(Dai <Sinc£.%£.±t ^Wl±(ze± fox, a <cA/[s.rzy dkxiitmcis. The Christmas Story \ Here again is the Christmas story as told by Luke to Theophilus and recorded in the King James version, Chapter 2: %) And it came to pass in those days that there went out a de cree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, ev ery one into his own city. % And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of ' Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of pt David:) To be taxed with Mary his / espoused wife, being great with child. • And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for -them in the inn. ^ And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the g|ory^i]ie Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. ^ And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe ^rapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward man. And it came to pass, as the Rangels were gone away from them into heaven, the shep herds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethle hem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, Q|and the babe lying in a manger. Continued On Page 10 •Youngster* and a burro form a live Nativity scene Tuesday evening in front i Eden ton United Methodist Church on Virginia Road. A ewe and a lamb are also part of the s but out of the picture at left The tableau, to be performed tonight and tomorrow night as from 6 to 8 p.m., also features Wise Men and narration. THE CHOWAN HERALD Published In The Most Beautiful Little City On The North Carolina Coast Volume LLIV - No. 49 Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, December 22,1988 Single Copies 25 Cents mmm. r.UJHHHHHHiI HOUSE BURNED--An arson investigation has begun by the Edenton Police Dept, and the SBI as the result of the fire at this house at 122 W. Hicks St. early Sunday morning. An explosion, believed to have resulted from use of ah accelerant, bulged out the east wall. The interior was completely destroyed. Woods Fires Keep Firefighters Busy The Eden ton Fire Dept, has been kept busy responding to files' and making investiga tive calls over the past week. On Thursday, at 2:50 p.m., firemen were called to a small woods fire at Valhalla. The fire occurred near the residence of Alice Bond, Rt. 1, Box 21, when wind spread Tire Corp. Reports Break-Ins The truck tire center of Creywood Tire Corp. was the scene of break-ins on Dec. 12 and 15. Edenton Police Capt. C.H. Williams said that entry was made both times by breaking a window at the side of the building, Thieves used the door to leave. Carrel) Griffin, manager at the Store said that about 25 tires and ten batteries were taken in the two thefts. He es timated the value of the items at $3,500. Investigating officers are L.C. Brothers, Leonard Bon ner and Sgt. Joe Norman. flames from a trash fire to the the scene for 16 minutes. At 3:02 p.m., a woods fire was reported on Holly Grove Rd. off of N.C. 37 in the Yeopim section. Firemen were on the scene for three hours and 28 minutes. Firemen also responded at 3:21 p.m. to a grass fire in the Rocky Hock area on Evans Bass Rd. The fire threatened a hog house owned by Willie Bass but no damage resulted. The fire started when a burn ing paper bag blew out of a trash barrel fire. Firemen were at the scene for 34 min utes. N.C. Forest Service per sonnel also responded to two of the woods fires. The next incident was at 6:32 p.m. at Western Gas Co. on N.C. 32 north. Ammonia was leaking from a tank that employees had been working j on. Liquid ammonia had spilled on the ground and firemen covered it with dirt and sand. Fire Chief Lynn Perry said that was no poten tial for fire. However, it could have been a "respiratory prob Continued On Page 10 Facts Point To Arson Fire Under Investigation By JACK GROVE Edenton Police and the State Bureau of Investigation are investigating a fire that was set over the weekend. The fire at 122 W. Hicks St. was reported by neighbors who were awakened by an explo sion at 2:11 a.m. The explo sion was also heard by Pa trolman Bill Phillips who was in the vicinity of The Ware house at the intersection of Virginia Road and No. Broad St. Fire Chief Lynn Perry said that the explosion and the rapid burning of the two story structure immediately point ed to arson. The house, owned by Onelia Foxwell of Raleigh, was occupied until a week be fore the fire by renters who had moved out. There was no furniture in the house at the time of the fire. Authorities declined to release the names of those renting the house. Sgt. McCoy Parker is heading the investigation for the Edenton Police Dept., as sisted by Special Agent Dwight Ransom of the SBI. Phil Brinkley, SBI Special Agent for arson investiga tion, of Greenville, took sam ples at the fire scene Sunday for laboratory analysis. He confirmed that arson was the cause of the fire. "There's no question, there WHM* ’*^*8ftdelerant usrd,” Perry commented. Acceler ants include such petroleum products as kerosene or gaso line. Investigators believe that a fuel for the fire was spread from the central part of the downstairs to the back door. No fuel container was found. Perry said that the explo sion was believed caused by a buildup of fumes from the ac celerant. "I've never seen that before," he said, adding that Brinkley never had ei ther. Capt. C.H. Williams, act ing police chief, said that officers have talked to people in the neighborhood as well as the owner. "We are following up some leads at this time," he said Tuesday. A dollar estimate of dam age sustained was unavail able by Wednesday. The in terior of the house was com pletely gutted. Perry said that four arson fires have occurred since July. Before Sunday, the most recent one was at the Country Club residence of Jim Merritt on Nov. 30. That house was totally destroyed. Authorities believe the ar sons are unrelated. No ar rests have yet been made. Names Removed The Chowan County Elec tions Office has begun the process of removing from registration books the names of those who have failed to vote during the last four consecu tive years. Supervisor of Elections, Beverly W. Schroeder said that this is done after every Presidential election. A form to be filled out along with a cover letter has been mailed to each of 926 persons that didn't vote this year. Those who fill out and re turn the form within 30 days will be kept on the books. The form verifies name, address, place and date of birth and so cial security number. The letter states that a per son moving one from precinct to another must report the transfer. Removal from the registration books will re quire re-registration in order to vote in future elections. Mrs. Schroeder said that a first mailing of 150 letters and forms brought 55 returns as undeliverable. She expects a 50 per cent purge of the 926. She said last week, "I do want to stress this purging is not to be considered a penalty for not voting, but is the most logical and reasonable way for the presumption that those who have not voted are either deceased or have moved from the county.” SANTA'S HELPERS—These Edenton postal employees, decked out in appropriate caps, lisplay some of the many gifts for less fortunate children donated at the post office by generous irea residents. This week caps the local post office's first annual "Empty Stocking" campaign. ■Yom left are Buddy Whita, Oscar Griffin and Max Hale. Looking on from his mail sorting ase is Rodney Harrell. Residents Give To Less Fortunate Postal employees are call ing their first annual "Empty Stocking” campaign a suc :ess this week. Almost 50 toys, james, a bike and some mon jy have been dropped off by urea residents at the Edenton Post Office. Social Service workers )icked up the gifts Tuesday norning and they will btf dis Dates Set (Editor's Notec As ■ public service, hs complsts holiday schedule for fsrbage collection in Edenton is Lsted below! Dec. 22 - East and West Dec. 23 - No pick-up Dec. 26 - No pick-up Dec. 27 - East and West Dec. 28 - Limbs, bushes and ither debris Dec. 29 - East Dec. 30-West Jan. 2 • No pick-up Jan. 3 • East and West tributed to the less fortunate for a happier Christmas this year. Postal workers had a gift wrapping and pizza party Monday night to prepare the gifts. Bennett stated, "We would like to thank all of the people in the community for helping r us with our Empty Stocking campaign. It is through the generosity of the people of the town and county that we are able to bring a little bit of hap piness to children that other wise might not have a Merry Christmas. "We are going to make this Continued On Page 10 Greetings Are Given A number of area busi nesses have joined together to express their good wishes to the community for the Yuletide season. Their greetings can be found on pages 14-A through 16-A of this edition. The Chowan Herald staff joins them in wishing ev eryone a very Merry Christmas! The Herald will be closed on Monday, De cember 26 in observance of the holiday. Advertisements (includ -*> J ing classifieds and legals) for the December 29 issue will be accepted until 12 noon on Tuesday, December 27. News items and pho tographs will be accepted until 2 p.m. Ads or news items received later will be printed as space remains available. Anyone who can submitv news, photos or ads on Fri day, December 23 is encouraged to do so. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

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