Historic Edenton Pilgrimage 2003 For more information, call 1.800.775.0111, V-’Ai . . .YiXi ■ ^ Chowan team heads to world competition - again Edenton-Chowan Schools will send an Odyssey of the Mind team to world competi tion for the second year run ning. The Chowan Middle School team solving the problem, “A Scene From Above,” earned the chance to compete in the world competition by winning second place at the state com petition April 5. The team won a first-place award in regional competition earlier this year. The world competition will take place in Ames, Iowa from May 28 through May 31. The middle school team solving the problem, “Put A Spin On It,” took home a third place award from the state contest. A team from John A. Holmes High School also earned a third-place award. First and second-place win ners advance to world compe tition. Odyssey of the Mind is an international creative prob lem-solving competition. Each fall, OM publishes 5 new Chowan Middle School students hope to raise funds to compete in the Odyssey of the Mind world competition in Ames, Iowa. Shown: Liza Boehling, Danny Brusko, Chris topher Edmundson, Chris Lane, Nikki Mitchell, Colleen Potocki and Mary Strzyzewski, and coaches Mike Brusko and Marvin Strzyzewski (submitted photo). problems for teams to choose from. While the problems are different each year, they gener ally fall in one of 5 categories: Vehicle-building, Technical (contraptions), Balsa Wood Structures (that must support weight), The Classics (with themes based on history or the arts), and Performance (emphasis is on the creativity of the skit, the props and the presentation). Edenton-Chowan Schools is paying the registration fees and room and board for the student competitors for the event. The team is hoping to raise the ad ditional funds necessary for plane tickets and shipping their bulky props in the weeks re maining until the competition. Donations can be sent to Marvin Strzy-zewski, 937 Soundside Rd, Edenton, or to the Edenton-Chowan Schools Board of Education. Advancing to world competi tion are: Liza Boehling, Danny Brusko, Christopher Edmund son, Chris Lane, Nikki Mitchell, Colleen Potocki and Mary Strzyzewski. The team is coached by Mike Brusko and Marvin Strzyzewski. Woman faces murder charge By BEN DECK Cox NC Publications An Edenton woman was charged Tuesday morning with murder in the shotgun slaying of her ex-boyfriend - a man she says abused her for more than a decade. “I’m mad as hell that they’re going to charge me with mur der,” said 26-year-old Bridgette Roulac. “I feel like the police. weren’t here for me.” Bridgette and her brother, 21-year-old Leon Roulac, were both arrested, according to Greg Bonner, chief of the Edenton Police Department. Both are being held in connec tion with the death of 24-year old Lorenzo Keith Pulliam, who was killed early Friday morning. Bonner previously said he did not expect to seek charges against Bridgette. That plan changed, however, after Brid gette’s account of the shootihg was contradicted by other in formation. Bonner declined to go into any detail about the in consisten cies, citing a need to protect the ongoing in vestiga tion. Bridgette Roulac told her side of Pulliam the story Monday while standing in the the liv ing room of the trailer she rents at 106-B Reginald and Mary Ave. in Edenton, the room where she allegedly shot Pulliam. Alice Roulac, Brid gette's grandmother, said Pulliam had often threatened to kill Bridgette and her chil dren if she ever left him. At the time of his death, Pulliam was under a court or der to stay away from Roulac and he was facing two assault charges for incidents involv ing Roulac and a friend of hers. Large bloodstains still stain See MURDER On Page 3-A Community invited to dedication of River Walk EDENTON — On Sunday, April 27, at 2 o’clock in the after noon, you can be a part of a mo mentous event with the dedica tion of theJ.RobertHendrixPark and Cannon’s Ferry Heritage River Walk. According to Nancy Nicholls, executive director of the Chowan Tourism Development Authority “This development has taken place beginning with a coopera tive effort that began with the Heritage Development Council Identification Initiative in the fall of 1998. During this process, the Cannon’s Perry area and its rich herring industry was identified as a natural asset in Chowan County that needed to be pre served for our community” Nicholls explained that in May of 1999, a State Inter-Agency Council made up of representa tives from the State Historic Pres ervation Office, State Historic Sites, the Coastal Management Division of the Department of Dedication or the J. Robert Hendrix Park and Cannon s Ferry Heritage River Walk will take place this Sunday at 2 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to attend. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Nicholls, Chowan Tourism Development Authority) Environment and Natural Re sources, the North Carolina Di vision of Tourism, the Depart ment of Agriculture, North Caro lina Arts Council, and the North Carolina Extension Service vis ited Chowan County and toured all of the potential sites for devel Jones to receive NC Folk Heritage Award April 23 ' Artists who all help tell North Carolina’s unique story by working with their hands or Singing, playing, and sharing stories from their hearts will be honored at the North Caro lina Arts Council’s Folk Heri tage Awards Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m., at Stewart The atre on the NC State University campus. Grammy Award-win ding musician David Holt of Asheville will serve as master of ceremonies. Winners from Eastern North Carolina include wheel wright emmett Parker Jones of Tyner. “I was raised in my father’s Shop,” says Jones, a fourth gen eration wheelwright. His ear liest memories of working with his father began when he was about three years old and standing on a five-gallon cot Emmett Parker Jones tonseed bucket to reach the crank to the blower that fired his father’s forge. For more information about the awards, call communica tions manager Joe Newberry at (919) 733-2119 or e-mail ioe.newberrv(5)ncmail.net. opment. “While they were viewing the Cannon’s Ferry area,” Nicholls said, “Mr Robert Hendrix joined the group ancjgave them an over view of what had taken place on the shores of'the Chowan River many years back when it was a viable fishing site. At the end of that day the Inter-Agency Task Force presented recommenda tions at a public reception that was hosted at the Barker House. During this time, the potential of the Cannon’s Ferry site as a River Walk area where visitors could picnic, fish, paddle, and learn about the industry through pic tures and interpretation was highlighted.” Chowan County approached the Albemarle Resource Conser vation and Development Council with the concept of developing a public heritage riverwalk at the Cannon’s Ferry land owned by RobertHendrixinAngustof 2000. Hendrix granted Chowan County a long-term lease for this site and grants by the Albemarle Resource Conservation and De velopment Council, from Coastal Management and the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trails Program in 2001-2002 got the construction underway “The interpretive signage de picting the site’s herring indus try history was gathered by Gin ger Morelock, a regional folklor ist,” Nieholls said. “These inter views enabled Ms. Morelock to learn about life at Cannon’s Perry from neighbors, fishermen and former fishery workers. She also received the many photos that are displayed at the site today A do nation of a herring boat that was once used will also be on site in the near future for all to view.” “Make sure and either take Cannon’s Ferry Road to the River Walk or paddle over and enjoy this most spectacular view of the Chowan River,” she added. “It’s really something to see.” The Chowan County Board of Commissioners and The Chowan County Heritage Development Council Invite you to join them for the Dedication of the J. Robert Hendrix Park and Cannon's Ferry Heritage River Walk On Sunday, April 27, 2003 2:00 o'clock pm Light Refreshments will he Served On the Chowan River • 317 Cannon's Ferry Road Main Street forum held here Business owners and citizens joined town officials at a community forum designed to seek comments about the idea of Edenton becoming a Main Street community. Rodney Swink, state director (above), explains benefits of the program. (David Taylor photo) THE MEMBERS OF FIRST ASSEMBLY OF COD WTS' INVITE YOU TO THEIR RESURRECTION CELEBRATION! EASTER SUNDAY 10:30 AM FIRST ASSEMBLY NOT YOUR ORDINARtCHURCH! \ • CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP , 55 •LIVE WORSHIP BAND _•MULTI-CULTURAL EMPHASIS 1201 WEST QUEEN STREET • EDENTON, N< • 482-4789