Rambie Mights visitors Teachers attend AtPHA seminar to sharpen sMMs —.. 10-A Ho!i&ty events gaiore pktnned in community BY REBECCA BUNCH Eddor This weekend will be a very special one in the life of our community, as Edenton homeowners welcome guests from across North Carolina and other states to the annual Christmas Candlelight Tour. This year's tour will be held Friday, Dec. 14, and Saturday, Dec. 15. Hours will be 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. both days. Local residents are also welcome to purchase tickets and take the tour. Featured homes on this year's tour will include: - Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Creighton, 211 East Water Street - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fenner, 207 East Water Street * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chesson, 205 East Water Street - Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Keel, 203 East Water Street - Mr. and Mrs. Hood Ellis, 409 Court Street - Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lane, 101 Blount Street - Dr. and Mrs. Chris Koppelman, 301 South Granville Street - Mr. and Mrs. Bev Webb, 107 Blount Street - Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sellers, 108 Blount Street - Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Copeland, 112 Blount Street * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thousands of visitors come to Edenton each year to enjoy the beauty of the hotidays during the Christmas Candteiight Tour. The annua) event wit! take piace this Friday, Dec. 14, and Saturday, Dec. 15 from 4 p.m. unti! 8 p.m. Many retcted specia) events are a!so ptanned. Bergeron, 203 Blount Street. Another beautiful spot on the tour will be the Edenton Bap tist Church, located at 200 South Granville Street. A spe cial performance of Handel's Messiah will be presented by the Adult Choir there at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15 as the tour draws to a close. Tickets available from the Barker House, (252) 482-7800; Chowan Arts Council, 482-8005: Visitor Center, 482-2637. Related events will delight visitors, too In addition to visiting some of Edenton's loveliest homes, visitors are also in vited to stop by the follow ing events. Admission is free. - Groaning Board, James Iredell House, 1-5 p.m. both days * Wassail Bowl, Cupola House, 1-5 p.m. both days * Barker House Repast, 1 5 p.m. both days * Chowan Arts Council's Candlelight Confections, 4 9 p.m. both days; Gallery open for holiday shopping. Local residents are also welcome at these events, and are cordially in vited to attend. Parade day nears The annua) Edenton Christmas Parade wit) rot) through downtown Edenton this Saturday, Dec. 15, starting at 1 1 a.m. The theme for this year's hotiday parade is "A Cotonia) Christmas". The event is co-sponsored by the Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce, the Chowan Ruritan C)ub and The Chowan Heratd. And, kids are invited to stay around after the parade to tatk with Santa. For more information on the parade, cait the Chamber of Commerce at (252) 482 4418. C/zristfmas P(3M0r<3J7M2 Center Hi!) Baptist Church wit) once again present a five, drive-through panorama depicting events from the )ife of Jesus Christ behind the Center Hit) Community Buitding in Tyner Dec. 19-21, from 6-8 p.m. Admission is free; refreshments avaitabte inside the Community Buitding. Live actors and animats witt present nine scenes inctuding "The Road to Bethtehem," "The Manger," "Woman at the Wett," "The Lord's Supper," "The Crucifixion," "The Resurrection," and "The Ascension". For detaits, cat) Pastor Don Engtish, 221 4060. A Day