THE CHOWAN Vo!. LXV!!!, No. 46 Wednesday, November 21,2001 ready for students_6-B Reeky Hock Christmas Rambie set for Dec. 7-8. 3-D ^GOD BLESS . —"!<>cm=LP * 'MEBnni C/zoMJan EMS Loca) fire and EMS personnet he!d a "fit) the boot" fundraiser recentty. According to Patty Madry (at !eft) the fundraiser was a joint effort on the part of Edenton Fire Department Station !, Chowan County Fire Department Station 2, and Edenton Chowan Rescue/ EMS. The departments coHected $ 1,753 that wit) be forwarded to the famities of fatten firefighters in New York. Looking on as Madry bags a donation are firefighters Danny Datton, at teft, and Gary Swanner. (Staff photo by Heten Kerr Outtand) Council looks at ways to add parking spaces BY REBECCA BUNCH Ec?:?or After more than a year of studying possible options, the Edenton Town Council last Tuesday evening adopted a resolution that outlined ways the town can add additional parking spaces in the down town area. That plan involves reconfiguring two parking lots and increasing the number of off-street parking places. According to information presented by Town Manager Anne-Marie Knighton, a study of existing downtown parking lots has shown that each lot could comfortably hold twice the number of vehicles that they presently accommodate. The plan approved by coun cil would add 40 additional parking spaces at Colonial Park on the downtown water front and an estimated 54 more parking spaces behind Peebles Department Store. This comes after an earlier possibility, constructing a downtown parking deck, was scrapped by council after it was deemed too expensive. The deck wopld have cost an esti mated $100,000. Engineers studying the issue have also said they believe the town can gain an additional 22 spaces on West King Street. Knighton said adding 16 to 17 more spaces would probably be a more realistic number, as that would allow adequate space for automobiles to pass each other while parking. At a council comm ittee meet ing in October, Knighton noted that "I think it will take a lot of pressure, off parking. It will help immensely, and will take pressure off the side streets where neighbors are having some concerns." County commissioners receive update on pipeline project BY HELEN KERR OUTLAND SYa# IVrtfer One of several ifnportan) is sues approached by Chowan County Commissioners during their Tuesday morning meet ing was and update on the Natu ral Gas pipeline. The commis sioners were presented with an update on the projected serv ice areas in Phase 1 of the project. They also received an outline of the criteria util ized to deter mine service. "Phase 1 of the project en compasses Edenton and the airport area;" begins County Manager Cliff Copeland. "That includes the major industrial sites and some residences. Phase 11 will fall right in be hind the completion of phase 1." According to the county there are criteria to be met, franchise issues, and evalua tion of residential areas to see if they are candidates. ""This is an ongoing project." adds Copeland. "We do not want anyone to feel that lack 01 im mediate activity in their neigh borhood aiso means that the project has been completed, it is not iike the water-company, as a private company is pro v id i ng the service." More work is siated for the spring. The commissioners were updated as weil on the issue of the May primary. According to the board the Senate has passed a bitl for the extension of the primary from January to February. Although nothing is written in stone, the due pro cess of the law surrounding the bill will involve and affect any major decision making at this time. Commission Chairman Pete Dail was pleased to inform those present the North Caro Christmas in Edenton. RrvoiMtionnty Hoiiday (Editor's Note: An article pertaining to this year's Christmas Candlelight Tour appears in the holiday edition of the Coastwatch magazine. Excerpts are reprinted here with their permission. Copies oi the edition are available for viewing at the Shepard Pr uden Library in downtown Eden ton.) BY PAM SMITH On a brisk December morn ing in 1774. the m istress of the house busily pians for a fes tive holiday in the thriving colonial port of Edenton. Anticipating the exchange of visits with families from plantations that ring the town, she's glad to have stocked up on staples before the onset of bad weather. Early wintry storms blow trouble for shipsentering the Albemarle Sound through the Roanoke 1 nlet todeli ver goods thorn around the world. They also need favorable condi tions to leave port weighed with naval stores and agri cultural products from the region. The mistress makes a men tal list of dinner and party fare: The oysters will be har vested just in time to shuck and serve. The groaning board will be filled with smoked meats and fish, fresh game, sweet potatoes, greens, dried fruits, beaten biscuits — and sweets aplenty. See HOHDAY On Page 7 A iina Code Officials Qualifica tions Board has appointed Chowan County Pudding In spector. Holly Colombo to its Mechanical and Plumbing Ex ams Revision Committees. "Holley is doing an exceptional job for Chowan County and is to be congratulated on the ap pointment," said Commis sioner Dail. "This is a compli ment to Holly and to Chowan County." Chad Sary was introduced as new Planner for Chowan County. "We continually ad dress the growth of Chowan County." Dail added. "And we are very pleased to have some one of his (Sary) caliber." Sary thanked the board for their vote of coniidence say i ng. "I am glad to be here and my door is al ways open." Dana Hamill from the See PROJECT On Page 7 A County Manager Ciiff Copeiand exptains the various phases of the naturat gas pipetine project during Tuesday morning's county commissioners' meeting. (Staff photo by He!en Kerr Outfand) Gun locks promote safety BY HELEN KERR OUTLAND iVriter The Chowan County She riff's Office recentiy an nounced their partnership wilt) Project HomeSafe. Project HomeSafe is a nationwide pro gram whose purpose is to pro mote safe firearms handiing and secure storage practices among ail firearms owner. The project is funded by the Nationa) Shooting Sports Foundation in conjunction with a grant from the United States Department of Justice. HomeSafe has distributed more than three million gun lock safety kits throughout the country. "The Sheriff's Office is pleased to be partnered in this program, " began Chowan County Sheriff Fred Spruill at Wednesday morning's presen tation the Edenton Kiwanis Club. "The guniocks our agency has now, are free." The latest statistics pub iished by the Center for Dis ease Control states that the See LOCKS On Page 9 A Sheriff Fred Sprui)! demonstrates the use of gun safety tocks Chad Sary Planner hired here BY HELEN KERR OUILAND Chad Sary's desk is piled high with legal books, papers, and framed diplomas. He has been in his new office for two days and trying to get settled. Sary has been hired as the new County Planner for Chowan County and is also glad to be See PLANNER On Page 8 A

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