THE CHOWAN HERALD Published In The Most Beautiful Little City On The North Carolina Coast Volume LUV - No. 3? Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, October 13,1988 Single Copies 25 Cents Come In Plain Wrappers There's something a little devious in the way the GOP kingmakers try to lower ex pectations for George Bush and Dan Quayle when they !*> must meet their Democratic opponents face-to-face before a nationwide audience. Long before the Vice President met Gov. Michael Dukakis in their first debate at Winston-Salem, his man agers were saying that he was not a good debater and would be considered a winner if he | managed to get through with out a major blunder. And, de spite the fact that he put his foot in his mouth at least twice, he was immediately hailed as the victor by his manager, Jim Baker, and his ever ready partisans. When asked to name three defense programs he would " eliminate if forced to econo mize, he named two that had already been discontinued by the defense department many months ago. And when asked if his proposal to outlaw abor tions would not make crimi nals out of women electing to use them, he said he hadn't ~.sorted out the penalties yet. ^ That made the elephant pa rade bucket brigade jump to its task of cleaning up behind him. He had not intended, he explained the next day, to make criminals of women having abortions, but-of .dee* tors performing them. He did not say what he would do if j^vomen begin using abortion pills now on the market and he probably won't, consider ing the success he has had dealing with illicit drugs of all sorts. And long before Dan Quayle met Lloyd Bentsen in the vice presidential debate in Omaha last Wednesday, the