Wednesday, May 22,2002 Chowan 4-H district winners....2-A EMS personne! - honored with appreciation event.......11-A Littie Theatre around piay taik'_8-B The patriotic quitt shown above is one of the many items to be auctioned off this Friday night, May 24, at Leon Nixon's Catering on Highway 32 North of Edenton. "The Reiay for Life Event is being sponsored by the Rocky Hock Ruritan Ciub Reiay for Life Team with aii proceeds going to the American Cancer Society," said Ruritan Jack Evans. The team is aiso setting Barbecue Pork and Fried Chicken ptates for $6 a ptate. The ptate sate wit! run from 11 a.m. to t p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The auction wit) begin at 7 p.m. Shown with the quitt is Mary Louis Phetps, a member of the Rocky Hock Quitters, the makers of the quitt. ENI will establish regional office in Edenton; growth potential immense' BY HELEN K. OUTLAND Stc# Writer North Carolina's Northeast Partnership announced Wed nesday that Environmental Networks International (ENI), Inc. will establish a Southeast Regional Office at 305 South Broad Street in Edenton. A press release from the partner ship states that ENI, Inc. head quarters are presently located in Newton Center, Massachu setts a suburb of Boston. Com pany representatives say it is ENI's ultimate interest to es tablish Edenton as it's corpo rate headquarters. "I am truly delighted to wel come ENI to our community," said Bob Spivey, Chairman of the Northeast Partnership in an interview Wednesday morn ing. "I think it opens a new door of technology coming to the Northeast Commission in conjunction with some other commun ity organizations that we are excited to be a part of. We welcome ENI." Environmental Networks International develops soft ware tools that automate pro curement, bidding, and man agement process between buy Bob Spivey, Chairman of the Northeast Partnership, (third from right) congratuiates Tuiiy Ryan, EN! founder, (third from ieft) as ENi announces their commitment to Chowan County Wednesday morning. Chamber Director, Richard Bunch, ieft, stands next to Victor Briaban, Top !T Professionai with ENi. Right, Ray Denny and Biii Stevens, from the NC Department of Commerce, were on hand for the announcement. (Staff photo by Heien Kerr Outiand) ers and seller in order to re duce buyer/seller costs by up to 55%. "The opportunity for growth through our relocation to North Carolina is immense," said ENI's founder Tully Ryan. The company was initially founded in 1995 as a North Caro lina services company for sub contracting firms in the engi See GROWTH On Page 6 A Lake to take part in Preservation senes NC Supreme Court Chief Justice, the Honorable 1. Beverly Lake et .. and Mrs. Lake will visit Edenton June 1 to take part in the Elizabeth Vann Moore Series for Preser vation Studies, "Getting Ac quainted with the Past: The 1767 Chowan County Court house". Chief Justice Lake is particu larly interested in the restora tion of our courthouse. The 1767 Chowan County Courthouse is the only courthouse besides its own in Raleigh v. here the NC Supreme Court n ay convene. Chief Justice Lake and others hope that the courthouse, when the restoration is complete, may be used occasionally for MOA s/mres On Saturday, June 1, Edenton wilt be host to visitors throughout the region for the second Elizabeth Vann Moore Biennial Series for Preserva tion Studies, the topic of which is "Getting Acquainted with the Past: The 1767 Chowan County Courthouse". The pro gram itself, including presen tations by experts on the court house restoration and tours of the courthouse, will take place at the Edenton Baptist Church Fellowship Hail, 200 South Granville Street, Edenton. In anticipation of this event, the Museum of the Albemarle has graciously allowed the Edenton Historical Commis sion to borrow their exhibit about the courthouse. The su perb exhibit consists of a model of the courthouse, some old photographs and some arti facts, including an old snuff bottle discovered by the restor ers. The museum's exhibit will soon he placed at the Barker House for a short period of t ime. Piease be sure to visit the Barker House and view the exhibit. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Registration forms for the June 1 event may be obtained at the Barker House or the His toric Edenton Visitor Center. For more information, please call Elizabeth Porcher Jones, (252)426-3336. Chief Justice Lake portrait by John Becker Supreme Court hearings. On June 1, the courthouse wili be open for tours guided by Don Jordan, cabinetmaker of Edenton, who is currently working on the courthouse res toration. Also on the program See SERIES On Page 11 A Shooting being investigated The Chowan County* She riffs office is investigating a shooting that took place May 18. According to a press re lease from their office, a call was received by Chowan Cen tral Communications report ing that someone had been shot at 227 Tynch Town Road. Edenton. Deputies and Unit 3, Chowan County Rescue were dispatched. Upon arriving at the scene they discovered the victim. Robert M. Evans, 34. who had sustained an appar ent gunshot wound to the lower stomach and back. Evans was transported to Chowan Hospital by the Chowan County Rescue Squad and later transported to Pitt Memorial Hospital in Greenville by helicopter. Accordingto witnesses, the incident allegedly started at a gathering across the street. They told authorities that an argument there resulted in a fight. Afterward, the alleged suspect in the shooting, David Delorto, accompanied by Jeremy Cox, went over to Cox's travel trailer. Shortly thereafter Evans came into the Cox trailer and allegedly See SHOOTING Page tl A D%M Serutce A Memorial Day Service wiil be held next Monday morning, May27, the Chowan County Veter ans Memorial in Edenton. Master of ceremonies will be George Stokes. "Taps" will be performed at the be ginning and end of the ser vice by Tom Dyson, NC Co operative Extension Ser vice. Special music will be pro vided by Justin Smith, a se nior at John A. Holmes High School. * Guest speaker wiii be the Rev. Robert White, chaplain. * aerican Legion Post 40, on. yone is welcome and ged to attend. C/iora/e The Atbemar!e Chorate and the CoHege of the Atbemarte wit) present an Opera Showcase on June 2. The concert of favorite seiections from great operas wiii begin at 4 p.m. in the auditorium of John A. Hotmes High Schoot, North Broad Street, Edenton. An admission fee of $6 wiii go toward concert expenses. Advance tickets are avaiiabie at the COA Chowan Center information desk, the Chowan Arts Councii, and the Barker House in Edenton, the Newboid-White House in Hertford and from members of the Chorate. ____ _._'_:_ Graduation ceremony is May 31 State Superintendent of Schools Mike Ward will deliver the featured address on May 31 to more than 155 graduating seniors at John A. Holmes High School's commence ment ceremony, scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Ward is serving his second term as State Superintendent. Before his election to the post, Ward was executive director of the NC Standards Board for Public School Administration, superintendent of Granville County Schools, and North Carolina's Superintendent of the Year. Ward also has served as a principal and classroom teacher. He is a three-time graduate of NC State Univer sity. See GRAD On Page 6 A Rocky Hock Ruritan ^ Fried Chicken & Pork Barbecue Lunch & Dinner $6.00 Per Ptate FRiDAY, MAY 24"* ...."""-? 11 AM - 1 PM - Take Out Oniy 4 PM - 7 PM - Eat in or Take Out