williamston, John C. Smith of Moncure, Donald Teel of Roper, William Walker, Jr. of Roper, Randolph White of Roper, Talmadge G. Woolard of Washington, Richard A. Evans of Roper and Eric Senter of Autryville. "Give me a man that it capaWa of a devotion to alMha victim. ” Brat Harte WBWMsßaE|mja g Now more than eveifwe’re right for you! I -WERESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES COPYRIGHT I 111 I Isl llli 11 Kc W I P* iPPm 13-OZ. BASMAXWELLHOUSE SHOULDER i| M ORANGE BM| COFFEE j JUICE V SkTHMOM Bly RIBEYES POTATOES fl ■|sgW WITH SIOOO OR MORE ORDER v (LIMIT 1T P 32-0 Z CUP SUPERBRAND tnno ■; CUKDSTuix^ ; SOUR CREAM 22-OL BTLIVO BY Dt SH . "WO BRAND US. CHOICE BONELESS SHOULDER® I DETERGENT H w ROAST t* s 2 79 24CLPKG. UPTON FAMILy $419 2-Liter No Return Btls. 12-Oz. Cans Regular l'/t-Liter Btl. WD. BRAND US. CHOICE TOP RND RST OR TOP I 150 Z. CANS LUCK'S (ALL VARIETIES)* Coca Cola Schlitz Beer Gallo Wine "“**** STEAK SAUCE .... M* 9 & 0.212*1 &. J FRANKS M° 9 B’ CANSJCONTADINA TOMATO Chablis Blanc • Rhine 12-OZ. PKG. W-D REGULAR OR BEEF * Hearty Burgundy bologna7^^^i°J 32-OZ. BTL. HUNT'S 460 Z. CAN THRIFTY MAID BRAND US. CHOICE L 1V , DV , D IfKrrCIIIID TAIIATO mirr SEMI-BONELESS NEW YORK / USOA m KETCHUP TOMATO JUICE STRIP STEAKS / DRUMSTICKS m 89f69%2 98 159 B _ jgßßa) N.Y. STRIPS .... FRYER BREASTS lb M HARVEST FRESH 2-LB. PKG BANQUET FRIED 12-OZ PKG SUPERBRAND CHEESE FOOD SLICED BEEF BROCCOLI 98c CHICKEN $ 2 69 KOUNTRY SUCES ... 99c LIVER 78c I HARVEST FRESH LARGE FLORIDA TEMPLE 5-LB. BAG ORE-1 DA CRINKLE CUT lOOZ. PKG. SUPERBRAND ENGLISH COUNTRY PRIDE BONELESS FRYER ORANGES ... 7 k»99c POTATOES *2 99 MUFFINS 39c BREASTS »’2 79 | HARVEST FRESH SNOW WHITE TENDER 10OZ. PKG. ASTOR 12-OZ. PKG.KRAFT AMERICAN ajr pv G CAGLES MUSHROOMS .. .iaH* 9 BROCCOLI SPEARS . 69c SINGLES M 59 CORN DOGS*6” u.M 19 I 1.75 LITER JUG LAND-O-SUNSHINE CITRUS 1602. CAN ASTOR FROZEN FLORIDA SOZ. PKG. SUPERBRAND STICK i_lb PKG JESSE JONES [ PUNCH M l 9 ORANGE JUICE .. M« CHEESE M 49 FRANKS . ,»1 49 .202 M” | M HARVEST FRESH CRISPY CTN SUPERBRAND 5-CT ® W f*C| EDV SHERBET OR SWEETMILK OR BUTTERMILK PVHUHPV | I _ ICE CREAM _ BISCUITS Mft -1 -vi -J |2 991r ? 1 fjnlyj B Aj>pSUPPERS JSs MARGARINE I >4 29 ygm&\ 69 iQAiI^KI ■ B ■ ALL VARIETIES FOR M WMMDIXIE I Produce Patch I LOOSE, UNPACKAGED I ' and CLEANEST 1 I Jerry Boucher Worths!de Shopping Center I Manager Edenton, NX. THE CHOWAN HRRAI ,r> Page 5-B