Help us help teachers by “adopting” a class or classes for the 2000-2001 school year! Teachers in area schools are requesting newspapers as real-life teaching tools. Help us help teachers by “adopting a class and becoming a Partner in Education. Your partnership benefits our school children and will benefit you through: • Partnership acknowledgement published in the newspaper during the school year. * 1 certificate placed in the classroom you sponsor acknowledging your contribution to their education. s. i n vou as i 100% of the partnership credit going to you or your company . To adopt one teacher who needs 25 newspapers weekly for one semester requires s80.()0 To adopt one teacher who needs 25 newspapers weekly for an entire year requires s 160.00 £ Z & O. A«" To become a Newspaper and Education Sponsor, or to learn more about this exciting program - Please contact Teresa Dail, Office 335-0841, ext. 267 Pager 338-7079. o Y00* o z V 4 1