Published In The Most Beautiful Little City On The North Carolina Coast Edenton, North Carolina. Thursday, January 12.1989 Volume LLV - No. 2 Single Copies 25 Cents Kinder Or Gentler? i It looks as if President-elect George Bush's promise of a kinder, gentler America is falling on deaf ears insofar as S. Paul O'Neal of Eden ton is concerned. ■ Judging from his letter in the Christmas edition of the Chowan Herald, Mr. O'Neal left the Democratic party to i find a home for his con : science in the GOP. But the • litany of evils he cites as the : reason for his shift are not the . exclusive property of the ^Democratic party, especially C 'the Democratic party of North Carolina. He says "our whole country is still rich in Christian val ues"..."the very thing that the Democratic party resents and ha’s tried to take away." Surely, the members of the Republican party do not have jnonopoly on Christian val j ues, else there would have | been no indictments pending in Washington, no S & Ls unable to repay funds they have held in trust, no sick and hungry homeless on the streets of our large cities. He says to Senator Sanford that "your party supports ^abortion." Many members of the Democratic party abhor abortion, as did Jimmy Carter when he was president. The sabe can be said for many | members of the Republican P