jpB6MgAed tn ^owM. open new ] offices..... 6 A conversation'__10-A Board asked to support need for more emergency facilities BY HELEN K. OUTLAND SfG# Wrt?er The Chowan County Com missioners held their regular monthly meeting Monday morning to discuss among sev eral issues the transfer of the Old Walker School. The Com missioners are attempting to put the final touches on the transfer of the school for use by COA, the Walker Alumni Association, and the Edenton Chowan Recreation Depart ment. One issue addressed con cerning the lease itself was a request for clarification of the terms of the lease and use by the Walker Alumni. Commis sioner James Taylor requested that the lease include a clause safeguarding the continued use of a part of the facility by Walker Alumni. The board ac cepted the proposed lease agreement inclusive of the changes requested by Commis sioner Taylor. Nancy Barrow and other representatives of the Albemarle Commissioner presented approached the board requesting their sup port for establishing more local facilities for use as emergency shelter for dis placed children and at-risk juveniles within the area. At present in situations where youngster are either picked up by local law enforcement for misdeameror offenses or removed from a home by DSS the space available at local facilities is limited often re quiring that the children be taken as far away as Greenville. "It is our understanding that the Baptist Children's Home is considering two nine-bed cottages in this area," said Brown. "How ever. the best case scenario for when this will be done is two years away." Brown requested the sup port of the commissioners in that they do whatever could be done on their part to expe dite the location of the cot tages. Brown also encouraged collaboration among the ex isting departments and Bap tist Children's Homes for the best interest of the children needing help. The board adopted a resolution stating their support "in the effort to make adequate emergency placement available to at-risk juveniles throughout the First Judicial District." The board also adopted a resolution supporting a Phar macy School at Elizabeth City State University. The resolu tion came as a request by ECSU from counties in its serve area as a show of sup port. The North Carolina General Assembly has appro priated money to study the development of a pharmacy school at the university. The agenda for the meet ing also included a listing of the departments sustaining budget cuts resulting from the Governor's decision to hold County reimbursements and to adjust for a decrease in sales tax anticipated, a to tal of $415. 082.00. Lf&mry /?os^s ^4cros^ America' Chi!dren fi)) the upstairs room at the Shepard-Pruden Library on Friday afternoon during a "Read Across America" session he!d there. Voiunteers Penny Jo Binns and Jennifer Fenner, sporting red and white "Cat in the Hat" styte headware in honor of Dr. Seuss, shared the joy of reading with the kids. Other "Read Across America" events were heid in the Edenton-Chowan Schoois as we)!. (Staff photo by He!en Kerr Out)and) Legion celebrates its 83rd anniversary The American Legion wiii observe its 83rd Anniversary on March 15-17. "The Legion naires of Edenton are planning a gala celebration to mark this significant milestone," Com mander Jim Todd of the Ed ward G. Bond Post 40 an nounced today. Commander Todd also an nounced the appointment of a special committee, under the chairmanship of Ron Green to direct the local observance that will present a number of events. The observance will begin with a Spaghetti dinner at 7:15 p.m., Friday. March 15th at Post 40. Along with the Birth day Celebration, a very special presentation will take place in light of the September 11th Ter rorist attacks on the World Trade Center. It will honor the ongoing military effort. There will be special presentation of flags and music. Guest speaker for the event will be Past Na tional Commander Ray G Smith. The festivities in Edenton are part of a celebration at more than 16 thousand American Le gion Posts throughout the See LEC!ON On Page t2 A Provence marker The Honorab!e Judge J. C. Cote unveits the permanent marker dedicated this past week at Providence Cemetery. The marker honors those free btacks, staves, and Revotutionary War sotdier, Jonathan Overton. The cemetery was rediscovered in 20