Students try We as parents.. 10-A Habitat seeks prospective Homeowners here offers free car seats to oofnmuntty 3<2sC6H6 0f accxafeM? No serious injuries were reported as a resuits of this serious wreck Tuesday morning on Highway 32 just north of Fioyd's Corner. Detaiis on the cause of the accident were not avai!ab!e at presstime. The Smart Stdrt bus (!eft) was not carrying chiidren. Both drivers sustained minor cuts and bruises. (Photo by He!en Outiand) Group considers next steps in OLF landing situation BY HELEN K. OUTLAND Wrt'fer The OLF (Outlying Landing Field) Steering Committee meeting was held early Thurs day morning, in Edenton, to discuss the next steps in ad dressing the OutlyingLanding Field issue. Since the Navy announced late in 2001 the pos sibilities of locating a landing strip in any one of seven east ern North Carolina counties the committee, formed in Janu ary, has met regularly to map out future strategies opposing the landing strip in any of the counties. Chaired by Ben Hobbs, chair man of the Board of Commis sioners for Perquimins County, the meeting began with the expression of concerns surrounding thefailureofCon gressman Walter Jones and Senator John Edwards to re spond to requests for meetings with the counties opposing the OLF strip being located in their counties. Although Edwards has responded to some degree, recipients of the letters from Edwards say it was obvious the letter was a "form" letter sent out by staff. "It's a candid let ter that says nothing," said one committee member. Jones had said in a recent visit to Edenton that he was trying to talk Craven County into taking the OLF. Most of the committee members say they find little comfort in that. They are aware of Jones' repu tation as a strong supporter of See OLF On Page 6 A Two count) schools ready to advance to state competition BY GLENDA JAKUBOWSK) Edcnton-C/zo^an Sc/zoo/s Two county schools brought home first-place trophies from a recent Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament heid in Kitty Hawk. Chowan Midd!e Schoo! team members ce!ebrate a first ptace win at the regiona! Odyssey of the Mind competition. The Chowan team and the first p!ace D.F. Watker Etementary Schoo! team wi!! go to the state competition at Wingate University Apri! ! 3. Teams from D.F. Walker School and Chowan Middle School will now advance to the state tournament on April 13 at Wingate University, near Charlotte. The Odyssey of the Mind School Program is designed to foster creative thinking and problem-solving skills among participating students from kindergarten through college. It features an annual competi tion at local through interna tional levels. Students solve problems in a variety of areas, from building mechanical de vices such as spring-driven vehicles to giving their own interpretation of literary clas sics. Each year, five new competi tive problems are presen ted for the teams to solve. These long term problems are solved over weeks and months. Each long term problem rewards style in the solution. At the competi See ODYSSEY On Page 6 A UNC TV crews have been in Edenton this week timing the gardens of the Cupoia House and taiking with voiunteer gardner Francis ingtis. Mrs. ingiis has worked atongside other !oca! women who come to the gardens at the historic site each Wednesday morning, a!! year tong, to spend time pianting and weeding to make the gardens took their very best for visitors. (Staff photo by Heien K. Outiand) Nozr ze/zere are ^/zose oz!/zer eggs? Kara Summerford of Edenton !ooks intently around a tree as she carefully places an Easter egg in a basket that's almost as big as she is. Kara was among a group of local children taking part in a lively Easter Egg Hunt last Wednesday at the Iredell House. She is the daughter of Tu!a and Aden Summerford of Edenton. Hostess for the egg hunt was Pauta Gardner. She was assisted by her sons, Cameron and William. (Staff photo by Mia Noble) Ltumg BY HELEN K.OUTLAND Wr%er Local residents who enjoy SoniAern Lining magazine they have been in for a reai treat as the last two editions of the national publication have contained articles fea turing Edenton. Nancy Staab, Assistant Homes Editor for Sonihern Lining was in Edenton dur ing last year's Pilgrimage Celebration," says Nancy Nicholls. Executive Director of the Chowan Development Authority. "She met with some of the home owners and made arrangements to visit and. photograph some of the homes." One of the articles featured the bedroom ofBritt Creighton, daughter of Scott and Monica Creighton. However, Staab's' visit to the area was not the first for SoHfLern Lining. Mark Stith, Associate Travel Editor for Sonihern Lining, had visited Edenton severai years ago. "He called and made arrange ments to visit Edenton," says Nicholls. "He was here for two days touring the Edenton. He knew exactly what he wanted to see and gathered lots of informa tion." As with any large publica tion it was uncertain when the articles and pictures done during either one of the vis its would be published. See LIVING On Page 6 A Ari! 7 11 REViVAL * 7 PM Each Might - Dinner at 6 * PUBLIC 1MV1TED!' Music Each Evening Prayer Breakfasts 7:30 MOM. - FRL ^